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1、英语三级试题及答案【篇一:英语三级考试真题预测及答案】ssxtpat raing cmpehension (30%) diction: tere re three page inthis part ahpasageisfolwdby me ueston o unfinied sttements.for each of thethere ar furcoice marked a, ,and d. yu soul decie on the bet hoice and bakenh oresonlter theanr sht.passae 1 qustions 1 o areased n te fo

2、llowing passge: n the united sateselemetary eduatio bea the e of six. at hs stg arlyai h eacherare wn, mstlymarried.(7) the atmopheis usualy very frndy, a te techer hav ow ccped th iea tha t iont thng is tomae te hildn hapy ad inerested.he ldathoritaian (要绝对服从的) ehods of education were screded (不被承认

3、)rar a longtime ao - so much so tat manpeopl nw thin that hey hv gone too far nediecto f ringto make cirenhppd nteretdrter tha gii teacta instuctio.theoil edcationof yung childrenies omak thm acpt te iett mn bins i a soety eed o wor tgeth frtheir commn goo. so the emphais s on co-eaton rte hn opttio

4、n hrohout mot of his ress. hs maysecurius, n vieof the fct hat mericansciety ishlycompetitv; howev,thened for min peole ocible in his nseas come to be reardedasone f thefcos ofucai. most ericas dorwu wth omettveides, and obvsly qit afewas riminas, but it is ot fir to y th he eduation sytem fais. i r

5、obbly dosucceed in aking st people soabl ndrady tohone anher boh inmteial wysand trough indes anriendins.1. ccori o the assag,h u.seementary eduto is upse toma hildren_.asensib and sensitv b. competitive an nteested c. curiou ndfinyd. happy ndc-prativ . o amerians coplin abu lmentary schoos becauset

6、hy tink_. a. cie re reuctan toep eah othr . schols la to muc emphas coeionccildn shuld go p wi competiv ide dschoolsgiv lttle actual nstruction t hilden 3.the athor tiudetoarsamerian eduction can bebest descried s_a. farbe b. neativc.tlran d. unfriendly 4 the eriaeducatinl system emphasizes_.a. mati

7、al weath b. cometiion c c-operatd.rsonal enef. th rociabl (line 8, paragrah 2)mtprobablman_ a fond otalkng freely b friendly with other peoplc. cocerned ot socil welre d. happy at shol sse 2 qustns6 1arebaed on e folling passage:nonvral(非语言的) omuniaton hastdo wih eturs, movemnt and clsenes of two po

8、le whe the ar tking.(77) the sentst sathat ose etures, movemens and soon hveain whihd d nt carry.o th oter n, t lo gz anmake peple uncomfrtae heye apparentl pay a gratpart in nonverba ommuniaio. genune armthor inters, hness ocondece canofn eeen in theeys. ednot alas conderamile to b asign ofrenlines

9、s someoe who is alway smilig, andwithlitt apparenreasons, often maks usna . according th passg, noverbal cmmniaton_ . isa eto te uedb pele wh nno spak . an tel soething that worscnnt . cabe used to kwih peopleho cannot er d. ilesuse thawrds 7.the south america_.a. nds o kep adisance beweenimslf dthe

10、 person e is speking tob. uually std close to he prson i tali t . is often unfrndly whn spoke t d.i ofenl and itant hn peaking whh fhefollowin is t true? less eyeotac uggets distanc in relaton b. h lone one ooksat y, the moreinterest ehso.c thereismoreyectacttwe peoplwh lkeeach other. d shoter e cnt

11、ac sowmre interestin what one is taking aout . too longa ae_.a. may pset peopebing looked at b. show es greatondn c. ncates ones interet in hetalkte yuh findly one is 10. onsnt mli whout aparen eason_ a. i a sn f one findlnes b s a signof ns unrdlines . mkespele eel happy d. makes peoplefel unomfort

12、able asge 3 uestons 1o15 re base nhe fllonpaage: telvsinspee ndws inerybdys life. nen will never aain go o aste ddin 1914. milion of peolenowhve seenth efecsof a batle. and the rsu ha en agnealdisik of wr, anderhapse nrest in helping those hsuferrmal he teibe thins that hav een shownonthe sc-ee televsionha als chage potcs.


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