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1、北京语言大学21秋汉语写作综合测试题库答案参考1. Have you visited the Science Museum? No, but I really wish I _ . Awill BhaveHave you visited the Science Museum?No, but I really wish I _ .AwillBhaveCdidDhadC2. 文章结构包括几组基本要素和概念处在同一层面上。( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:A3. 通俗即语言浅易明白,通畅顺口。它与人们日常的口语最为接近,有时给人的感觉就是未加任何修饰的口语直接进入文章。( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:

2、B4. What was the weather like yesterday? It was terrible. It rained so _ that people could _What was the weather like yesterday?It was terrible. It rained so _ that people could _ go out.A) hardly.hardB) hardly.hardlyC) hard.hardlyD) hard.hardChard作副词,表示“猛烈地”;hardly作副词,表示“几乎不”。5. 戏剧文学的文体特点包括( )。A.戏剧

3、冲突是戏剧文学的本质特征B.集中性和整一性是戏剧文学的美学原则C.台词和动作是戏剧文学的基本材料和外在形式D.押韵、对偶,讲究平仄参考答案:ABC6. Sally enjoys being with other people and likes parties. She is very_.Sally enjoys being with other people and likes parties. She is very_.A. shyB. politeC. sociable参考答案C7. 有关广告文案和文学异同的说法中,不正确的是( )。A.文学是人们自愿牺牲时间和精力来阅读的B.推翻性研究

4、C.广告具有劝服作用D.广告文案是一种阻碍激发文字参考答案:D8. PARISAn energy watchdog is alarmed about the threat to the environment from the soaring ePARISAn energy watchdog is alarmed about the threat to the environment from the soaring electricity needs of gadgets like MP3 players, mobile phones and flat screen TVs. In a re

5、port today, the Paris-based International Energy Agency estimates new electronic gadgets will triple their energy consumption by 2030 to 1 700 terawatt(太瓦)hours, the equivalent of todays home electricity consumption of the United States and Japan combined. The world would have to build around 200 ne

6、w nuclear power plants just to power all the TVs, IPods, PCs and other home electronics expected to be plugged in by 2030, when the global electric bill to power them will rise to $ 200 billion a year, the IEA said. Consumer electronics is the fastest growing area and its the area with the least amo

7、unt of policies in place to control energy efficiency, said Paul Waide, a senior policy analyst at the IEA. Electronic gadgets already account for about 15 percent of household electric consumption, a share that is rising rapidly as the number of these gadgets multiplies. Last year, the world spent

8、$80 billion on electricity to power all these household electronics, the IEA said. Most of the increase in consumer electronics will be in developing countries, where economic growth is fastest and ownership rates of gadgets is the lowest, Waide said. This will jeopardize efforts to increase energy

9、security and reduce the emission of greenhouse gases, blamed for global warming, the agency said. Existing technologies could cut down gadgets energy consumption by more than 30 percent at no cost or by more than 50 percent at a small cost, the IEA estimates, meaning total greenhouse gas emissions f

10、rom households electronic gadgets could be held stable at around 500 million tons of CO2 per year.The energy consumption of new electronic gadgets at present_.Ais nearly 1 700 terawatt hoursBis nearly 600 terawatt hoursCequals to the home electricity consumption of the United StatesDis greater than

11、the home electricity consumption of Japan正确答案:B从文章第二段可知,到2030年,这些电子产品消耗的能源将会是现在的三倍,达到1700terawatt(太瓦)hours,因此现在约为600太瓦时。9. Owning an automobile ( ) greater expense than he had expected.A. was resulted fromB. reOwning an automobile ( ) greater expense than he had expected.A. was resulted fromB. resul

12、ted inC. was caused byD. contributed to参考答案:B10. 1 like the new restaurant,_ Polly. A. so is B. also did C. so does1 like the new restaurant,_ Polly.A. so isB. also didC. so does参考答案C11. Aall the otherBall otherCallDanyAall the otherBall otherCallDany正确答案:C解析:all textiles 意为“所有织物种类”。12. a此报盘以我方书面接受为

13、准。 b此报盘以提前售出为准。 c此报盘以商品未售出为准。 d此报盘以贵方10日a此报盘以我方书面接受为准。b此报盘以提前售出为准。c此报盘以商品未售出为准。d此报盘以贵方10日之内回复为有效。e此报盘以样品确定后生效为准。f此报盘在5月1日以前为有效。g此报盘以我方最后确认为准。h此报盘以获得出口(进口)许可证为准。i此报盘以装第一艘轮船为准。j此报盘以你方答复到达我地为准。A$E$G$H$B$C$J$I$D$F13. If the amount _ that figure, payment by letter of credit will be Aexceed, required Bexc

14、eIf the amount _ that figure, payment by letter of credit will beAexceed, requiredBexceeds, requiredCexceed, requiringDexceeds, requiringB14. 悬念式导语是指这种方式的特点是激发读者的阅读兴趣,增强可读性。( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B15. Henrys job was to examine cars which crossed the frontier to make (21) that they were not smuggling (走私) anything into the country. Every evening, except at weekends , he (22) see a factory worker co21. A. known B. clear C. obvious D. sure22. A. would B. must C. might D. should23. A. had B. ought C. used D. wanted24. A. bicycle B. hill C. straw D. worker25. A. when B. before C.



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