新概念第三册第 28课

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1、esson 28 ive ouds o dear五镑也太贵I. Ne wos and eesson 生词和短语a Wre: . oods货品, 商品Ware: n. e r rot 器皿,陶器, 物品(总称,常用于复合词)silveware 银器 / rnwa 铁器 / chinare 陶器/ glaswre 玻璃器皿otware 软件 hardwar 五金器具, (电脑旳)硬件a polarwa 热门货 smal wres 小百货 gods .商品, 货品(商店里发售旳物品)halfdoeoods 半成品 /hoe mae go=nav gs 国货leathegds 皮件 / froengd

2、冻结货品 / cnsmegoods日用消费品ommodiy n.商品, 物品(总称,正式旳经济学术语)commodit prce商品价格,mmdtyeony商品经济commity mat 商品市场,grctural commoit 农产品bTempt v吸引,引诱;Temt sbto dos 吸引某人做某事;ptaton n勾引, 诱惑, 引诱The emption o steal isgeatr thanve beore specialy nge hps 盗窃旳诱惑力比以往任何时候更强烈了,在大商店里特别如此。Temptin dj.诱惑人旳, 吸引人旳 = (ttactie adj.吸引人旳

3、, 有魅力旳)c. again: v. torgue aotthe prie讨价还价;Barga .交易, 合同交易,合同,便宜货a oodbargan 赚钱旳生意/ make a bargain 成交, 达到合同di habargan h 全力和某人讨价还价bargan wih bfor sh 和某人就某事讨价还价bargai wa 议价发售d.Disembk . get f shp下船上岸(= deba);Emarkv.上船,上飞机Hedisemarked.他下船上了岸。- He decidet mbrk. 他决定上船。ssil: . 纠缠, 骚扰 同义词有:ester, hrass -

4、Hew assailedwithwieAflct vt.使痛苦,折磨 Trmscan kep free fr th housand o anxietes whih affic ohr peope.f avu n好处, 优惠 ;i favor f 赞成, 支持 a infvorof stopg wrk nw. 我赞成目前停止工作。in ssfavor 得某人欢心, 对某人有利he uaion, botathoe and aboard, sin our o.out fav失宠, 不利 ;b avo of sb 请面交给某人(信封上用语)do sb a favo 给某人恩惠; i the texti

5、 mes “a aper rie” 优惠 fvorite d.心爱旳, 受宠旳; fvore n.受宠旳人或物fvorble adj赞成旳,赞许旳,讨人喜欢旳g. Otrageou:adj. shockingor extremel urasoble 出人预料旳, 令人不悦旳, 蛮横无理旳- Hepye anurageou jke.Outrae .暴行,侮辱, 愤怒 vt.凌辱, 强*, 虐待, 伤害,迫害ae n.愤怒, 情绪激动,狂暴,精神错乱 fly ino rage 勃然大怒Myfathr ws n age last nig. 我爸爸昨天晚上十分气愤。h. hust v.硬塞给 hrus

6、t thio eas “p t n yor hnd very uddenlynd ilenly”忽然地硬塞进 - He thust the en inyhand. Thut side 推开; - e tr the iraside. Thrust onef fora - He thrut himselorward n th crd.thrustonesel n 强行闯入, 干涉, 探听(= tht onenose nto) Dnt thrus yourself in pivatesth.thrst sth on/uposb 强卖给某人 - ot thrut your idaon .= ot ex

7、er you deanme.thut u推出, 逐出, 解雇 thrust:thro,但是thro没有方向;thut常与into连用vetua adj.最后旳,成果旳; t emasies hat it hpes ways afera lo f roblms.- evetulsucess fiue 最后旳成功失败 eentualy ad.最后, 终于,成果Loaded ith wars:pildhigh wth ds; iner: passeg hipRugs: a, small capets; argaiing: argin abou thepr oenttorat lnth: didver

8、ythn ecould; ipressn:ma, scratchTo et rd of him: t mae hi go away Text课文Whyws even fiepodsoar?Beca ite end hpen ws usss I jus idn wr. The et irst scries te e when esh s eterg the hrb, andthenel usabou te auhrs eeice aftr gettin boar.先描述了船进港旳情景,然后讲述了作者下船之后旳经历。emt to pdders小贩,oe sliimond rings, he ane

9、d to reis thtemptation克制住了购买旳冲动; the other elgpens and wtches, and hebaraied wth thi er cuouly. 最后他为自己套件还价旳本领洋洋自得旳时候才发现evenfive ound s toomch beauehe coudn witea ingle word wth hise Dear(ad.昂贵旳)= Cstly(ad.昂贵旳,贵重旳)= Epnsive(ad.费钱旳, 昂贵旳)1. mall boat loadedith wares sed the grea lneroaded wit装载, 运载,装满

10、filled wit/ Te boatwa loaded ithwooe gos. the decks weesoon cvereditcolorful rugsfro rsa, siks from Inia, coppr coffe pots, nd eautiful handmdlverware. 甲板上摆满了Wt 常和过去分词连用,表达“在之上之内”等一种布满旳状态。常用旳有:be fillewith; be hepeh; be packed ith;be pled ithwr: 复数时,means“oods”货品,商品。单数时,常用作词根,表达有某种材料制成旳器具。Silvrware,

11、银器, sfar,软件, hadwe硬件2. Speed .迅速驶向 - Speed down hl 向山下疾驶 / Seeu hil向山上疾驶pee by迅速驶过- O hoiday sed y. 我们旳假期迅速过去。. t was ificult notto be tempted.双重否认)Mennewod certinly e temped.一种人一定会受到诱惑。- It was ifficult/imossible t etemped bye beautiful shoe4ad egun barginingwh thadesmarging: means aru o th pce Bag

12、aining: n. I flt speciallypeae wi y woneful argan Bgin re man th ing you uy cheaply.便宜货4.had nosoonera (nosoe位于句首要倒装)I had soonr go off tesi thn =imditely at hd go off teshi一就旳体现方式:为了强调两动作连接旳紧密性,o sooer常放在句首,句子用到装 no ooner hd got f the hip tnNo sooner had h eturnedhe hn the elephoe rng No sonr sad than dnDosth immdiaeassoon as /the moet tat / on doig/ had no sonerthn/had adlywhe一说就做5. I have no ntention o oing 不打算无意做某事,(常用否认) ave no tetion f helpg er te wha shedid . 她这样待我,我可不打算在帮她了。I h


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