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1、 华一寄宿学校初中招生英语、语文考试试卷(85分钟完卷)姓名: 龙文分校: 成绩: 卷首语:亲爱的同窗们,小学六年,你一定有诸多收获,让我们在此展示一下自己吧!请你做到书写工整,卷面整洁,它将以3分计入卷面总分。 英语测试题(分). 单选。(5分)( )1. anI got th mseum? nd w sall I ? A. ha; wich B. How; whih C.o; hat ( )The childre redae twins Thy usualy plath no eens A. i; n . o; n C. o;at ( )3May I drn cofe? Sorry, Io

2、nt e .A. a;ny . so; ome C. som;n ( )4.an I askyou abotyour hobb? A. e,yo can.B.Thts riht. C Sure. ( )Te a owl of rice nd thee on te tale.A. re; tomato B is; tatoes C.s;tomats . 找出句中错误的选项,把序号写在括号内,并改正在横线上。(5分)( )1.eter wll get off e bus at he sixsto. A B C( )Is Sm isn tomsc inhis edroom now? A B C( )

3、.Wich istal,aelephat a lio? B C( )4.y faher plyd cess thhe yesterdy A B C( )5.he dosnt pins o Mons. A B C完形填空。(10分) Imisa. imy rooLoo!Te foor is brn. Thewll whit. i thisn the al? ts a mp China. What are those? re kits I an tewrd, KI-,it. Whats ha on the be?Its a tey ber. s a pesent m faer. ths s des

4、k. heebooks n ease on thedesk. ( )1 A.This B Tha CTese ( ). Where Wh . Who ( )3 A. on B.in C. of ( )4. A. Thyre B.Is C Ty ( )5 A. tel B. tal C. spel ()A. lvly B. lve C k ( )7. A.to B. o . from ( )8A Thn B. And C. Aftr th ( )9. A. an B. a C/ ( )10A. ar C s . 阅读理解。(分) s ike Clever? Mike i nne yes od h

5、isye.H is in Grade The He dontwork hard scol is tea dosnt like him. Bt thinks heis heclere tuden n hs las. And he think hs maths is d. On a Saturda aftrnon, ke goshome. e ee very hungry. o he sas hi mhe,“m, Im ver gry. CnI haeomhing to eat?” “Super i notready n, but heeare o naason he pla. uan eatte

6、m fst.”When esees th wobaas,ik says,“Mum, I hvethebaaano Lok, this is he irst o. Ths isteeco one.On dwos thee I m very lee.”“Y, youre ry cleve,”saysh mther.“Nv e the first ba,your a wileat the scod e And ouet third ne.”一、读短文,判断正(T)误(F)。 ( )Me thinkse isgoodatmath. ()2. uayafternoo,he Mike goes me,he

7、 el hunry. ( )3.ike is really clever.二、读短文,回答问题。 1.Why doesn ks teacher ke hm? 2Can Mike et the th ana? . 请以“My School Day”为题,写一篇英语小作文。(分)规定:1.条理清晰,语句通顺,书写清晰、规范; 2.在50个单词左右。 语文测试(7分)一、按规定写字、词、句。(36分)1、在拼音下面写出中文,注意写得匀称、美观。(4分)hi pi f jng h hc ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )hng n in hu y hn( ) ( ) ( ) ( )2、按查字典的规定填空(

8、5分) “鼎”字共( )画,用音序查字法应先查( );用部首查字法,应先查( )部,再查( )画。姓氏“蒋刘陈周”四个字用音序查字法查字典,分别应查音序( )( )( )( ),用部首查字法查字典,分别应查部首( )( )( )( ),按照笔画,由少到多排列为( )( )( )( )。 “凹”字共( )画,第二笔是( );闻字的形旁是( ),声旁是( ) 。3、辨字组词并按规定写出近义词、反义词(2分)优( )近义词( ) 躁( ) 反义词( )忧( )近义词 ( ) 燥( ) 反义词( )4、解释带点词语的意思(分)举头望明月( )万里长城举世闻名( )举例子( ) 人们推举王明任班长( )白川归大海( ) 何时复西归( )亡羊补牢( ) 狐假虎威( )、填关联词,(2.5分) 许多动物能到很远的地方去,还能认路回家。燕子认路回家的本领很大,( )只能飞回本来的地方,( )把它们的巢移动几米,( )放在显而易见的地方,它们( )找不到,( )在本来的地方筑起新巢。6、句子(1分)1) 这样气魄宏伟的工程,在世界史上一种伟大的奇迹。改为反问句_


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