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1、Unit 2 Colour一 导入模块教师把事先准备好的颜色卡片举着手里,如blue, green ,red等,每展示一种 ,可以向学生提问有一些问题,让学生用自己的话来描述这些颜色的感受。二 导学模块【揭示目标】:1.理解全文,试着用一些关键的词来描述各种颜色,并且完成相关练习。2.理解文章中的语法知识点。【自主学习】:1.听 录音,学生自己阅读,完成课后练习2.语法知识点1.remind sb. of sth. 使某人回想起 e.g. The song reminded me of my hometown. remind sb (not) to do sth.提醒某人(不)做某事 Remi

2、nd me _(answer) the letter. This film reminds that we should protect our earth. 2. cheerup 使某人振奋 e.g. Cheep up ! The news isnt bad. He took her to the party to cheer her up. 3. make sb. do sth. They made her _(wait) for a long time yesterday. be made to do sth. I _(make) to write a composition by th

3、e teacher. make+ adj. e.g. Eating the bad apple made him ill. 4.relaxed adj. e.g. He was lying in the sun, looking very relaxed. relax v. e.g. He is too nervous to _(relax). The music will help you _(relax). Listening to the_ music can make you much _(relax). 5.prefer (not) to do sth. I prefer to wa

4、lk there. At that moment they preferred not to talk about this question. prefer + n. / pron. e.g. - Which do you prefer,rice or noodles ? - I prefer rice. prefer to(介词) 三 导学模块一.选择合适的短语完成句子。feel relaxed, is good for, feel stressed, prefer to, would ratherthanremindof, the colour of wisdom, have diffi

5、culty with1. When you come into a blue room, you will_.2. People living in cold climate_use warm colours in their homes.3. Youd better wear white clothes if you_.4. Eating vegetables and fruit_our health.5. The colour yellow can_us_ a warm and sunny day.6. I_wear jeans_school uniforms.7. Ask your te

6、acher for help if you_your homework.8. Do you think that yellow is_?二.根据汉语完成句子。1. 你知道颜色能影响我们的情绪吗?Do you know that colours can_?2. 我时常感到压抑和生气。I_from time to time.3. 我妈妈在我悲伤的时候总能让我振作起来。My mother can always_when I_.4. 我爱绿色,因为它代表了新的生命和成长。I love green because it represents_.5. 不同的颜色能带给人们不同的感受。_can bring

7、people_.6.穿蓝色的衣服对我们有好处,因为它能营造一种和谐的感觉。_because it creates_.7. 住在寒冷气候里的人们更愿使用暖色调以带给他们的家庭一种温暖舒适的感觉。People living in cold climates_in their homes to create a warm and _.8. 黄色能够使你想起温暖晴朗的一天。Yellow can_a warm, sunny day.9. 任何感到疲劳或虚弱的人应该穿使他精神抖擞的颜色。 Anyone who_should wear energetic colours.Unit 2 ColourVocab

8、ulary一 导入模块教师说:Antonyms are words that have the opposite meanings of each other. We have already learnt a lot of such words. 让学生说说我们学过的一些的相反的单词二 导学模块【揭示目标】:1.理解什么是同义词2.学习和记忆有关同义词【自主学习】:1.预习生词,试着完成书中30页的A部分。2.学生自己完成完成B部分练习【合作交流】:完成下列练习1. Please write the opposites of the following adjectives quicklyb

9、lack _ right_common _ sure_dangerous_ true_lucky _ polite _powerful _ warm_三 导学模块一、请根据空格后的中文提示、英文释义或句意,写出句中所缺单词,使句子通顺。 1. Have you _ (got to know ) the importance of protecting theenvironment? 2. He didnt pass the exam and was punished by his father, so he felt _(sad). 3. A good father often _ (affe

10、cts) his childrens growth. 4. He looks _ (calm), because he has just listened to some light music. 5. The colour red represents strong feelings. It can make you feel _ (strong).二,单项选择。( ) 1.I _ you happiness every day in your new flat.Thanks a lot.A. hope B. wish C. want D. think( ) 2.She said she w

11、ould rather _ than _ Yes, I think so. Staying at home on such hot weather is too boring. A. stay at home; go swimming B. to stay at home; to go swimming C. go swimming; stay at home D. to go swimming; to stay at home( ) 3.Would you like to drink, tea or coffee?I prefer coffee _ milk. A. to B. with C. in D. for( ) 4.Why did Toms become so red?Because he _ his great mistake and the others were angry with him.A. affected B. realized C. knows D. makes( ) 5.Blue looks good _ you.Thank you. But I look better _ pink.A. on; on B. in; in C. on; in



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