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1、2019-2020年七年级英语上册 Unit3 This is my sister(Section A)导学案 人教新课标版学习目 标1、 学会使用Section A部分的重点词汇:mother father sister parent brother friend those these she he aunt等。2、 学会使用如下句型:This is These are That is Those are Is this ? Is that ? 来介绍他人,或确认人物。学 习 导 航一、预习感知1.你知道这些人是谁吗?读一读,译一译。mother father sister parent

2、brother friend aunt2.想一想,填一填:shes(完全形式)_ those(单数)_ his(主格)_ father(对应词)_ this(复数)_ 我的朋友_ 你的姐姐_ that is(缩写形式) _二、合作探究:语法聚焦1、Those are my two sisters.And thats my brother. Those are 是_句型的复数句。因为these和those是this和that的复数形式,所以与它们相配的系动词应用_,而不用_。2、单数句变为复数句首先是指示代词的变化:this和that变为_和_。其次是人称代词的变化:I变为_;you变为_;he

3、/she/it变为_。最后是be动词的变化:am或is要变为_。3、想一想、议一议什么时候用This is 这个句型? 什么时候用These are这个句型? 什么时候用That is 这个句型?什么时候用Those are 这个句型?小组活动1、 和你的同伴练习一下用英语来介绍他人,练习完后,再换个同伴练习一下。2、 带几张家人的照片,先和你的同伴对照片进行问答,再在课堂上使用。问 题发 现霍山县初中英语导学案 年级 七年级 课题 Unit3 This is my sister.(Section A)_主备教师 张传峰_ 审查人 徐守斌_ 时间 xx.7_检测反馈一、根据句意及首字母提示补全

4、单词。1. This is my s_ kate.2. That is his good f_ Silly.3. My mothers sister is my a_?4. T_ are his books.5. My mothers parents are my g_.二、单项选择1. Is he Lin Tao? -Yes, _.A. it is B. hes C. he is 2. My father and my mother are my _.A. parent B. parents C. brothers3. My father is my grandfathers _.A. so

5、n B. daughter C. uncle4. Is that _ backpack?-No, my backpack is here.A. she B. hers C. your5. Is this _ pencil sharpener? -No, its her pencil sharpener.A. she B. he C. his三、句型转换:1. That is my English book.(改为否定句) _ _ my English book.2. These are his brothers.(改为一般疑问句) _ _his brothers?3. Is this his

6、son?(作肯定回答) _ , _is.4 That is my sister.(改为复数句)_ _ _ _我 的收 获霍山县初中英语导学案 年级 七年级 课题 Unit3 This is my sister.(Section B)_主备教师 张传峰_ 审查人徐守斌_ 时间 _xx.7_学习目 标1、 学会使用Section B部分的重点词汇:son cousin daughter uncle picture thanks for photo 等。2、 巩固使用如下句型:This is These are That is Thoseare Is this ? Is that ? 并会使用这些句

7、型来写一段话。学 习 导 航一、预习感知:想一想,填一填son(对应词)_ photo(复数)_ 为而感谢_ 你妈妈的名字_in the photo_the family tree_my family photo_ 他的堂弟_那些是我的姐姐们。 这是我的全家福。 二、合作探究:语法聚焦:可数名词单数形式变为复数名词形式时,要注意变化规则:一般情况下词尾加_ .如book _;pen_.以s,x,ch,sh结尾的词加_。如bus_;watch_.以o结尾的词加_或_。如:photo_;tomato_.以辅音字母加y结尾的词,把_变为_,再加_。如:family_.以f或fe结尾的词,把f或fe变

8、为v,再加_。如:leaf_;knife_.注意:可数名词单数变为复数形式时,不定冠词a/an要去掉。(一些固定的短语除外)。小组活动1、画出你的家人和朋友,练习用英语向你的同伴介绍一下这幅图里的人,练习完后,再换个同伴练习一下。2、阅读3a的短信,画出Emma的一家人,并和同伴比一比谁画的好。3、用英语就自己的全家福写一段话,写完后读给同伴听,并和同伴互相改一下。问 题发 现霍山县初中英语导学案 年级 七年级 课题 Unit3 This is my sister.(Section B)_主备教师 张传峰_ 审查人 徐守斌_ 时间 xx.7_检测反馈一、单项选择:1. Thanks _ you

9、r family photo.A. of B. for C. from2. Her _ are Tina and Jim.A. friend B. brother C. friends3. This is a photo _ my classmate.A. in B. of C. at 4. Your aunts son is your _.A. brother B. cousin C. sister 5. Your fathers brother is your _.A. cousin B. uncle C. nephew二.用括号里单词的适当形式填空。1、That is _ bike.(s

10、he)2. They are my _.(grandparent)3. _ am Gine.(my)4. _ is a picture.(these)5 ._ is my aunt.(her)二、阅读理解: I have a nice picture. It is a picture of my family. This is my grandfather, Barry Clark. And this is my grandmother, Linda Clark. These are my parents. Frank and Jane. This is my aunt, Alice. She

11、s my fathers sister. And this is my uncle, Paul. Hes a runner. These are my cousins Joe, Mike and Sally. Theyre Alice and Pauls children(孩子).This is my sister, Lisa. Do you know that girl? Its me, Mary.根据短文完成下列句子,每空一词1. Marys last name is_ . 2. Frank is Alices _ .3. Marys uncle is a _ . 4. Alice and Paul have _ children.5. Lisa is Ma


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