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1、Unit 5 What are the shirts made ofSection A(gramm-ar focus -4c)学习目标1. 学习本课的单词和短语。如:boss, Germany ,surface ,material ,traffic ,postman ,cap ,glove be good at .2.复习Section A 中的句型:询问某物是如何制成的、由啥制成的和在哪儿制成的句型:How is /are produced ? It is /They are produced in .What is made of ? Where is produced ?2. 总结复习语

2、法:一般现在时的被动语态。 学法指导1.学科长组织学员学习本课的词汇,然后复习Section A 的单词和短语(学科长在晨读课上完成)。2.学科长组织组内学生研读知识导航,把重点记在笔记本上或书上。然后认真完成4a ,4b and 4c 。知识导航学习与交流教学设计(意图、指导、反馈)1. Children under 18 are nor allowed to watch this show without their parents .be allowed to do sth .被允许做某事。allow sb to do sth 允许某人做某事。如:Hellen didnt allow m

3、e to drive her car . Children are not allowed to go out alone .2. 一般现在时的被动语态 。英语中有两种语态,主动语态和被动语态。在主动语态中,主语时谓语动词的执行者,在被动语态中,主语时谓语动词的承受者。如:Many people speak Chinese .(主动语态)Chinese is spoken by many people .(被动语态)1 被动语态的构成由“助动词be +及物动词的过去分词”构成,人称、数和时态的变化是通过be 的变化表现出来的。一般现在时的被动语态构成形式为:am /is /are +过去分词。

4、如:English is spoken by many people .2 主动语态转换为被动语态的步骤。第一, 把主动句中的宾语转换为被动句的主语。第二, 把谓语动词改为“be +过去分词”这时要注意人称、数和时态。人称和数要随着新的主语而变,时态要与原主动句的时态一致。第三, 如果需要指明做事的人或物,把原主句的主语的宾格形式放在by 后面。如果没必要,可以省略。第四, 其他的成分不变。They dont use the 主语 谓语room . 宾语他们未使用该房间。The room is not used 主语 谓语by them .宾语这个房间未被他们使用。3 被动语态的否定句凡是由b

5、e 的句子,其否定句都是在be 后加not ,被动语态也不例外。如:This song is not liked by young people .4 被动语态的疑问句把be 提前,构成一般疑问句,而特殊疑问词加一般疑问句则构成特殊疑问句。如:Is Chinese used only in China ?What is the desk made of ? 5 被动语态的注意事项不知道谁是动作的执行者或需要强调动作的执行者时,常使用被动语态。This jacket is made of cotton .另外当宾语是反身代词时,谓语是表状态的及物动词时,主动语态不能变为被动语态。I found

6、myself in the park .巩固复习写出询问某物是由什么制成的、如何制成的和在哪里制成的句型及答语 自主学习:任务一:翻译下列单词和短语。并由组长领读学习这些单词和短语。1,老板 2,德国3,表面 4,原料 5,交通 6,邮递员 7,帽子 8,手套 9,擅长 10被允许做。 任务二:由组长带领学员大声朗读Grammar Focus 并翻译句子的含义。合作交流任务一,认真阅读知识导航,然后仔细独立的完成4a,4b and 4c .组长带领学员再次阅读课文,然后完成3b,3c。当堂达标1. As one of the school rules ,middle school studen

7、ts are not to smoke .A: ordered B: refused C: allowed D: forbidden 2. Many children in Britain to have their own bank cards these days .A: allow B: allowed C: are allowed D: were allowed 3.At present ,one of the best ways to study is working in groups . -More chances to students to learn from each o

8、ther .A: offer B: are offered C: have offered D: are offering .4.Many trees on the streets every year .So the air is very fresh now .A: plant B: are planted C: planted D: were planted 5.The child without parents good care of by his teachers in this special school . A: is taken B: are taken C: takes D: take 教后反思或课后反思



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