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1、高考主旨大意阅读教学设计首医大附中 王晓蕊学科:英语 年级:高三课题:高考主旨大意阅读教学内容分析:推断短文的主旨大意题是高考阅读中测定考生阅读能力经常出现的一种题,也是考生感到最为棘手、最容易出错的题。主旨推断题要求考生具有很强的话语篇章把握能力和分析能力,能够从全局的角度对文章括以总领,梳清脉络。可以说,对阅读理解主旨题的把握能力决定了阅读这个整体题项的成败,它也是衡量阅读水平高低的一个重要标尺。所以,如果我们在这个题上能够取得突破,就等于是攻克了阅读当中最顽固的堡垒,其它类型的题也就不在话下了。所谓主旨大意题指针对段落或短文的subject(主题)、main idea(主题思想)、tit

2、le(题目)或purpose(目的)拟题。尽管题型或用词不尽相同,但所针对的都是段落(或短文)的主旨大意。设计理论依据:本堂阅读课主要根据高考主旨阅读的特点设计,即引导学生彻底什么是主旨大意,从主旨大意阅读的设问方式入手,引入这种阅读的重要性以及这堂课的必要性,然后从词句段到文章,一步步让学生理解主旨大意的概念,以及如何在文章中正确的找到或概括出主旨大意。课题Reading for Main Idea课时1课时授课时间2006.12.教学目标知识目标1. 深入理解主旨大意的含义。2. 掌握词句段文主旨大意的概括方法技能目标1. 通过步步深入,让学生掌握如何找到或概括出文章的主旨大意。2. 通过

3、对主旨大意的理解,提高学生解主旨大意题的能力和技巧。情感态度通过一些阅读技巧点拨,树立学生学习英语的信心,激发学生学习兴趣,鼓励学生通过自己的学习去探索研究一些解题技巧。教学重点1.通过步步深入,让学生掌握如何找到或概括出文章的主旨大意。2.对主旨大意的理解,提高学生解主旨大意题的能力和技巧。教学方法合作学习的方式教具Computer,PPT, worksheet教师活动 学生活动设计意图Step I Sum up the different forms of asking questions.1. What/which is the best title for the passage?2.

4、 What would be the best title for the passage?3. What does the author mainly want to say?4. What is the article mainly about?5. Whats the authors purpose in writing this article?T:What are these questions about? Step II Show importance and necessity of main idea .1. 北京历年英语阅读主旨大意题(共18题)题号春季夏季2006363,

5、67,712005367, 68,60 200447062,67,682003370,57,60,2002560,64,65,7559,712. 04北京夏D:68. The passage is mainly about _. (40%) A. babies sense of sight B. effects of experiments on babies C. babies understanding of objects D. different tests on babies feelings 05北京夏A:59. What has the author learned from h

6、er own experiences?(45%)ALess successful students can still have a career.BQualifications are necessary for a career.CHard work makes an excellent student.DOne must choose the job she likes. 06北京B:63Why did Kerrel write the passage?(41%) ATo tell people about the sufferings of her father. BTo show h

7、ow little people knew about AIDS CTo draw peoples attention to AIDS DTo remember her fatherStep III Help students to understand the meanings of main idea.1. Ask Ss to do the multiple choices and learn what a general word is.Choose general words.A. chemist B. physicist C. scientist D. biologist A. ch

8、air B. table C. bed D. furniture A. coat B. clothing C. skirt D. shirtT: What is general word?2. Choose general sentences and understand what general sentence means. A. You can have delicious food everydayB.The hotel offers coffee from 7 to 10 am. DailyC. There are many reasons why guests feel at ho

9、me at the Glorietta Bay Inn.D. There are a number of extra services at the Glorietta Bay Inn including baby-sitting (保姆).A. Because of modern technology, information travels fast.B. Within seconds, people can know the results of an election in the U.S.A.C. An international football match comes into

10、the home with a television set.D. News of a disaster travels quickly and help can come quickly from distant countries.T: What is general word?3. Choose the general idea ( main idea)of each paragraph.The sea horse isnt like most fish. Its head looks like that of a pony(矮种马). The sea horse has hard, s

11、piny(多刺的) skin .Its tail looks like that of a monkey. It has one fin(鱼鳍) that isnt much help in swimming .Sea horses drift(漂流) upright in the water .A. The sea horse drift upright in the water .B. The sea horses tail looks like that of a monkey.C. The sea horses head looks like that of a pony(矮种马).D

12、.The sea horse isnt like most fish.Some birds ,like the ostrich(鸵鸟), are taller and heavier than a person .Some are very small ,like the hummingbird(蜂鸟) .Many birds are good flyers .Other birds cannot fly at all. There are many different kinds of birds A. Other birds cannot fly at all.B. Many birds

13、are good flyers .C. There are many different kinds of birds .T: What is general main idea?4.Help students summarize the features of the main idea. The main idea is the general information of a paragraph or a passage. All the other sentences or paragraphs give detailed information to support the main

14、 idea. Step IV. Practise finding out the main idea of a passage.Passage 1:05北京春DLetter to Editor of TV Weekly1. What is Chris Daniels purpose of writing this letter?ATo persuade Bret Chrysler to turn away from quiz shows.BTo entertain other readers with old news pictures.CTo express his appreciation

15、 of the programme.DTo have his story told on the programme.2. Help students to understand the structure of the passage by answering the questions.What can we learn about the sentence “I thought the programme was wonderful” in the 1st paragraph?Whats the function of the 2nd paragraph?What does the author want to express with the sen


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