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1、辽宁省丹东市2019-2020学年高二英语上学期期末质量监测试题 本试卷分三部分,卷面分数120分。总分150分。考试用时100分钟。 第一部分: 阅读理解(共两节,满分35分)第一节(共10小题;每小题2.5分,满分25分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。AI grew up in a home with a mother who believes that vaccines (疫苗) cause brain damage, and do not contribute to the health and safety of a

2、society. The only shot I received was for tetanus (破伤风) when I was two months old. After that, nothing. At the beginning of each school year, I was very nervous. Delayed term paper? Mischievous (捣蛋的) behavior? Late for school? None of them. Id be pulled out of class and brought to the headmasters of

3、fice. The school doctor would tell me I hadnt received any of the necessary shots to attend school. But the same thing occurred each time: my mom would free me from the shots and nothing would happen. After doing a lot of research, I found although people who dont vaccinate their children make up on

4、ly a relatively small group, they can cause major consequences. People who, for health or age reasons, cannot receive vaccines are at a higher risk of catching a preventable disease. Eventually, I turned 18. In Ohio, where I live, I had to wait until I became a legal adult to make the decision to re

5、ceive vaccine shots. A huge factor in taking the step to ensure my health was the message board website Reddit. Last November, I asked Reddit users for advice about what vaccines to ask for and how to go about getting them from a doctor. After my post received more than 1,000 comments, I made an app

6、ointment with my family physician. Despite how strongly my mother felt, I went through with it anyway. I did something every person should do. It wasnt special in any way. Vaccines protect the health and safety of not only yourself but also other people. Vaccination is important because someone coul

7、d die if you dont get vaccinated. This was the biggest reason I got vaccines despite the opposition.1. Why was the author called to the headmasters office at the beginning of each school year?A. He was late for school.B. He didnt behave himself at school.C. He couldnt hand in his term paper on time.

8、D. He was hardly ever vaccinated.2. How might the authors mother have felt about his appointment with the family physician?A. Annoyed.B. Grateful.C. Thrilled.D. Guilty.3. What does the author mainly want to tell us through his story?A. Listening to your mother pays off.B. Doing the right thing matte

9、rs.C. Keeping fit is the best policy.D. Asking for advice helps.BWhen did you last buy something? Maybe you are looking forward to a shopping trip at the weekend, but will it make you happy? In the short term, the answer might be yes. However, some people think it might not be good for our health an

10、d happiness in the long term.One of the busiest shopping days of the year in the USA is Black Friday (the fourth Friday of November), which has spread around the world. However, not everyone will be queuing for a bargain. In 1992, Buy Nothing Day started in Canada and now more than sixty countries t

11、ake part. Their message is simple: “Participate by not participating.” For twenty-four hours on the fourth Friday of November, people do not buy anything at all. Some people choose to spend time with friends and family instead. Others join protests. But whats the point?Every single purchase that you

12、 make has some kind of an effect on the planet. Making the products and transporting them to the shops use a lot of natural resources. When they are no longer in fashion, the products will end up in the dustbin. All this contributes to air and water pollution, the destruction of our environment and

13、social inequality.The social influence of our spending habits is also serious. People in consumerist culture are more likely to suffer from financial problems and stress. In order to buy expensive products, people work long hours and therefore spend less time with family and friends.Critics of Buy N

14、othing Day say its meaningless because people will just buy more the following day. But the organizers argue that Buy Nothing Day makes people think about the consequences of consumption and maybe make some changes to their life style.4. Why is the question “When did you last buy something?” asked?A

15、. To remind us of the approaching of Black Friday.B. To attach importance to our health and happiness.C. To introduce the topic of shopping too much.D. To encourage us to participate in Buy Nothing Day.5. How can people participate in Buy Nothing Day?A. By not participating in any advertisement for

16、Black Friday.B. By not buying anything on four Fridays of November.C. By spending time shopping with friends and family.D. By not going shopping on Black Friday. 6. Whats NOT the point of Buy Nothing Day?A. Saving time spent on working.B. Saving the environment and our earth.C. Saving money for charity.D. Saving our relationship with friends and family.7. Whats the organiz


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