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1、Pushing ahead, East, North, West development, facilitating shanty, complete xincheng West Road, stability and reconstruction of the street, Star Ding garden built century Garden District, subject public housing construction, heating the gas expansion accelerated implementation, Jing Rui River and br

2、idge style line solid shaft, further expanded the town development. Beautiful country adhere to the advance and typical for a group to lead. According to ecological lay based, and industry increased income, and live upgrade civilization, and culture rich connotation of thought, caught built beautifu

3、l village, and whole village advance, and easily relocation, and five modified three built, project near 30 a; depth into ecological, and industry, and culture, and tourism, elements, high standards caught party original city Liu, and jade are Xia AO, model village, in province City set has benchmar

4、k. Four is equal benefits to promote sharing, coordinated development of various social undertakings. In the case of rigid spending slowing revenue growth, increase, financial 75% to the peoples livelihood, the masses have more access in the sharing. Cuoban something good and benefit. Adhere to the

5、affordable, best, carefully cuoban village oil, water and heat, cultural, city and County columns practical, developments benefit families, bring more welfare to the masses. Development of social convenience. Acceptance of balanced development of compulsory education through the national assessment,

6、 the County vocational education center was named top School of vocational education in China, the third batch of national reform and development model through provincial . Five is to deepen reform and innovation to break bottlenecks and endogenous development of effective fire. As an engine of dyna

7、mism, adding reform key to adopting reform measures stress energy and break bottlenecks and promoting development. Pay close attention to the key areas of reform. Conscientiously implement the provincial deployment and cancel, adjustment, to undertake the administrative approval items according to R

8、egulation 347 to further improve administrative efficiency continuing deepening reform for poverty alleviation, speeding up rural land right registration certification pilot project, encouraging the orderly transfer of land management, utilize the land resources, in order to promote scale management

9、 laid the Foundation. Actively cultivate the market. Firmly establish a market-oriented, nurturing family farms, industrial users, professional cooperation organization new market management main body 456, effectively improve the industry, intensive and marketization of encouraging support social ca

10、pital into the small micro-credit, urban development, culture and tourism, public services and other areas, easing development shortfall. To promote mass innovation. To support the rural sector to use new thinking and new ideas, creative work incentives such as actively promoting financial intermedi

11、ation, bring added 159 in non public enterprises, individually-1540, created aGPS实习任务书 武汉大学测绘学院、 GPS实习任务书一、实习总要求:提高认识,严守规范,保证安全, 加强纪律,团结协作,听从指挥。二、组织机构、分组和相应职责:1、 全年级成立GPS集中实习队委会,由刘宗泉(队长)、魏二虎(副队长)和其他指导教师组成。其主要职责是:(1)总体负责实习队的全面工作和总体安排,随时了解和掌握学生的思想状况、业务情况及完成任务情况,保证顺利完成实习任务。(2)不定期召开队委会,讨论和研究实习期间出现的各种问题,


13、责是:(1)组长:负责本组的全面工作,工作计划的制定与任务的分工,时间的安排;搞好组内的团结和配合,保证组内的仪器和人身安全,并随时向指导教师汇报本组的工作等情况。(2)副组长:协助组长工作,保管好本组的仪器、器材及手簿等资料。每天出测和收测前后清查仪器及其它用具,并监督组内成员爱护和保养仪器。三、使用教材:GPS测绘(魏二虎、黄劲松编)四、实习地点:外业数据采集在武汉大学测绘校区内。内业在4号楼测绘学院学生计算机房。五、实习内容及时间安排:本次集中实习时间共二周。内容主要分GPS静态测量、GPSRTK和放样测量两大部分,详见下表:信息工程1-4班摄影测量与遥感1-4班主 要 内 容备 注6月

14、6日(16周周五)6月20日(18周周五)(1)下午14:30-14:45实习动员(2)14:45-18:00集中实习讲课讲课:魏二虎地点:三校区附2-4026月9日(周一)6月23日(周一)(1)1班静态测量选点、技术设计和外业观测(2)2班静态测量选点、技术设计等(3)3班GPS RTK和放样测量外业(4)4班GPS RTK和放样测量内业(熟悉软件等)各组独立进行6月10日(周二)6月24日(周二)(1)1班静态测量进行数据处理(2)2班静态测量外业观测(3)4班GPSRTK和放样测量外业(4)3班GPSRTK和放样测量内业各组独立进行6月11日-6月13日(周三至周五)6月25日-6月2

15、7日(周三至周五)(1)静态测量大组进行数据处理、平差计算和整理内业资料等(续)(3)3、4班GPSRTK和放样测量外内业(续)各组独立进行6月16日(周一)6月30日(周一)(1)3班静态测量选点、技术设计和外业观测(2)4班静态测量选点、技术设计等(3)1班GPSRTK和放样测量外业(4)2班GPSRTK和放样测量内业(熟悉软件等)各组独立进行6月17日(周二)7月1日(周二) (1)3班静态测量进行数据处理(2)4班静态测量外业观测(3)2班GPSRTK和放样测量外业(4)1班GPSRTK和放样测量内业各组独立进行6月18日-6月19日(周三至周四)7月2日-7月3日(周三至周四)(1)静态测量大组进行数据处理、平差计算和整理内业资料等(续)(2)1、2班GPSRTK和放样测量外内业(续)各组独立进行6月20日(周五)7月4日(周五)1、8:00上交实习报告和其它成果资料(在4号楼3楼空间大地测量研究所)2、8:30开始实习考试(面试形式)1、 以大组为单位上交2、 面试以班为单位每人轮流进行(地点待定)注:以


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