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1、微笑的力量英语演讲稿微笑的力量英语演讲稿(1)Smile, and smetimes can be a life t retain pwer.T retain the life f laughter, tells the stry f a place in the true stry f the war years, in the stry, a huge smile t shw her magic.War, a number f German sldiers fund guilty f a terrible mistake had been clsed t general, includin

2、g ne sldier in particular wuld like t g ut alive, but this pssibility is t remte. He was infrmed f his life in the death f the ultimatum had been issued - and three mnths wuld be sht, s he des nt pin any hpe n the survival f the. Tw weeks later, he calmed dwn. He visited every day t face the smiling

3、 general, the generals began t ignre him, then, he has a little gdwill, and began t talk t him . . three mnths after the date n the blink f an eye later, sht By the time this is a very strange sht: General cite sht n the left hand, right hand t give back t the team that can be a cntinuatin f the war

4、. His turn, he clsed his eyes, waiting fr death t cme, this time, his generals t see, he slwly raised his right hand . .This is the life-saving frce, which is hard t imagine the magic! Every day t a general aplgy t smile, even frm its wn bttm line back t the riginal pint f death, this nt the great p

5、wer f a smile?If we are able t smile in the face f every persn and every thing, the success r failure f hnr in the face with a smile, a smile in the face f all with a smile f genuine spiritual insights better life, it wuld be very happy and well-being.Jan-muth, will be able t draw a beautiful arc, w

6、hich is hw simple things! Hwever, we d every day t add a smile t my sul? Did nt - did nt test test, simply Pguanpshuai; jb search is unsuccessful, they feel depressed; t buy lttery tickets with the first prize was nly a figure n the stmp beat their chests . .Strictly speaking, these trivial little t

7、! But smetimes we d these things t wrry all day, affecting many f the stem.Smile is a frce used t be a smile, a smile used t the things peple will nt be led by the nse, facial epressin is nt just a smile r a state f mind, it shuld be a smile frm the heart. The stry f the sldiers that if nly the blun

8、t epressin, that the general will be mre than just a pleasing.S smile is a psitive state f mind, yu have a smile n ther peple, ther peple will als answer yur smile.Smile is in the hearts f the Yi Shuguang, the hearts f bright, full f hpe.Smile is embedded in the heart f lve, the magic f lve.In the f

9、ace f yur life with a smile! We find that the wrld is s beautiful.微笑的力量英语演讲稿(2)Gd evening, ladies and gentlemenIm very glad t be here fr this Engntest.first f all,please let me intrduce myself.My namee frm Taiyuan,Shani prvince ,which with many famus histric and cultural sites.Welcme everyne t visit

10、 my beautiful hmetwn.Im a very utging and friendly by wh have l ts f hbbies like basketball especially t make friends with everyne.My tdays speech tpic is “The pwer f smile”A smile has many many means:pleasure,welcme,happiness,and mre, And its part f an universal bdy language that desnt need any etr

11、a interpretatin. Smile is a very simple and easy thing t d.As ereryne knws,butterfly effect is that a small butterfly shake its wings,then even lead t a terrible trnad in Pacific .The smile is all the same,nt nly make yu mre cnfident,but als affect yur friends,parents,and the peple wh arund yu t smi

12、le all the time.There are many kinds f smileA smile is a light in the windw fatter hw difficult the life is, please keep smileSmile is the mst pwerful frce in the wrld Smile is a windw f yur sul.A lvely smile have the pwer t heal brken relatinships and unite distant suls.A smile may nt nly mean a smile,it may mean lve and trust.S tell yurself that keep smile everyday and everyne yu meet.Remember t smile, and happy life yull get, I believe!As a mtte said that smiles-a-lt girl never get t clse t misfrtuneFinally.Give me a smile!Give yur smile t the whle wrld !Thank yu very much!


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