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1、 Social life should not be separate from busi nesslife. Social re I at io ns contribute to the success of a business by fostering a warm friendship and developing goodwill between the company and its public: The occasions that call for social business letters are many. All such letters must sound si

2、ncere, and should avoid any hint of a sales pitch. 1) Four prin ciples: prompt, sin cere, concise, direct 2) Give attention to your relationship to the person whom you are writing, and adjust the tone of your message accordingly.: 3) Consider the circumstances of the occasion that prompts you to wri

3、te, and limit your comments accordingly.: 4) Choose the most appropriate stationery. 1 Letters of Thanks 感谢信 2. Letters of Congratulations 祝贺信 3. Letters of Sympathy/Condolence 慰问/吊 唁信: 4. Letters of Seasonal Greetings 节丨 I 问候信 5. Invitations邀请信/请柬1 Lexers of Thanks Content: 1) Expressing appreciati

4、on 农达感谢 I am writing to thank you for . Thank you very much for . Please accept my sincere appreciation for.2) Describing feelings 具体感受 I enjoyed the short stay at your home which is both delightful and memorable Our trip to Canada was very much enhaneed by your kind arrangements and hospitality : T

5、he clock you presented to me will serve as a daily reminder of your hospitality during our stay, as well as of the triendship between us. 3) Expressing Good Wishes and Reciprocation良好祝愿,期望回报: I look forward to the chance to reciprocate your kindness when you come to Beijing next time Our best wishes

6、 and warmest regardsCommonly Used Sentences in Letters of Thanks: 1) Thankyou for opening a new account with Bank of South America. It is a pleasure to serve you, and we look forward to a long and cordial relationship (: 2) I am writing to you person ally just to say how / very much I appreciate the

7、 warm welcome you extended to our Mr. Wu Yong when he visited your town last week.: 3) This is just a note to say Thank you for your support over the past year and to tell you how much we appreciate having you for a customer.: 4) I am particularly grateful to you for having taken time out of your bu

8、sy schedules to meet me. )to send me such a5) It was thoughtful of you wonderful gift. 6) I wish to thank you mostly for the many courtesies extended to me during my brief visit to London. 7) Many thanks for your most useful letter of March 14 and the material sent to me separately. All the material

9、 will be in valuable to me in preparing my book. 8) This is to thank you once again for so kindly making your plant available to our team of visiting engineers. I know they were very impressed with your works, as well as by the hospitality shown to them. 9) My wife and I wish to thank you and your h

10、usband for the delightful evening at your home. It was most kind of you to ask us and we enjoyed every minute of it.: 10) May I thank you most heartily on behalf of my Board of Directors, for your good wishes on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of our company? 11)1 sincerely appreciate your warm

11、congratulatory message on the completion of our new port facility 12) Thank you very much for the sympathy and kindness and your kind offer of help2 Letters of Congratulations Content: 1) Happiness at the news 高兴心情 I was delighted to hear that . I was very pleased to tearn that . It was in deed grat

12、if ying to receive the news that. It was a great pleasure to hear of . I was overjoyed to learn that .:- I would like to extend my warmest congratulations to you.: My colleagues join me in sending you our warmest con gratulati ons.: Please accept our heartfelt congratulations on you. We believe that

13、 your advancement properly reflects the quality and diligenee that has characterized your work in every area.: I know that your enthusiasm and experience in your work are the very qualities that are needed for this important position.: 3) Expressing good wishes for the future 未来 祝愿 I wish you every

14、success in your future career. Best wishes for your continued success We look forward to an even closer association 泊 the future.:- It is hoped that the relati on ship betwee n our two firms can be further expanded Our very best wishes for continued success in your new position.:- May your success b

15、e continued and look forward to closer cooperation between us. 4) It is delighted news for me to leam that you have bee n appoi nted Chairma n of the In dustrial and Commercial Association.:- 5) Please accept my warmest congratulations on this tenth anniversary of the founding of your busi ness 6) It came as no surprise to me to leam that you had been awarded the Outstanding Entrepreneur for the year for your excellent work in the field of man ageme nt.: 7) I must just write this line to congratulate you most heartily on your ha



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