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1、英国财政大臣奥斯本在长官邸年度银行家宴会英语演讲稿 My Lord Mayor, Ladies and Gentlemen, it is again an honour to attend this wonderful dinner and to speak to you as Chancellor for the fifth time.Lord Mayor, I remember coming here to Mansion House, just weeks after the government wasformed in 2021 with Britain on the brink o

2、f an economic crisis to give my first major speechon the task ahead.I set out for you the economic plan we would follow, and I drew on the words Winston Churchillhad uttered in this very hall, to say that while Britain could not pretend our travails were at anend, we were at least at the end of the

3、beginning.In the four years since, supported by the resolution and sacrifice of the British people, wehave worked through that plan.Now we are starting to see the results:Britain growing faster than any advanced economy in the world.A record number of people in work.Now strong business investment on

4、 the back of low business taxes.And a budget deficit this year set to be half what it was.Last week, the IMF said that our resolute fiscal policy had been in their words an anchor forthe British economy that had maintained confidence and stability in the face of the storm.And I want to say to the bu

5、siness and financial community: you did not waver; you stuck withus and I thank you.But the task is far from complete; and there are many risks to the progress we have made.Abroad, the risks stem from the weak eurozone, unpredictable geopolitics and the slowdownin some emerging markets.At home, our

6、economy is still too unbalanced, so I am the first to say we need to continue ourefforts to boost business investment, exports and housing supply.But the biggest risk comes from the tendency in parts of our body politics the left and nowtoo the populist right to wage a war on enterprise, regulate pr

7、ices, propose penal taxes,close Britain to business and return to the old ways of borrow and spend.We must win this battle.And go on confronting Britains problems with long term answers that will build an economy foreveryone.So while I know this is my fifth speech to you as Chancellor; I hope it is

8、not my last.For I want to finish the job.Lord Mayor, tonight we are joined by someone attending their first Mansion House dinner.Our Governor of the Bank of England.Mark, we all thank you for the integrity, intelligence and international reach you have broughtto the challenges of the last year.And w

9、e look forward to what you have to say.Our 3 new Deputy Governors Jon Cunliffe, Ben Broadbent and Minouche Shafik, together withAndrew Bailey, complete what I immodestly think is the strongest team of any central bank inthe world.The Court continues the oversight of the Banks work, and at the end of

10、 this month AnthonyHabgood will replace David Lees as its Chair.David, thank you for helping steer the Bank through the big reforms of recent years and theappointment of a new Governor.And thank you too to Charlie Bean for the 6 years he has given our nation as Deputy Governor.We are lucky that one

11、of our greatest economists has chosen to dedicate his life to publicservice for so long.The Bank of England now sits back where it belongs, at the heart of our financial system supervising the prudential regulation of our banks and insurers, thanks to the reforms Iannounced in my first speech here a

12、t the Mansion House in 2021.And in each speech since, I have set out new steps to strengthen the resilience of oureconomy and the financing that underpins it.2021, Ringfencing our retail banks2021, launching funding for LendingLast year, restructuring the Royal Bank of Scotland and firing the starti

13、ng gun on the sale ofour stake in Lloyds.It would be tempting this year, at the Mansion House, to pause for breath.But our task is far from complete and today I will announce further changes to build thatresilient economy for all and the strong, competitive financial services that should contributet

14、o it.Lord Mayor, the City of London has emerged from the wreckage of what went so badly wrong,stronger and better regulated, more international and more responsive to the needs ofcustomers here at home.Our financial exports grew 10% last year, and our surplus in finance and insurance hasreached 45 b

15、illion twice as much as our closest competitors.Weve welcomed to Britain the headquarters of some of the worlds largest insurance firms.And we have been chosen as the location for the International Forum of the worlds SovereignWealth Funds.In my first Mansion House speech, I said I wanted British fi

16、nancial firms and markets to be atthe heart of financing Chinas extraordinary expansion.Now two thirds of all Renminbi payments outside of China and Hong Kong now take place inLondon.Chinese bonds are being issued here, Chinese assets are being managed here, Chinese bankswill be able to apply for branches



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