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1、- CHANGSHA UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY毕业设计论文题目:年产5000吨苹果醋工厂工艺设计学生:赖阳平*: 9班级: 生物工程1301班专业:生物工程2017 年 5 月. z.-年产5000吨苹果醋工厂工艺设计摘要果醋包含了水果和醋的优点,是集营养、保健、调味等为一体的新型饮品。据研究:果醋成效多样,风味独特,尤其是苹果醋,具有很高的价值。据记载:苹果性酸而味平,多汁解渴,有助于消化。苹果被发现拥有极高的营养价值,可以作为食疗的一种方法;苹果中富含多种营养物质,不仅能够满足人体饮食的安康需求,还带有美容养颜,降低血压的成效;苹果还能促进儿童的

2、成长,主要是丰富的纤维和微量元素起效,在四大水果苹果、葡萄、柑桔和香蕉中居于首位。综合考虑,比拟了四种制醋方式,采取果汁制醋法制醋会符合实际情况、可行性最高并且最大获益,优点如下:机械化程度高、成品卫生条件好、占用空间较小、质量稳定容易控制、酿造周期短、产量相对较高、劳动强度低、原料利用率高。关键词:苹果醋;果汁制醋;发酵;保健. z.-ADESIGNOFANANNUALPRODUCTIONOF5000TONSOFAPPLECIDERVINEGARFACTORYABSTRACTFruit vinegar contains the advantages of fruit and vinegar.

3、 It is a new type of beverage which bines nutrition, health care and flavoring. According to research: fruit vinegar has many different functions and unique flavors , especially apple vinegar, which is of high value. According to records: apples which helped digestion were sour and flat, juicy thirs

4、t quenching . Apple was found to have a high nutritional value, can be used as a therapeutic method; nutrient rich variety of apple, not only to meet the health needs of the human diet, with beauty, reduces blood pressure; Apples which can promote the growth of children,are rich of fiber and trace e

5、lements in the onset that are four fruits (apple, grape, orange and banana) in the first place.Considering the parison of four kinds of vinegar, juice vinegar will take legal system in line with the actual situation, the feasibility and the highest ma*imum benefit, has the advantages of high mechani

6、zation degree, finished good sanitary conditions, small space occupation, stable quality, easy to control the brewing cycle is short, relatively high yield, low labor intensity, utilization of raw material the high rate of.Key words: Apple vinegar; Fruit juice vinegar making;Fermentation;Health care

7、fanyi.youdao./translate. z.-目录1 绪论.11.1 研究背景.11.2 国外开展现状.32 生产工艺方案选择.32.1苹果醋的发酵机理.42.2 制取方案比拟. .42.2.1 固态发酵法.42.2.2 液态发酵法.42.2.3 果汁制醋.52.2.4 果酒制醋.52.3工艺流程.5 2.3.1 原料的预处理.5 2.3.2 灭菌处理.62.3.3 发酵准备.6 2.3.4 活化.6发酵.7调配.72.3.7 装罐及灭菌.73工程工艺计算.83.1 生产工艺流程示意图.8 3.2物料衡算.93.2.1 衡算原理 .93.2.2 计算准则.103.2.3 以100kg浓缩苹果汁为基准,对苹果醋的生产进展物料衡算.10 3.2.4 生产1t苹果醋所需要的原料.103.3.5 装罐后所需冷却水的用量.11生产能力的计算.12 3.3热量恒算.



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