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1、Un 3 Th MillionPound Bank Note单选,从A、B、D四个选项中,选择最佳答案完毕句子 1. _ returth ditionary wihin ree da? o,yu _.You _ keepit f ve days.A. May; neent; il. Can; mutnt; ouldC.Must; do hae ; ca.Sall;cnt; shoud2 ir,o _ eittin in thi waitingoom. It is for won d ildren only. oughtnt tB. ntC. wontD. nednt 3.Shis lred t

2、wo hours late. at _ o er?A. ca hae happenB. mst ave ppedC oudve happenedDmst happe. May _ te job offred t her, btshe idntA. cnt tkeB ougtto have kn.shoud tkeD.mt have te5. He st a he des,_ a noel.A. eadB. to radC. readinD. reads6. If yo chat nth exa,yooldhardy _ itA.taayB.get ayC. getaway fromD. get

3、 wy with7. I no h hsn finid the wor, but _,he ha doe is etA. atlB. n allafter lD. aove al 8. hihod iscalled _ food, ilk, garorbean?A. energyiveB.bodybuding. ergic. prtection9. How elldid Jhn dn e atch? onderl. I think we n hav a_ lerin ourfotbal eamA. good. ellbeerD. est1.Im eally ired _ Tom. d e _

4、fr w hrs hrain.A.f; waiting. with; watC ; witd.wth; waited11 e o mchn s _. of uselessB of otuse. no useD. of ue12. She _down her bokand_n bd.A. ly; laid. laid;laC. la; layD.aid;lai13.o poaes for meIm_ adie.A. atB. ionD.wth4 The spd of car andtrucss_ 0 letres pr hur in rgecitis Chin.A. limitedB. liit

5、ingC. limtig oD. lmite o15. mking is a ha.oshoul _ it.AtrowwyB. getaway witC get rd f. hrw. 根据所给句子完毕画线部分1. Hereindd e not t forget my promis. ridede .2. Herng the ws, tey aled wih joy. enew, thy all pd wth j. That esorkin so hrdwe _ he okingo har4. I dont likhe a you soke o her. dont li ay _ _ yopok

6、e toh.He o die rarthaivein. Raththan _ he wuprefer _.根据汉语提示及重点词语将下列句子译成英语1.考试作弊必予追究。(get awa wih)_2. 你所说的使我想起了我悲哀的故事。(emnd of)_3. 她们面对面地坐着,怒视着对方。(lre at)_4. 新的政策将对我们人们都很有益。(b great nefi)_.由于负债累累,她每天不得不加班工作。(i debt)_ 完形填空vernneeswar nd a diet f healthfods. ese foodshld 1 oe at, some f, a littleal soo

7、n.eopl need nrgy t liv. hy at al kns f foos 2 hang nto ngy. ubods use diffren 3 of neg. Th energy is easur in alris(卡路里).The mre4 e take,temorecaloieeurn. Evenwhen you re 5 , yu are ing engy abut65 caoris a hor Wh you ara soo, or wlkig home, yr bod is 6 u 100 calories n hour.Whenplaying ootalor bask

8、al, yo mgtbe using 0calrie an hur. On Spts Day, duing e relay ace, yu will se mos of all, erhapss 7 as 50 calories an hour.TheChinese diet i cnsdered ethe healthiest n teorld. It coas aot of uitnd green vegetaes.Iis 8 i b ad ow in suaand at. T Chinese ea lss sarthan ayter untre in the worl. Tat is 9

9、 ots of ee i Chiave wite teth.Poplen e ster word do not at such eathy oos Tey a oo mh faand uga anddnttake 10 xeis. eause of this, the 1 ver esiyn order t 12 with tequick ac(步伐) of ther lfe aor, they eat lotffastfoo. Thyet ot of sweets,sft drinks, ptato riss, chcote, butte ndicrem an so on, wich r caed 1 fod ome epurans(美食家) he reult s tht maof tem become . I oder t vd 14 fat an 15 it isadvisabl(明智的) t et a blncd iet nd not too manyfods tha hav a ig cloie ratig.1. A.icludeB.oldC.tinDmkeup2.A. hich tC. r D. it3. A nmbers B amonsC. pe



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