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1、高考英语书面体现预测(一) 近来,总有同窗问高考英语书面体现会考什么?人们要从考题的类型和热点话题两个维度进行整顿和总结。热点话题给人们整顿成书面体现考题,人们背完这些内容后,相信人们在高考中会有惊喜。p: Chnee Cuturean reignCuture【ods and phrass】老式的:traditional悠久历史的: hitory of thosadyrs农业国家:aricultal country工业国家:ndustrized countr(十九大最新提法)国内建设成为富强民主文明和谐美丽的社会主义现代化强国:build hn ito mdern socaistcountra

2、tis prserous, stro, emocraic, culturay avnced,hormnious and bautifu 【xampe1】假定你是李华,你的英国朋友ete但愿理解中国中药(tritinaChinesemedicine)。请给她写一封邮件内容涉及:1.中药的历史与种类;2.用途与好处。注意:1.词数100左右;2.可以合适增长细节,以使行文连贯。Der Peter,Im writnttll youomehin auttraditioalChinese medicine. Honslyspeakig,raitinl Chine medineas a historyo

3、tousands o yers. Chnese peole ganed rich expeiec whn hey fugtginst inse.Thu, thy veen knong ther hundedsf edicine, which roete andffiientwhen ud to teat diseaes. Thes drugsare safe ad have fewside efects. Besides,they ite amag to erad kineys. iSzen,aCineserbalistandcuunctuistoeMigdynsty,rotafamusboo

4、knedcine,kinggatcontritionsopeoplearundtewold.ookingowartoyourreplyYourssincerlyi ua【Exampe2】假定你是李华,正在教你的英国朋友Leslie学习汉语。她写信问到,龙在西方文化中是一种恶魔的象征,而中国人却自称是龙的传人,这是为什么?请你写封邮件答复她的问题。内容涉及1.龙成为中华民族象征的因素;2.你如何看待这种文化差别。注意:.词数10左右;2.可以合适增长细节,以使行文连贯。参照词汇: descndants(传人)Dar Lesl,I am very gad that you haewriten to

5、 sk about th sybolic mang th dgn.Log ago, Chia was a eveopigaricuural conryth baly reliedon abuant raifllr igaion. Thus, aninChinese mginehee ms be a owerul Godin thesywho was n chrge frnfal an anyother form of wte o eth. Lar, Chse people, alle ourlves t desendants of drags, maning agicultre fed sd

6、opnhat wewee bave, flexile and pwrfunouh liedons ocontrolou wnfate fom getionto geeraton.Dragons are consderedvl nd angeros n estrn cltre This suggetswesterr and Chinese hav dirnt undetndingsofe or. on you thin dfret eerices cn ledto difrent beliefs? It is aways okay ifwe rect and oleate cll dfferen

7、cHoingyu an saryr idan is.YoursLiHua高考英语书面体现预测(二) 中国文化将仍然是高考英语作文的命题重点,人们需要引起足够的注重。在老式文化当中,中国的旅游景点和中外的文化差别等有关内容要引起注重。上篇给人们整顿了中药和中国人与外国人对龙的认知区别。今天给人们整顿的是其她的有关内容:假定你是李华。你的英国朋友Jim国庆假期要到你的家乡汨罗旅游。现请你根据要点提示给她回一封电子邮件阐明你为她制定的行程安排。要点提示:1.体现对她到来的期待;2.到来之前她应作的准备;3.简介你制定的行程筹划(参观屈子祠和汨罗江,并品尝本地小吃等)。注意:1.词数150左右;2已给

8、出的开头和结尾不计入总词数;可合适增长细节,以使行文连贯。参照词汇:屈子祠Qzi MemorialTml;汨罗江Miuo i;小吃snakDear Dvid,I amo exited and lookn orwd to youtripo MiluoI m wel rpe or jorneys and I am r it l be a mmabletri fr youandm. Ihe ot a apof uofor yo that youwu not gtlst Addiionally, Ih made a trip an for yu. At first, we will visit Qui

9、Mmral emple,hre yu can enoy hieetaitiona culture ith alonghistory ndamazing arcictue you wd be s proud of isconucti.ndhe I antto ak youtboat on ilu Rvro have alook a he beutiul ight viewso th anko Muo. fte that, e t have atate th specil food especlly sncs t imoant fo peple tcmeheeThee old eaother pl

10、ae wevit ifwe ave tm. It ldb sucha memrable rip!Im vey excied have yosay with mendI knthatthis tri wil a wonderfu xperienc Im oing forwardto metingy!Yur,Li u假定你是李华,端午节(又称龙舟节)将近,你打算邀请另一种都市的美国朋友m来参与你和朋友举办的庆祝活动。请你写封邮件告知你们有关庆祝活动的安排。内容涉及:.时间和地点;2赛龙舟、吃粽子等。注意:1.词数10左右;2.可以合适增长细节,以使行文连贯。ear Am,Im Li Hu. owi

11、s evryhiggoingwith you reently?Im writint el youthat the Dran Boatsival sapproachg,nd d li to spend isrditinlChinese fsial wih my bet frids.Would yoliketo oe to y house n celebrate togther on lnarMy5th?Sm of my fied eenplno take art inheDrgon-b raefor whic hy hae ee prparng carefuly. u w,the rce is

12、tocmmmrte the grat anient Chnese poet u Yuan. Fnll, wwil enjy smediousZongzimade byy mor. uing thistme yuar able to expeiec th exellnt taitionl cuura oCia.okig fward t yr early replYours,Li a如果你是李华,你校的互换生ob想加入中国老式文化学习小组,并想理解该学习小组的有关状况。请你给她写一封电子邮件,涉及如下内容1学习时间和地点; 2小组状况; 学习内容(京剧、皮影戏等)注意:1.词数100左右 .可以合适增长细节,以使行文连贯。参照词汇:皮影戏ChineeshaowplayDear B,_Yors,L HuaDer ob,I gld ear tat youe intreted in radii


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