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1、2022年考博英语-中国科学院考前模拟强化练习题(附答案详解)1. 单选题The news that the president had submitted his resignation caused a great( ).问题1选项A.sensationB.stimulationC.devotionD.deterioration【答案】A【解析】考查名词词义辨析。sensation “感觉,轰动”;stimulation “刺激”;devotion “奉献”;deterioration“恶化”。句意:总统递交辞呈的消息引起了巨大轰动。选项A符合句意。2. 单选题You could argu

2、e that many artists have become more( )happiness because modern times have seen so much misery.问题1选项A.confident inB.skeptical ofC.realistic aboutD.incapable of【答案】B【解析】考察形容词短语辨析。confident in “对有信心”;skeptical of “对怀疑”;realistic about “对现实”;incapable of “没有能力做”。句意:你可能会认为艺术家们越来越怀疑快乐了,因为现代社会经历了如此多的不幸。选项

3、B符合句意。3. 单选题The theory that business could operate totally without the aid of government has proved to be a ( ).问题1选项A.allusionB.seclusionC.illusionD.confusion【答案】C【解析】考察名词辨析。allusion “暗示”;seclusion “与世隔绝”;illusion “幻想;错觉”;confusion“混乱;困惑”。句意:认为商业运营能够完全脱离政府援助的这种观点是一种幻想。选项C符合句意。4. 不定项选择题While its wid

4、ely accepted that drinking too much is bad for you, conventional wisdomand the governments dietary guidelinessay that alcohol can be consumed in moderation. The US government defines that as one drink a day for women and two for men. This study, published in the BMJ on Tuesday, finds that drinking a

5、round these levels8 to 12 drinks a weekis associated with a few measures of cognitive decline that showed up on brain scans.Researchers brought 550 Londoners to Oxford and ran them through an MRI machine. But these werent just any Londonersthey were government employees who, about every five years s

6、ince 1985, had been filling out surveys about their health regimens, including how much alcohol they consumed. This enabled the researchers to look for relationships between the individuals drinking habits and what showed up on their brain scans.The researchers found that moderate drinking over thos

7、e 30-plus years was associated with degeneration and shrinking of the hippocampus, a region of the brain involved in memory and navigation, and degeneration of the brains white matter. Consuming one more alcoholic drink per week was associated with a 0.01 percent decrease in the size of the hippocam

8、pus. For comparison, aging one year is associated with a 0.02 percent decrease.The study only looked at a few hundred Londoners, mostly well-educated and middle-class, so it may not be representative of a wider population. Topiwala, a psychiatry professor at the University of Oxford, pointed out the

9、re might have been “selection bias” in the sampleindividuals had to get from London to Oxford in order to undergo the MRI scans and then spend an hour in a brain scanning machine and undergo other memory testswhich individuals who were alcohol dependent or had suffered brain damage from alcohol use

10、might be less likely to do.In an accompanying editorial, Killian Welch, a neuropsychiatrist at a hospital in Scotland, wrote that the study might change what we think constitutes a healthy level of drinking. “The findings strengthen the argument that drinking habits many regard as normal have advers

11、e consequences for health,” Welch wrote. This is important. We all use rationalizations to justify persistence with behaviors not in our long-term interest. With the publication of this paper, justification of moderate drinking on the grounds of brain health becomes a little harder.48. The US govern

12、ment would probably agree that _.49. The subjects of the research _.50. According to Paragraph 3, hippocampus _.51. The study is questioned, because _.52. What can we infer from Welchs commentary?53. This passage could be best titled _.问题1选项A.8 to 12 drinks a week is an acceptable levelB.dietary gui

13、delines should be modifiedC.moderate drinking can lead to brain damageD.the findings of the BMJ study have been confirmed问题2选项A.do not live in London permanentlyB.regularly reported their drinking habitsC.were skeptical of the MRI resultsD.believed in the negative effect of drinking on health问题3选项A.

14、coordinates brain functionsB.remains stable in size without drinkingC.gets smaller when people drink moreD.results in the shrinking of the white matter问题4选项A.the subjects are under stress when taking MRIB.the sampling process is not scientific enoughC.the memory tests are not from authoritative sour

15、cesD.the alcoholics are likely to suffer brain damage问题5选项A.A healthy level of drinking is important.B.Brain health will improve if drinking is only moderate.C.Even moderate drinking is harmful to health.D.The sales of alcohol will decrease after this publication.问题6选项A.Drinking Habits Should Be AbandonedB.Moderate Drinking Could Cause Brain DeclineC.Governmental Guidelines Should Be FollowedD.Aging Process Affects the Size of Hippocampus【答案】



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