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1、考研考博-考博英语-通用考博英语模拟考试题含答案1. 单选题Like most fathers and sons, we fought; it was a cold war lasting from the ( )of my adolescence until I went off to college in 1973.问题1选项A.setbackB.onsetC.drawbackD.offset【答案】B【解析】考查名词辨析。setback “挫折,退步”;onset “着手,开始;攻击,进攻”;drawback “缺点,不利条件”;offset “抵消,补偿”。句意:如同大部分父子,我们争

2、吵;有一次冷战是从我的年少时期一直持续到1973年我上大学。选项B符合题意。2. 单选题Questions 9 to 11 are based on the passage you have just heard.问题1选项A.Consumers visualize their activities in different weather.B.Good weather triggers consumers desire to go shopping.C.Weather conditions influence consumers buying behavior.D.Consumers men

3、tal states change with the prices of goods.问题2选项A.Direct correlation.B.Mental visualization.C.Individual association.D.Active consumption.问题3选项A.Helping them advertise a greater variety of products.B.Enabling them to sell their products at a higher price.C.Enabling them to simplify their mathematica

4、l formulas.D.Helping them determine what to sell and at what price.【答案】第1题:C第2题:B第3题:D【解析】Passage OneWeather is a constant force in our lives, but theres little marketing research on how it affects businesses. 9 Now, a new study reveals how sunny and snowy conditions influence consumer behavior. 10

5、Those weather conditions trigger consumers to mentally visualize using products associated with the respective weather. This leads to consumers placing a higher value on those products, that is, theyre willing to pay more money for them. But the correlation is only found with products related to bei

6、ng outside. How does this work? Researchers give the example of a beach towel. On a sunny day, consumers who see that product are not just looking at the towel itself. They are likely imagining themselves lying on the towel in the sun. 10 This mental picture of using the towel increases the value of

7、 the product in the consumers mind. Researchers put forward the following hypothesis to explain their findings. They think the mental picture works in sunshine and snow because these weather conditions have a positive association with outside activities. The effect is not seen with rainy weather. Re

8、searchers assert this is because there arent many activities that are enabled by rain. Most products associated with rain like umbrellas are only used for protection from the weather and not for any activities. Researchers believe that companies that sell a wide array of products online can benefit

9、most from the insights this study provides. 11 Online sellers often use complex mathematical formulas to determine what products to feature and how to price these products. Incorporating more data about weather would allow them to make better decisions. This could bolster sales.9. What do we learn a

10、bout the findings of the new study?【试题答案】C【试题解析】题目问关于这项新研究的发现,我们可以知道什么?录音开始不久便提到,一项新的研究揭示了晴雪天气对消费者行为的影响,C选项“天气条件影响消费者的购买行为”与录音原文表述相符,因此正确。A选项“消费者想象他们在不同天气下的活动”和D选项“消费者的心理状态随着商品价格的变化而变化”在录音中均没有信息提及,因此排除。B选项“好的天气引发消费者购物的欲望”,录音中只是表明晴雪天气会触发消费者将这些天气与产品的使用联想在一起,而这样的联想会增加产品在消费者心目中的价值,也就是说,他们愿意为这些产品支付更多的钱。这

11、表明他们愿意花更高的价格来购买东西,并不是说好天气引发购物欲,因此B选项不正确。10. What does the passage say may increase the value of products for consumers?【试题答案】B【试题解析】题目问对消费者来说,什么可以增加产品的价值。录音中提及晴雪天气会促使消费者想象与这些天气相关的商品使用情景,从而增加商品在消费者心目中的价值,并以沙滩毛巾为例具体说明。因此,B选项“大脑想象”正确。A选项“直接关联”利用correlation作干扰,消费者通过天气联想商品使用的场景,然后想象的画面使得商品增值,这是间接的关联,因此A选

12、项不正确;C选项“个人关联”,新研究揭示的是一般消费者的普遍行为,并没有针对个人进行研究,因此不正确;D选项“主动消费”,录音中并没有表明消费是主动还是被动,因此D选项也不正确。11. How can the findings of the new study benefit online sellers, according to the researchers?【试题答案】D【试题解析】题目问研究人员认为这项新研究的发现可以怎样使网上卖家受益?录音结尾处提及,研究人员认为网上卖家在决定卖什么和定什么价格时,如果能把更多的天气信息纳入考虑,会有助于做出更明智的决定,从而促进销售。因此,D选项

13、“帮助他们决定卖什么和定什么价格”正确。A选项“帮助他们宣传更多种类的产品”,录音中并没有提及“advertise(宣传)”这一信息,因此不正确;B选项“使他们能以更高的价格销售产品”,新研究发现跟某些天气条件有正相关的产品可以在消费者心中增值,从而使他们愿意支付更多的钱,但并非所有商品都有这些效应,因此可排除B选项;C选项“使他们能够简化数学公式”利用mathematical formulas设置干扰,录音只提及网上卖家用复杂的数学公式去帮助做销售决策,新研究的发现可以帮助他们更好地做决策,但没说简化数学公式,因此C选项也不正确。3. 单选题Questions 19 to 21 are ba

14、sed on the recording you have just heard.问题1选项A.It consumes almost a quarter of the bodys total energy.B.It continues to burn up calories to help us stay in shape.C.It uses up much less energy than it does in deep thinking.D.It remains inactive without burning calories noticeably.问题2选项A.Energy usage

15、 devoted to active learning accounts for a big part of it.B.Much of the consumption has nothing to do with conscious activities.C.A significant amount of it is for performing difficult cognitive tasks.D.It has something to do with the difficulty of the activities in question.问题3选项A.It is conducive to relieving mental exhaustion.B.It is a prerequisite for any mental activity.C.It is believed to remain basically constant.D.It is thought to be related to food consumption.【答案】第1题:A第2题:B第3题:C【解析】Recording TwoIn 1994, the World Ch



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