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1、On Translation of English-Chinese and Chinese-English Idioms英汉互译中对习语翻译的探析ContentsAbstract 1Key Words .11. Introduction .22. Gaps between English Idioms and Chinese Idioms 22.1 The Gaps in Religion 32.2 The Gaps in Living Circumstances .32.3 The Gaps in Social Custom and Habit .32.4 The Gaps in Histo

2、ry Allusion. 4.3. The Categories of Translation of Idioms .43.1 The Translation of Corresponding Idioms .43.1.1 The Translation of Corresponding Idioms in English.53.1.2 The Translation of Corresponding Idioms in Chinese.53.2 The Translation of Partial Corresponding Idioms. .53.3 The Translation of

3、Specific Idioms 64. The Methods of Translating Idioms 84.1 Literal Translation .84.2 Literal Translations with Notes . .94.3 Free Translation.94.4 Free Translation with Notes.94.5 Free Translation-Replacements with Similar Idioms. .104.6 Combination of Literal and Free Translation. 10.105. Conclusio

4、nReferences .11On Translation of English-Chinese and Chinese-English IdiomsAbstract: Idioms are lin guistic chunks formed by the regular phrases and sen ten ces. It is a special and in separable part of Ian guage. An idiom takes a very importa nt part in the Ianguage, which reflects the national col

5、ors of the native speakers and is con sidered as the sinew of the Ian guage. Every Ian guage has its own idioms. There are a large number of idioms existed in both English and Chinese, and they make the two Ian guages more colorful and beautiful. This thesis is about the translation of idioms in bot

6、h English and Chinese. After the general un dersta nding and in troduct ion to the source of idioms, a series of methods of idioms translation would be discussed. The thesis is divided into three parts. Firstly, it will give the general understanding and introduction to the source of the idioms. And

7、 the source of the idioms will be divided into four parts. Secondly, it is discussed the ways of translation of the three kind idioms accord ing to the relati on ship betwee n En glish idioms and Chin ese idioms. Thirdly, several practical translating methods of the English idioms and Chinese idioms

8、 would be introduced from the point of the view of keeping the flavor of the orig inal idioms.Key words: English idioms; Chinese idioms; categories; translating methods摘 要:习语是指由固定词组和句子组成的模块。它是语言中不可分割的一部分。习语反映了一个国家的民族特色在语言中占有举足轻重的作用。因此它可谓是语言的精髓和源泉。英语和汉语中都存在着大量的习语。这篇论文是对英汉语习语的浅析。它首先对习语做了整体上的介绍并对其来源进行了

9、分析。接着从两个角度分别讨论了习语的翻译方法。一是根据英汉语习语的关系探讨了三种习语的翻译方法。二是从保留英语习语迎合汉语习语口味目的角度讨论了六种实用的翻译技巧。关键词:英语习语;汉语习语;类别;翻译技巧1. IntroductionIdioms are widely used all over the world. They are a large number idioms existed in literature works and our daily life that contain special meanings. It has been described as the q

10、uintessence of the language. Without idioms language would become dull and dry. So understanding the language and the language culture plays a very important role in the translation of idioms. According to The Oxford Advancedlearners Dictionary , idioms are “phrase or sentence whose meaning is not o

11、bvious through knowledge of the individual meaning of the constituent words but -must be learnt as a whole”. We can see the characteristics of idioms that the meaning of an idiom is not the collective meaning of all the words that form it and each part of the idiom can not be replaced by other words

12、. On the whole both English idioms and Chinese idioms are fixed phrases with special meanings that can not be changed in any way.As most of the idioms are formed or created by the people especially during their daily life, idioms are the creation of the working people s life practice and einxperienc

13、esome degree and can not be changed freely. We must keep its original form. For example, if you say one stitch in time saves nine instead of a stitch in time saves nine, a foreign native speaker would feel strange since the native speakers do not say English that way. Only we know the cultures of th

14、e two languages we can have a better translation. Of course peoples daily life is not the only one source of the idioms. There are also some others. A large percent of the English idioms come from the literature works, Bible and Greek myths. Idioms, such as the apple of ones eye, a drop in the bucke

15、t, wolf in sheeps clothing, pride before a fall and a living dog is better than a dead lion are from Bible. Shakespeares play and other famous writersworks are other sources of idioms.From the above we can easily see that idioms have close relationship with people common life, Literature, religion, ancient legends and fables. As idioms have kinds of different sources, every idiom has its own special and proud meaning. Just for that idioms are widely used in the whole world. If we can do well in idiom transla


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