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1、征询信一、文体概述征询信是写信人对某方面的信息感爱好,但愿理解具体信息的信件。一般涉及三部分内容:1.阐明自己的筹划或目的,也就是询问信息的因素。2. 征询具体信息。3. 期待答复并表达感谢。二、写作模版Dear _,I am_(自我简介). I am writingt ee if iis possible f yout proide me withinformati rgarding _ (要征询的内容).Fof all, _ (要征询的问题一)? Secondly, _ (要征询的问题二)? Tirdly,_(要征询的问题三)?Iwou also likeoiquir _ (将最重要的问题

2、单独成段)Could you e okind aso send m se relvn booklet onhe aboe-menione pecs?Tank yo r yur kndness, an yr promatteton tths letter wll be highy apcate.Your increly,Li Hua三、必备词汇、语块1.askforhelp谋求协助 2 provide sb. with sth.向某人提供某物3. to sart with一方面 4 look fwad to盼望着.urthe frmatio更多的信息 . round the orner即将到来.

3、hge sb.o为向某人收取费用 b rateful r为而表达感谢之情 9 e importantto对来说很重要 10 postbc寄回.be inteestedn/teinrest in对感爱好12ake par in/participe in参与. mke u on mind td t决心要做某事1. i the hpe of/at但愿15. shrobe in lac/em of缺少/缺少。四、必备句型【开头】身份、信息来源&写作目的1. I who. haveeen uraderisemen and am keent in ordtiled nfrmin.2. I am.ho. I

4、 hveseen ouradvrtisent and riting toenqure inqur om detl iforationconeing t following apet.3. am.ho I hae en r dvertisement and I m writng to seeif itspossile or y to proid me wthinformation regardng4. I a writng o e iit is posle foryo t prid me wthomaton regrig / concernin我写信是想懂得您能否给我提供有关的信息。.Iam w

5、riting tsk yu som rlevat uetins.我写信向你询问某些有关的问题。6. I woder/ woneing i you coud/would et me kow somethin abot.不懂得你与否可以告知有关的状况。【中段】询问具体信息1 I woulbe mostgaefl iu couldsend meinrmatin regaingcncrnn如果能给我提供方面的信息我将不胜感谢。2 Would yo be s kis to tell m?您能告诉我吗?3. Idlike t aqire l h ifmt elaive .我想获得有关的所有信息。4. am

6、 .I wndr i you cold pvide ome secic infomat abut.我是我想懂得你与否能提供某些有关的具体信息。Id likto ksomethingabu./ I wouldlso like to nquie.我想懂得有关的某些事情。我还想征询6. Anoter oint a not cerain about .我还不拟定的此外一点是7. Id so ike some hl/inforation on.我还想要某些有关的协助/信息。8. Bsid, is theeanytin tht I shold paspecial ttetioo?此外,有无我要特别注意的事

7、情?9 I wod lit kn 10. CuldWould you pee l me 1. Couldoexplainexcl 12. ol be y neested t know.13. oalo like t enqire/inuir 14.I lso wonder15. ould o be o ind as o llme?6. Whats the start date? / We ilthe ousest?17. Howsthe ss siz? / I wih te ld ot e oo may students n a clas.1. Ho may hours pe wek? / H

8、owmalss hoursre ter preek?.Hw uchise cours? / Hw muc do Ieed o pay r cuse?0. Wa rhpsof accommoatn? / Woul there be hotfaily o uersy dormitry?【尾段】盼复道谢1. I am ookigrwardo yr eit response.期待您及时答复。2.I wold aprecite iti u col ely me at our ealetconveience. Thank yu or your ttenton.3. Iwould beerygraeul i

9、youn snd me eply assoo as ossile. Loking frwa to haingfroyou soon4.Thnk u foryou kidnes, ad yorromptepy to this letrwil be highly appeiat.感谢你的善意,对于你对这封信的及时关注我们将非常感谢。5. Yur atntion t thi letter wuldbehily ppeciatd a looki frwad to a favoralerepl a youreariest onveec.新课标全国I卷 假定你是李华,筹划暑假间去英国学习英语,为期六周。下

10、面的广告引起了你的注意,请给该校写封信,询问有关状况(箭头所指内容)参照词汇:住宿-accodatio【参照范文】Der Si Madam,I am stdentin China andplan to go ortain to atnd a summercool during the cain. Ie seyur ad, and Id lke to kw sothg oe abouyour si-eek Englscurse.Firstwhen ilth co start and howma ls hursar hre r wee? Besids,I ish thee wod nt be to

11、omy nt in a css. Idals ikt know how mc Ihave o pay for thecours and whther acomoaions icluded Wud tre be hstamily o uiverdormitr?I looin forward to our erlyreply.Yoursfaihfully,ua【参照范文2】Dea iraa,Iam a tudet n China andIpn to g to Britn to teda smerscoduringthe vcatio am rtin to se if it s osible oro

12、u to providme witifraion rgardin our six-kEnglhouse(点出要询问的内容)T begi wi(引出要询问的问题), ud youbso n as o tell me he the corse wll statand homnylasshours ar there r wee? Als,whaabuh cass iz? Ish her old be fwer sns in las,inwhich case stuens an get moe aention. Aditonly, I alo lik to know hw mc I have to pay r the cose anweter acomodin is inluded.Also, woderif the



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