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1、 Unit 5 First aid Grammar . 单词拼写1. In this way they can better_ (应用)theory to practice. 2. This kind of glass must be_ (对待)with care. 3. John had to be taken to hospital by_ (救护车). 4. Her health broke down under the_ (压力)of work. 5. He gave an example of_ (勇敢)and wisdom. 6. Their marriage_ (典礼)took

2、place in the church. 7. It is now_ (稳定地)established as one of the leading brands in the country. 8. This pair of trousers is too_ (紧的)for me. 9. The rise in inflation was just one_ (征兆)of the poor state of the economic. 10. Ive_ (倒)coffee into your cup by mistake. 答案:1. apply 2. treated 3. ambulance

3、 4. pressure 5. bravery 6. ceremony 7. firmly 8. tight 9. symptom 10. poured . 单句语法填空1. One reason is that people are_ (pour)into overcrowded cities in great numbers. 2. You should wear a shirt with long_ (sleeve)in case you get burnt in the sun. 3. The girl felt very nervous and grasped her mothers

4、 hand_ (tight). 4. Tom, as well as his classmates, was praised publicly for their_ (brave)action in time of danger. 5. He objected to_ (treat)like a child. 6. The theory should_ (apply)to practice, or it could just be something useless. 7. Under_ (press)from France, Germany has finally adjusted its

5、policies. 8. The fence posts were fixed_ (firm)in the ground. 答案:1. pouring 2. sleeves 3. tightly 4. bravery 5. being treated 6. be applied 7. pressure 8. firmly . 完成句子1. The doctor is skilled at_ _ _and never accepts any gift from his patients. 这位医生擅长治疗心脏病, 且从不接受病人的礼物。2. Does her absence_ _ _ to yo

6、ur work? 没有她会影响你的工作吗? 3. They_ _ _ _ _ the teacher came in. 他们正在说笑时老师突然进来了。4. _ _ _ _ _the 70th Anniversary of the victory of World WarVictory Day parade was very successful. 毫无疑问, 纪念第二次世界大战胜利七十周年阅兵是非常成功的。5. _ _ _ _ _ _ he was taken away last week. 上个星期, 他就是在办公室被带走的。答案:1. treating heart trouble2. ma

7、ke a difference 3. were talking and laughing when4. There is no doubt that5. It was in the office that IV. 语法填空阅读下面短文, 在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。With the 1. _(develop)of industry, air pollution is getting more and more serious. In Beijing, many people suffer 2. _(difference)kinds of illnesses because

8、 of air pollution. Air pollution is caused by many 3. _(reason). About half of the problem is caused by vehicles. There are more and more cars, buses on the roads, and they give off 4. _(poison)gases. 25% of air pollution is caused by factories. Another factor is the smokers. Smoking not only does h

9、arm to their health 5. _to others. Besides these, about 10% of air pollution is 6. _(cause)by other reasons. We should take some measures to fight 7. _pollution. New fuel can be used to take 8. _place of gas. We can plant more trees. Only when everybody realizes the 9. _(important)of environment and

10、 does something to stop pollution will the problem 10. _(solve). 【语篇概述】这篇文章主要告诉我们引起污染的原因和减少污染可采取的措施。1. 【解析】development。考查词性转换。空前为定冠词the, 故用名词形式。2. 【解析】different。考查词性转换。位于名词前作定语要用形容词形式。3. 【解析】reasons。考查名词单复数。从下文中我们可知导致空气污染的原因有很多, 故用名词复数形式。4. 【解析】poisonous。考查词性转换。名词gases应该用形容词形式来修饰。5. 【解析】but。考查句型。not

11、 only. . . but(also)不仅而且。6. 【解析】caused。考查动词语态。pollution与cause是动宾关系, 故用被动语态。7. 【解析】against。考查固定搭配。fight against为固定搭配, 意为“与斗争”。8. 【解析】the。考查固定搭配。take the place of为固定搭配, 意为“代替; 取代”。9. 【解析】importance。考查词性转换。定冠词the后应该用名词形式。10. 【解析】be solved。考查倒装。only+状语从句放在句首时, 该句用部分倒装。此处是一般将来时的被动语态。V阅读理解When I think abo

12、ut why I am inspired to give back, the easiest answer is that Im a father of three of privileged children. When you are fortunate enough to be able to raise your kids the way you want, its impossible to be conscious of the fact that there are a lot of kids who dont grow up in those circumstances. I

13、never stop thinking about that. I think its just in every parents DNA to try to brighten the lives of children in any way you can. As parents, our No. 1 responsibility is to raise healthy children. But youve also got to raise good people. And good people are not just consumers, they are givers. I am

14、 proud that my kids dont think of giving back as a chore(讨厌的事). They never say, “Oh God, mum and dad are making us do this again. ”They talk about service and wonder what they can do to help. It takes a concerted effort to imbue with that lesson. It doesnt just happen by osmosis(潜移默化). If you leave kids to their own devices, and to the materialistic images they see in pop culture, they may not get it. You have to set aside time each day, week or year to communicate the values you want your children to have. Make a Difference Day is a perfect opportunity for that. Its one of the greatest



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