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1、 常见动词短语7come about 发生,造成一、动词 be 组成的短语动词8 come across/ run across 碰见1be known as/be famous as 作为 而闻名be known for 因 而出名9come to all end 结束10come up with 提出,想出七、动词do 组成的短语动词be known to 为 所知2be tired of / be bored with 对 厌烦3be dressed in穿着1do well in 在某方面做得好2do good to 对 有好处3do harm to 对 有害处4do with 处理4

2、be experienced in 对 有经验5be equipped with 装备6be engaged in sth/ be busy with sth 从事,忙于7be about to do sth正要做 8be fit to do be fit for 胜任;适合于9be worth doing 值得做 5do sb. a favor 帮某人的忙八、动词get组成的短语动词1get in touch with 同 取得联系2get up 起床10be proud of 以 而自豪骄傲11be used to sthdoing sth习惯于 12.be connected with

3、与 有联系3get back 回来;取回4get on 上车5get over 克服;度过6get off 下车13be crazy about 对 狂热二、动词 break 组成的短语动词7 get together相聚1break out 爆发8get onalong well with 与 相处融洽9get into 进人;陷入2break into 闯入;破门而入3break away from 脱离10get into trouble 陷入麻烦11get rid of 除掉4break down(机器,车辆)坏了;摧毁;分解三、动词 carry 组成的短语动词12 get throu

4、gh 通过;接通;完成;经历1carry on 进行13get to 到达2carry out 执行;进行14get down to(doing)sth 安心做,开始认真干九、动词 give 组成的短语动词四、动词 call 组成的短语动词1call on 拜访某人1give up 放弃2call at 拜访某地2give in 屈服;投降3get out of 从 出来,摆脱,4give off 放出3call for 需要;要求;邀约(人);取(物 )4call up 打电话;征召;回想起五、动词 catch,hold 组成的短语动词十、动词 go 组成的短语动词1catchtakeget

5、 hold of sth抓住某物2catch up with 赶上1go ahead继续;干吧2go by(时间 )过去;经过 (地点 )3go out(灯、火 )熄灭3catch fire 着火;烧着4hold up 举起;阻滞(交通等 );耽搁5hold back 阻止;控制4go on(doing) 继续做某事5go on to do sth接着做另外的事6go over 检查;温习6hold one?sbreath 憋住气,屏息六、动词 come 组成的短语动词7 go through完成;通过;经历;仔细检察1come into being( 事物、局面等 )产生;形成2come a

6、long 过来;快点8go all out(=try do one?sbest)竭尽全力9go back 回家,追溯3come out 出来;出版10go with 相配4come true实现11go up 上升,上涨5come back to life 苏醒过来6come to the point 说到要点,触及问题实质12go down 下降,降沉,下沉十一、动词have 组成的短语动词1 1.have a word with sb 和某人说句话2have words with 争吵11make a promise 许诺言12make a living 谋生3have(deep)effe

7、cts on 对 有(深远)影响4.have difficulty in find difficulty in 13.make the best of 尽量利用14make for 走向,前往15make out 认出,理解have trouble in 做 有困难十二、动词 keep 组成的短语动词16 make it成功,及时达到1keep on doing sth继续或反复做某事2keep up with 跟上十六、动词put 组成的短语动词1put down 记下;平息3keep back 保留;阻止;隐瞒;拒留4keep away from 远离2put out 扑灭;出版3put

8、up 举起;建造;张贴;公布,投宿4put up with(=stand bear)忍受5put on 穿上;上演;增加6put off 延期;拖延5.keep out of 使 不进入6keep one?s word 遵守诺言7keep in touch with 与 保持联系8keep silent 保持沉默十七、动词1take up 占用(时间;空间 );从事2 take outtake 组成的短语动词9keeppreventstopfrom doing sth 制止 (防止) 做某事拿出去10keep off 使 远离3.take sides站在 一边4take place 发生十三、

9、动词 knock 组成的短语动词1knock at 敲(门、窗等 )2knock down 撞倒5take the place of 代替6take one?splace 就座;代替某人职位十四、动词 look 组成的短语动词7 take it easy别着急11ook up 抬头;查阅21ook out 小心8take off 脱掉;起飞;成功9take part in 参加31ook into调查10take pride in 以 而自豪11take away(from) 拿走;使停留,使离开12take in 欺骗,摄取41ook forward to 盼望51ook through 仔

10、细看;浏览61ook up to 尊敬13take on 雇用,接受 (工作),呈现 (品质、面貌)14take over 接管71ook down upon 瞧不起81ook like 看起来十八、动词turn 组成的短语动词91ook on as(=treatconsidertakethink of as) 把 看作101ook after 照顾1turn up 出现;开大 (音量);到达,发生2turn on 旋开(电灯等 )3turn off 关上 (电灯等 )111ook for 寻找4turn down 开小(音量 )十五、动词 make 组成的短语动词5 turn over翻转1

11、make an apology to 向 道歉2be made up of 组成6turn to 找某人寻求帮助;翻到;转向7turn into 变成3make up 组成;打扮;补充;弥补;编造;捏造4make room for给 腾地方5make up one?smind 下决心6make up for 弥补8turn out 结果是关掉查明生产十九、动词help, hand, lead,die 组成的短语动词1help sbwith sth 帮助某人做某事2help oneself to sth尽管请便;请随便吃3hand in 交上来7.make use of 利用8make one?

12、sway 排除困难前进9make progress 进步4hand out 分发51ead to sthdoing sth导致61ead a1ife 过 的生活10make repairs 修理2 7die of 死于 (内因)8die out 灭绝7drop in(on sbat a place)顺便拜访 8refer to 指;谈到;参照二十、动词 tell, talk, speak,hear,ask, answer 构成的短语动词9 spend onsthin doing sth在 花(钱,时间等)1.talk to with sb和某人谈话2speak ofspeak about大胆讲

13、话;大声说出来3. hear o 听说10stick to sthdoing sth坚持11wear out(使)筋疲力尽12.work out 算出;计算出4ask for 要;请求13struggle against 与 作斗争14quarrel with sb about sth为 争吵15devote tosth./sb献身于;致力于5. ask sb. to do sth要某人做某事6hear from 接到某人的书信二十一、动词 set,send 组成的短语动词16 used to do sth 过去常常1send for 派人去请17settle down 定居2send out 发出(光亮等 )3send up 发射18stand for 代表19stand by 支持 stand by = supporttake part withtake the side ofbe in favor(support)of4send off 寄出,派遣;给 送行5 send in 寄送某处进行处理6set outoff 出发;开始7set up 建立;树立;设立8set sbfree 释放20begin atstart with begin with 以 开始to begin w



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