外研版初一英语(下学期)英语单词拼写-(DOC 13页)

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1、外研版初一英语(下学期)英语单词拼写Module 1单词拼写:1. At this moment( 时刻 ), it is morning in New Year.2. Dont get in, they are getting dressed(穿衣服) 3.At middle (正午), they have a break. 4.Anyway(不管怎样), we must start now. 5.Dont say(说)goodbye to me. 6.He is lying(躺) on the bed. 7.Please accept my greeting(问候) from China!

2、 8.They are drinking coffee( 咖啡) 9.The students are starting their lesson(课) at nine. 10.They are running (跑)in the street. 完成句子.11.世界上不同地方的人做着不同的事 People in different places of the world are doing different things. 12.他们在家里或在餐馆里就餐.They are having dinner at home in restaurants 13.我正在给你写明信片. Iam writ

3、ing a postcard to you 14.他们正在北京拍照.They are taking photos in Beijing. 15.她没在买礼物.She isnt shopping for presents now.Module 2 单词拼写: 1. There are two festival (节日) in this month. 2.He can draw dragon(龙)very well. 3. Please bring(带来) your homework here tomorrow. 4. How many meal (餐,饭) do you have each da

4、y? 5. We want to paint(涂) the house red and yellow. 6. The girl likes decorating(装饰) her room. 7. everyone(每个人) in our classroom loves Chinese. 8. What do you mean(意思) by saying that? 9. Its very sweet(甜的), we like it. 10.They are cutting(切)the paper in pieces. 完成句子. 11.孩子们通常对圣诞老人很感兴趣. The children

5、are usually are usually interested in Father Christmas 12.她妈妈是一个长头发的高个子女人. His mother is a tall woman a tall woman with long hair 13.这种树全年都长得快. This kind of tree grows fast all the year round 14.你准备好了去参观农场吗? Are you ready to visiting the farm? 15.我家屋子前有几棵树. There are four seasons trees in front of m

6、y house.Module 3 单词拼写: 1. His wife is a good cook(厨师) 2. He loves to stay in a foreign(外国的)city. 3. His granddaughter(孙女) is very lovely. 4. We are going to do some sightseeing(游览). 5. Would you like to go shopping(购物) with me this afternoon? 6.The wife妻子)in that city love to stay at home. 7. He lov

7、es to lie on the beach(海滩)in summer. 8. He works hard to try to pass the English test(测验) 9. I am revise (复习)for my lesson. 10.I will buy some close(衣服)for my son. 完成句子.1他不喜欢周末外出。He doesnt like go out at the weekend2星期天晚在广州有一场足球赛。 There is a football match in Guangzhou on Sunday night 3星期五将天晴。It is

8、going to be sunny on Friday. 4我们将坐飞机去上海。 We are going to take a plane to Shanghai 5他们去朋友家参加聚会吗? Are they going for a party at a friends home?Module 4 单词拼写:1. We are having a happy life(生活)2. The teacher wont write on the blackboard with chalk(粉笔) 3. Sometimes the seas are rough(粗暴的)4.There will be s

9、trong(大的)winds. 5. In the future we will have long holiday(假日) 6. Farm technology(技术)is so important than a lot of students learn it. 7. In autumn(秋天),the leaves turn yellow. 8. He is weaker(弱的)than her. 9. To climb up that mountain is his dream(梦想) 10.Everyone(每个人)loves to have a trip there. 完成句子.

10、1我们学校用太阳能热水。 In our school,we use the sun to heat our water 2明天将刮大风,下大雨。 There will be strong wind and heavy rain tomorrow 3那个工厂的工人有大量的空闲时间。 The workers have a lot of free time in that factory 4一百年后将不会有便宜的石油。There wont be cheap oil in a hundred years 5将来没有人做粗重活。 In the future no one will do heavy wo

11、rkModule 5 单词拼写:1.His hometown(家乡)is a very beautiful village. 2. I study in a school which is hundreds of kilometers(公里)away from my home. 3. The teachers in our school are much busier(忙的) than those in that school. 4.How big the population(人口) is in that city! 5.There are many Churches(教堂)in that

12、small town. 6.The mountains(山脉)are very high over there. 7.This is a wider(宽的) river than that one. 8.Please listen to her , she is answering(回答)your question. 9.The temperature is very low(低的)tonight. 10.Guangzhou is in the south(南方)of China. 完成句子. 1广州和深圳是中国南海岸的大城市。 Guangzhou and Shenzhen are big c

13、ities on the east coast of China. 2我们教室的窗户比他们教室的大。 The windows of our classroom are brighter than theirs theirs. 3伦敦是一个有着七万人口的大城市。 London is a big city with seven million people 4他的衣服从来不会太便宜。 His clothes are never too cheap 5那些山大约一千米高。 Those mountains are about one thousand meters highModule 6 单词拼写:

14、1.The students are doing their homework quietly(安静地) 2.Its very dangerous (危险的)to stand like that.3. Living in such a beautiful village must be very relaxing(放松的)4. Every year illiones visitors(参观者)will go to that village.5. The book is expensive however(然而)its worth it.6. Rowing is very exciting, but its unpopular(不流行的)in o



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