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1、A.shouldB.mightC.wouldD.could专题二 - 情态动词1997-2006年 10 高考情态动词get the work done.1. (2006 上海春季 ,26)You know he is not going to let us leave early if weA.can tB.may notC.shouldn t D.mustn t2. (2005 全国 I ,26) Tom,youleave all your clothes on the floor like this!A.wouldn tB.mustn tD.may not3. (2005 全国口 ,19

2、) John,look at thetime.you play the piano at such a late hour?A.MustB.CanC.MayD.Need4.(2005 北京 ,26)Hehave completed his work;otherwise,he wouldnt be enjobyiyngthheimsesaelsfide.A.shouldB. must C.wouldn t D.can t5.(2005 天津 ,14)have been more than six years old when the accident happened.A.shouldn tB.

3、couldn t C.mustn tD.needn tA.shouldB.mightC.wouldD.couldA.shouldB.mightC.wouldD.could借题发挥 Marymy letter;otherwise she would have replied before now.A. has received B.ought to have received C.couldn t have received D.should have received6.(2005 上海 ,27)Therebe any difficulty about passing the road tes

4、t since you have practiced a lot in the driving school.A.mustn tB.shan t C.shouldntD.needn t7.(2005 辽宁 ,26)This cake is very sweet.Youa lot of sugar in it.A.shouldB.mightC.wouldD.couldA.shouldB.mightC.wouldD.couldD.must have puta lot ofA. should put B.could have put8. (2005江苏,31)The woman biologist

5、stayed in Africa studying wild animals for 13 years before she returned. Oh,dear!Shedifficulties!A. may go through(2005浙江,9) The World Wide Web is sometimes jokingly called the World Wide Wait because it_be very slow.A.shouldB.mightC.wouldD.couldA.shouldB.mightC.wouldD.couldA.should B.mustD.can10.(

6、2005 福建,31 )Catherine,I have cleaned the room for you. Thanks.Youit.I could manage it myself.A.needn t doC.mustn t doD.shouldn t have doneA.shouldB.mightC.wouldD.could11.( 2005 湖北,32)have gone farhis coat s still here.Do you know where David i s?I couldnindt hfim anywhere. Well.HeA.shouldB.mightC.wo

7、uldD.couldA.shouldB.mightC.wouldD.couldA.shouldn tmustn t C.can D.wtouldn tA.shouldB.mightC.wouldD.couldA.shouldB.mightC.wouldD.could12.(2005 湖南,24)Lucy doesnt mind lending you her dictionary.A.shouldB.mightC.wouldD.couldA.shouldB.mightC.wouldD.couldA.can tB.mustn t .needn tD.shouldn tA.shouldB.migh

8、tC.wouldD.could13.(2005 广东,33) IItHarry s.He always wears green.A.shouldB.mightC.wouldD.couldA.shouldB.mightC.wouldD.couldA.has to be B.will beD.could beA.shouldB.mightC.wouldD.could14. (2005重庆,33) I was on the highway when this car went past followed by a police car.They_at least 150 kilometers an

9、hour.A.should have been doing15. (2005山东,34) He paid for a seat,when hehave enteredfree.A.couldB.wouldC.mustD.need16. (2005安徽,26) Helengo on the trip with us,but she isnt quite sure yet.A.shallB.mustC.mayD.can17. (2005北京春季 ,27) I have lost one of my gloves.Iit somewhere.A.must drop B.must have dropp

10、ed.must have been droped18. (2004 全国 1,21) I often see lights in that empty house.Do you think Ireport it to the police?A.shouldB.mayC.willD.can19. (2004 全国川,29) Yoube tiredyou ve only been workings an hour.A.must notC.can t D.may not20. (2004 天津,31 )Who is the girl standing over there? Well,if youk

11、now , her name is Mabel.A.mayB.canC.mustD.shall21. (2004辽宁,29)Mum,I ve been studying English since 8 o clock.I go out and plaoyr waitwhhTiloem? fN o , I m afraid not.Besides,it s raining .outside nowA.CantB.Wouldn t C.May notD.Wont22. (2004 浙江,26) Ipay Tracy a visit,but I m not sure whether I will h

12、ave time this Sunday.23. (2004 福建,32 ) Ill tell Mary about her new job tomorrow. Youher last week.A.ought to tell B.would have told C.must tell D.should have told24. (2004 湖南,28 ) Excuse me,but I want to use your computer to type a report. Youhave my computer if you dont take care oitf.A.shan t B.mi

13、ght not C.needn t D.shouldn t25. (2004 重庆,24) The interestbe divided intoiVe parts, according to the agreement made by both sides,| declared the judge.A.mayB.shouldC.mustD.shall26. ( 2003上海,29 )Howyou say that you really understand the whole story if you have covered only part of the article?A.canB.

14、mustC.needD.may27. (2002 北京,31) I heard they went skiing in the mountains last winter. Ittrue because there was little snow there.A.may not beB.wont be C.couldn t beD.mustn t be28. (2002 上海,27) It has been announced that candidatesremain in their seats until all the papers have been collected.A.canB.willC.mayD.shall29. (2002 上海春季,28) Oh,I not feeling well in the stomach.Iso much fried chicken just now.A.shouldn t eat B.mustn t have eaten C.shouldn t have eaten D.mustn t eat30. (2001 上海,34) You can t imagine that a wbehaved gentlemanbe so rude to a lady


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