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1、Unit 3 Making Contact第四课时 习题选出划线部分与其他两项不同的一项。()1. A. high()2. A. dry()3.A. di()4.A. missB. bikeC. pjgB. tryC. playB. sighC. driveB. thighC. by根据首字母或汉语提示写单词1. I want to watch TV at 晚上).2. There is a 灯)in the room.3. The kite is 佰)in the sky.4. The windows of our classroom are 明亮的).三、选择填空。()1. Childre

2、n want to show their love their mothers.A. fromB. toC. at()2. He wants help clean the room.A. notB. /C. to()3. She drink more water.A. wantsB. want toC. wants to()4. Lily wants to send email to her mother.A. anB. aC. /()5. I am tea nowA. to drink B. drink C. drinking四、连词成句。1. are/ there/ interesting

3、/ old/ ways/ to/ send/ some/ messages (.)2. make/ a/ we/ want/ to/ card (.)3. people/ many/ to/ send/ use/ the/ Internet/ messages (.)4. he/ like/ to/ what/ would/ do (?)Unit 3 Making Contact 第四课时 答案【解析】1. AB 单词中划线部分发音为 /a?/, pig 中 i 发音为 /i/ ,故选C。2. AB单词中划线部分发音为/a?/, play中ay发音为/ei/,故选C3. BC 单词中划线部分发

4、音为 /a?/, dig 中 i 发音为/i/ ,故选A 。4. BC单词中划线部分发音为/a?/, miss中i发音为/i/,故选A。【答案】1. C 2. C 3. A 4. A【解析】该题考查单词的识记。【答案】 1. night 2. light 3. high 4. bright 三、【解析】1 .该题考查短语showto把展示给”,故答案为Bo2 .该题考查want的用法want to do sth.,故答案为C。3 .主语是第三人称单数谓语动词用wants,且want的用法是want to do sth.,故答案为 C。4 . a用在辅音音素前,an用在元音音素前,故答案为 A。

5、5 . 该句是现在进行时态,谓语动词为 be doing, 故答案为 C。【答案】1. B 2. C 3. C 4. A 5. C四、【解析】 1.通过分析所给的单词判断该句意为“有一些有趣的发送消息的古老的方式”。故答案是: There are some interesting old ways to send messages.2 .通过分析所给的单词可以判断句子意思是 “我们想制作卡片” 。故答案是: We want to make a card.3 .通过分析所给的单词可以判断, 句子意思是: 许多人用互联网发送消息。 故答案是: Many people use the Internet to send messages.4 .通过分析所给的单词可以判断, 该句意思是: 他想做什么?故答案是: What would he like to do?【答案】1. There are some interesting old ways to send messages.2. We want to make a card.3. Many people use the Internet to send messages.4. What would he like to do?


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