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1、库尔勒市第四中学课堂教学导学案初二英语(下)第三单元第四课时Unit6 An old man tried to move the mountains第四课时(Section B2a-2e)课型:新授课时4 编制人:田雪莲 审核:赵锦荣 审批: 使用时间:_班级:_小组:_ 姓名:_ 组内评价:_ 教师评价:_ 家长签字:_【Learning Goals】1.Learn these new words and expressions:stepmother, wife, husband, whole, scene, moonlight, shine, bright .2. Read fairy t

2、ale topic comment articles, practice using skimming strategy3. To learn to help each other in times of difficulty ,brave enough to fight bad people.【使用说明与方法指导】1. 做导学案之前先研读课本,研读顺序:单词46-47页,阅读课文section B2b,边预习边用双色笔在课本上勾画重点单词,短语,句型。理解文章大意,然后完成预习案。2. 根据已学知识和查阅工具书,小组讨论,初步完成探究案,并标出自己的疑难【预习案】I. 自主预习 温馨提示:带

3、着以下几个问题或要求自主学习sectionB2b的单词,语法和课文。1. 结合音标拼读单词并牢记,预习本课时内容,勾画出你认为的重点短语,句子。_2. 研读完本课时内容后,你有什么疑惑? II.词汇预习:认真研读课本第46-47页课本内容,翻译下列词组和句子。1. in the forest _ 2. the whole family 3.计划做某事 4保持安静 5.在月光下 6.砍柴 7.在地上_ 8.never mind _ 9 .drop pieces of bread_ 10.get lost the second time 11.inside the house 12.lead sb

4、.to someplace 13. 找到我们的出路 14沿路 。III.句型预习.1.One year ,the weather was that 有一年,天气太干旱了,以至于粮食颗粒无收。 2.Did you hear our stepmother us ? 你听到继母正计划杀死我们吗?3. the moon rises , we can follow them instead.月亮一升起来,我们可以跟者他们走,来代替石头。4. ! Just keep walking. We do ,we wont find our way out. 不要紧!一直走,除非我们这样做,否则我们不会找到出路的。

5、IV. 课文预习,预读课文2b,翻译下面的句子, 注意划线部分用法。1. The wife told her husband that unless he left the children to die in the forest ,the while family would die. _ 2.Its leading us to that wonderful house made of bread ,cake and canday._ IV 通读课文,理解大意,回答下列问题。1.How many people are there in Hansels family ?Who are the

6、y ? 2.Does stepmother love Hansel and Gretel ? 3.Who is the cleverest in the play? Why? V Read the play and write the correct scene 阅读短文,标出正确场景。( ) a.The children must go to the forest to get wood.( ) b. The children have no more stones. ( ) c. The children learn that something bad is going to happe

7、n.( ) d. Gretel learns about Hansels plan.( ) e. The children get lost.( ) f. The children surprise the parents.( ) g.Hansel has to change his plan.【探究案】【观察与思考1】What a long time you slept in the forest!这是一句由 引导的 。其构成为 其中what 用来修饰 。注意,后跟不可数名词时,冠词a/an 要省略。eg. What bad weather it is ! 多么糟糕的天气呀!【拓展 】由ho

8、w引导的感叹句。How tall the building is ! 其构成为 其中how做状语修饰 和 。【观察与思考2】hear 意为 ,强调听的结果,hear sb. doing sth.译为 强调动作正在进行。eg. I heard someone singing when I passed by.hear sb.do sth.译为 ,暗示听到做某事的全过程。eg. I heard him turn off the TV.【 即学即练】 (1). When I passed the classroom, I heard a girl in it . A.sing B.sings C.

9、sang D.singing (2).根据汉语意思完成句子。 我去年经常听她唱同一首歌 I used to the same song.【观察与思考3】be made of译为 ,指从制成品中能看出原材料,of 后跟表示原材料的名词。Eg. The kite is made of paper. 风筝是用纸做的 be made from也译为 指从制成品中能看不出原材料eg. Butter is made from milk. 黄油是用牛奶做的。【 即学即练】(1).桌子是用木头做的。The desks wood。二Read the play again and answer the questions. 再次阅读剧本,完成以下问题。1.What does Hansel go out to get in the moonlight? 2.Why does the wife tell her husband to leave the the children in the forest ? 3.Why does Hansel drop stones along the way ? 4.How Hansel and Gretel find their way home the first time?



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