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1、英语八年级下新目标第一次月考初二英语试题(Unit1-4)一、 句型转换:(1分/空;共16分)1.I usually come to school by bike.(划线提问)_ _ you usually come to school?2.Tom often watches TV on Sunday.(一般问句)_ Tom often _TV on Sunday? 3.Theyre cleaning the windows.(划线提问) _ are they _?4.Were goingto have some classes next week.(否定) Were _going to h

2、ave _classes next weeks.5.Jim is taller than any other boy of our class. =Jim is _ _ boy in our class .6.Why dont you make it earlier ? =Why _ _ it earlier ?7.Tom runs fast .Peter runs faster . = Tom runs _ _ Peter.8.She usually go to school on foot . = She usually _ _ school.二、释义选择:(9分)9.He is free

3、 tomorrow night . ( )A. is not busy B. no time C. at home D. in10.Come and meet my family. ( )A. welcome B. watch C. see D. stay11.I have to clean the floor. ( )A. may B. must C. might D. can12.“What day is it tomorrow?”( )“Its zhong qiu jie. ” A. Monday B. Sunday C. Mid-Autumn Day D. July 25.( )13.

4、Id like you to meet my parents. A.father and mother B. father C. mother D. brothers( )14.Jim is short for James. A. 短的 B. 简称 C. 叫做 D. 称呼( )15.You must come on time tomorrow. A同时 B. 在时间上. C. 及时 D. 按时( )16.Excuse me. Can I know your given name? A.全名 B姓名 C. 名字 D.姓( )17.He is asking his friends to help

5、him think of a name. A.问 B.请求 C建议 D想 三.语法、词汇选择:(18分)( )18.Thank you for _English fun . A. making B. making C. makes D. to make( )19.Miss Zhou asked me _ her a call. A. give B. giving C. to give D. gave( )20.This jacket is different _ that one. A. for B. from C. about D. with( )21.Best wishes _ Teach

6、ersDay. A. for B. to C. about D. with( )22.Look! The boys _ games over there. A.playing B.is playing C.play D.are playing( )23.Where are they going _ a field trip ? A.to B. for C. with D.about( )24.Let me _ you to clean the room now. A. helping B. to help C. help D. helps ( )25.He starts to help her

7、 to carry the box ,but trips _ his shoes.A. to B. over C. on D.with( )26.Is she going to _ the game tomorrow. A. see B. look out C. look at D. watch ( )27.It is _ better than staying at home. A. little B. more C. many D. much( )28.Which coat is _ , this one or that one ? A.best B. better C. good D.w

8、ell( )29.Everyone in our class _ playing football. A. likes B. like C. is like D.is liking( )30.He can hear birds _. A. to sing B.singing C. sings D.sang( )31.I think the ones with nuts are _ of all. A.nice B. nicer C. the nicest D.nicest( )32.We eat mooncakes _ Mid-Autumn Day. A.in B.at C. on D. of

9、( )33.It works faster and _. A. well B. good C. better D. best( )34.Its time _ the meeting. A. to B. with C. for D. from( )35.They are going to work on the farm _the morning of October 10. A.in B.on C. at D.for 四阅读能力训练选择(完形填空):(20分)A) Phillip Crow 36 to play football.He often plays football 37 schoo

10、l with his friends.His friends 38 him WeiYangping. Sandy likes to play basketball. She is teaching her friends how 39 it .They call her SunXimei. Han Mei is very good 40 the computer .She likes to use it 41 pictures,and email her friends. She is 42 her American friend Lucy right now.She uses English

11、 to write 43 e-mails. She also uses her English name, Li LinTao is good at 44 pictures,but he never uses the computer to draw.He likes to write his English name 45 the picture.He is writing the name Paul. 答案字母题号ABCD36likes likelikingto like37ofafterwithon 38teachcallscallnamed39playsplaying playto p

12、lay40in on at to41to drawdrawingis drawingdraw42emailemailingto emailemails43hisherhersshe44drawingdrawsdrawto draw45withofonfromB)John agrees 46 Jiwei.Johns family lives 47 a farm,too.They grow corn and wheat .He thinks their corn is the 48 delicious. He often sits and listen 49 the animals.John also likes the country 50 than the city.On his farm,there is a small lake. John often goes 51 there in summer ,and 52 there 53 winter.John likes to play with his dog ody .Cody is


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