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1、it 1TextcoprehnsionI BII. TFFTIII.OmitteV. 1. .Bitain has beein to long priod ftilless ithout tai any prtcaacion aainst the enmy!. . w are sure to exprien both Tiumh adDisasr, and e mus trat hem ash samthin tingdifferent appearanceecause tey are essntially ntercaneble3. . nvergive nunle we a ovince

2、thatitis hnorblend sensible or us to do s.4. Othe natiosthouhttht Briain wa copetely conuered.5 . eilwin along as wehol on tot enVocablarexrss.1glddn y hear; 2siuain, circumstanes; 3. trt;4.splenid, heroc; 5.sudd smll movement becauseof a or ferI.u. hrough; 2.ddre imsef o; 3. wa going though; 4.hrow

3、n r ind back to.yielde to; . lose our accout;7. ups and downs; 8 MifornesIII. catastrophically; 2 decepv; 3. concin; 4.ppntly; .Persevernc; 6. eserin; 7 nflnchily;8. ourgusIV.CDAD ACA.1.threat (danger); 2. ppy (succesful); positn;4.seemingly; 5efea (faile);6 retea (shrink, wihrw); 7. praie (cmmend,l

4、aud); DesryVI1.currren; 2. shown;3 frequenl; 4 depssed;5. tr harder; . aks inGramaI.1.The school techesshorthnd,bokkeep ndthe use of busies machines.2. The snence i difclt t unrstand not becaue of hetchnical vocabulybu because hefaultysyax. Mncoul t didwhethet strt colleeriht afterhigsoolr togeta jo

5、b frs.The lliesdcided oinvad Itly an then to launch amasive ssat nhe ormand os.5.Te ctor wstund no only by th nise of bng but alobytheigt of flying tatos.6. Smoing cigarettes an be dagerousa lyng Rusn rulette7. Te tip to tecity snitelong nor xpensive.8. Yu ust eithe sayhom or g with u9. Tecourse con

6、sits of evral lectues, hee writtn eports, ad to imrmt oral presentation.10. he eqirementsfor a chemistrydgre arenots rict as th rquirements/those or amedca dgee.I1.Hedi Rosswasbh rich a powerul.2 Mo f th floggigsan lynchngs curat harvet ime, when fruit ngs heav and ripe,whn he leae are red and ld, w

7、hen nutfllfro the tree,whnthe eartoffr its et.3.Ihave oing to ofer but blod, toil, ears ad sweat.4. Black eoe i Americhve eenglecten unerstmated fr years,but teireen accomplishment ia varet f filhae ma “ack pwe” realadackprde osie.5. New tdet will regiter on Monday; second-yartudents wil rgster on T

8、uesday, an seni stetswll egstr o Wednsd. The ctor taught is studnts owto rad,how to stad, how to cry and how o talkwithfans.We cannote wrried aout or teried of te difficulies i life.8. The factoryworkers w redy, abe, an deteined to d agre o.II.BDCC CABIV1. Seretaieonot wantwr bt the regiti of the bi

9、lities o hlmanagement to gt mone at less cst, thus ntibtingto poftblity. heyoul, therfoe, lik t b recnized pofeona worers2 In eieval times itlliget men frquntlybeam pris Theydid o to giilenil posions, fo, in ste fhenumro ishps fromroyalfamils, the Church wa deocrtic insitutoni whicability old make t

10、sway3. I mss th open fireo that mot hses have central hating. Centalhatnproies wmh bt i dos prvide a fcaoi n a oom, which epresse e.Vhaerun/aben runnng; began; hstaken; takes; urned;as; bcae;cemed; left/wer leaving; havnver seenTraaionI1. 但我们必须学会同样善于应付短暂而干脆与漫长而艰难的局面。.人们普遍觉得英国人最后总是会胜出的。3其她国家觉得英国输得一无所

11、有了。4. 一年前,我们孤军作战,许多国家都觉得我们被彻底打败了。II.1. I had arrane fo het me eah other t the pb buttheyong an never urne up.2.You canottllmerely rm appeaanewherhngs wil turn out unfvouabl to usorn.hesler, who sood inte gapin eybatle, indhehih oor of otry.4. Theairmansoke sfocefuy ta the rest of th comittee ielded

12、to his onn. Tey arewel-to- now, u alghewy the hd teir ups and ds. Ther are twoquetsowhiI wil ddesyslf inthislee. e ae anig big Chista art in you hnor.Harng that tunerew mndbckomycidhoodII.她们告诉我们,我们很弱小,无法对付如此强大的敌人。但是,我们什么时候才干强大某些呢?是下个星期吗?是来年吗?是我们完全被解除武装之时吗?踌躇不决、无所作为就能使我们积聚力量吗?难道只有仰面而卧、心存幻想,直至让敌人捆住我们的手脚,我们才干找到有效的抵御措施吗?先生们,如果我们合适地运用造物主赋予我们的力量,我们就不弱小。我们拥有300万为争取神圣自由而武装起来的人民,我们拥有这样的国家,这是敌人也许差遣来的任何军队都无法战胜的。战争的胜利不仅仅属于强者,胜利还属于警惕的人、积极的人、无畏的人。先生们,我们已别无选择。虽然我们卑躬屈膝,指望从战争中脱身,也为时已晚。除了屈服,沦为奴隶,我们没有退路!战争已迫在眉睫让它到来吧!先生们,请容许我



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