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1、市实小共同体六年级英语教学案课时6A23 课型: Cartoon time 主备学校:镇江市实验小学审核人:茅君集备主讲:夏蓓使用学校:市实验小学使用教师: 执教时间: 【学习目标】1能听得懂、会说、会读lose, know, climb up, hold onto, fly away,sad(五年级的)2能听得懂、会说、会读和会写句型What happened?3 继续复习一般过去时的陈述句型I/He/She.It was/wasnt并熟练运用提高语言交际的能力。4 比较并掌握一般现在时和一般过去时的运用【自主导学】1 常规预习2 知识解析: 动词过去式:happen- happened c

2、limbclimbed loselost knowknew findfound flyflew was的否定形式:wasnt 复习动词的第三人称单数形式:a.直接加s例如:wants, meets, laughsb.动词以s,x,ch,sh结尾的加es,例如:watches,washes,passesc.动词以辅音加y结尾,把y变成i加es,例如:study-studiesd.特殊变化:do-does,go-goes3 预习自测读cartoon time,回答问题:Who found Bobbys kite at last? 【课堂互动】Step 1 Warm- up1. 开火车背诵日记。2.

3、 Listen to a song: Rain, rain, go away3. Quick response: 看到动词快速说出它的过去式4. Play the game with the cards.(卡片游戏)Step 2 Understanding and learning1. Sam meets Bobby in the park. What happened with Bobby? Watch the cartoon and answer the question.2. 自读课文,将课文图片与文字配对 Sam found the kite near the hill. (Teach

4、 “findfound”) Bobby lost his new kite.( Teach “loselost”) Bobby couldnt hold onto the kite. It flew away. ( Teach hold onto, fly away) Bobby and Tina flew the new kite in the park. But it wasnt windy. So they climbed up the hill. It was windy there. ( Teach “climb up” “wasnt= was not” ) Step 3 Conso

5、lidation1. Read the dialogue after the tape.2. Pair work to read in different roles. (指导朗读:让孩子体会Bobby描述时伤心难过的语气,还有Sam戏弄Bobby的神情语气。)3. Come to the blackboard and act it out.(3星:有表现力,语音语调符合真实情境;2星:表现力稍弱,语音语调稍有欠缺;1星:没有体会角色,语音语调呆板 )Step 4 Summary1. 找出文中所使用的两种时态,并圈出对应的动词。2. 总结一般现在时和一般过去时。【达标检测】写出下列动词的过去式

6、。为什么要分成六组?1.make _ come _ go _2.have _ like _ live _3.study _ fly _ play _4.meet _ get _ collect _5.sing _ see _ buy _6.stop _ eat _swim _用所给词的正确形式填空,并圈出关键词。1. Lucy _ (bring) some bread for picnic yesterday.2. My parents _ (go) for a walk after lunch every day.3. The boy_(fly) a kite just now, but h

7、is sister _(do).4. There _ ( be) a bag of apples on the fridge yesterday.5. Nancy always _(do) homework before supper.【巩固延伸】:全班学生分两组,一组是Sam,一组是Bobby,分别以不同的角度去帮助他们写绘本日记。日期 I lost my new kite today. Tina and I flew my new kite in the park. . I met Bobby in the park. He looked sad. 巩固拓展部分可以根据学情增加根据中文提示补全句子。.Step 4 Homework1 听录音,熟读并有感情地背诵Cartoon time2 完成课课练第三课时【板书设计】 Unit 2 What a day! findfound loselost hold onto fly away climb up wasnt= was not werent=were not 【教学随笔及典型错题】_



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