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1、形容词和副词一、学习目标:知识目标:1。 了解形容词和副词的构成方法; 2. 掌握形容词和副词在句子中的位置;3。 掌握形容词和副词的基本用法;能力目标:能够正确地使用形容词和副词。情感目标:帮助同学们进行知识的归纳总结,拓宽知识面。二、重点、难点:1.形容词作表语、宾语补足语和修饰不定代词的用法;2。 副词修饰动词作状语;3.形容词、副词的比较等级。三、考情分析:近年来,全国各地的中考英语试题对形容词和副词的考查主要集中在以下四方面:1. 对形容词的考查重点是比较等级的用法,其作表语、宾语补足语和修饰不定代词的用法;2. ing形式与-ed形式形容词的辨析;3. 对副词的考查重点是副词修饰动

2、词作状语,以及副词的比较级与最高级;4。 形容词与副词在语境中的词义辨析等.四、知能提升:(一)知识讲解形容词用来修饰名词,表示人或事物的性质、状态和特征的词叫形容词。、形容词的构成:1。 本身即为形容词的词(如red, glad, nice, beautiful)2。 由“名词+y”构成的形容词sunsunny windwindy funfunny cloudcloudynoisenoisy lucklucky3。 加后缀构成的形容词(如able, -ent, -en, -al, -ful, -less等)comfortcomfortable nationnational woodwoode

3、n differdifferent carecareful hopehopeless4. 由“名词+ly”构成的形容词:friendfriendly、形容词的用法及位置一作定语形容词修饰名词时放于名词之前;修饰不定代词时,放于不定代词之后.如:1. What beautiful flowers!2。 The nice girl is my sister. 3. He wants to do something different this time。 4. I have something important to tell you。 【考题链接】Shirley has done a lot

4、for the tourists。 She is really a (help) guide.答案:helpful解题思路:guide“导游”,是一个名词,其前应用形容词作定语来修饰。As we know, Liu Xiang is a (成功的)player。 答案:successful解题思路:句意“众所周知,刘翔是一个成功的运动员”。player是一个名词,前面“成功的”应该用形容词形式,形容词作定语来修饰名词。二作表语在be动词、感官动词taste(尝起来),smell(闻起来),sound(听起来),look(看起来),feel(摸上去)以及become, get, turn,gro

5、w等系动词后用形容词作表语。如:He is young。 She looks happy today。The food tastes delicious。 【考题链接】The old woman looked (着急的)because she couldnt find her purse.答案:worried解题思路:句意“那位老太太看上去很着急,因为她找不到她的钱包了”。look在本句中是感官动词,意为“看起来”,其后要接形容词作表语。The dish smells and youd better throw it away.A。 good B. well C。 bad D. badly答案

6、:C解题思路:句意“这道菜闻起来味道不好,你最好把它扔掉”。smell在本句中是感官动词,意为“闻起来,其后要接形容词作表语。D. badly副词;B。 well作形容词,表示“身体好的,作副词,表示“好的,不合题意;A. good形容词“好的”,不合题意。所以选C。三作宾语补足语放在宾语之后,常与make, leave, keep等动词连用。如:You should keep your room clean every day. What makes you sad? Dont leave the door open when you go out。 【考题链接】Your room is v

7、ery dirty. You should keep it 。A. clean B. dry C。 quiet答案:A解题思路:根据句意“你的房间很脏。你应该保持它的干净”.可知选A。keep + 宾语+ 形容词作宾语补足语。四形容词的顺序1、冠词/代词+形容词+名词:a beautiful girl一个漂亮的女孩 an excellent musician一个卓越的音乐家 your favourite music你最喜欢的音乐2、形容词的后置:1) 当名词前面有表示量度的词或词组时,形容词要放在所修饰的名词后面。当量度词组与形容词一起构成合成词,并在句中作定语,需要放在名词前面London

8、is a city about two thousand yearsold。伦敦是一个大约有两千年历史的城市。=London is about a two-thousandyearold city.Last year we built a building thirteen storeys high.去年我们盖了一栋十三层的高楼.=Last year we built a thirteen-storey-high building.2) 带有表示量度的词或词组作表语时,形容词要后置。The bridge is a hundred meters long.这座桥长达一百米。The buildin

9、g is thirteen storeys high。这座建筑有十三层高。3) 一些形容词或形容词词组常放在句首或句尾,作状语。He returned home, tired and hungry.他又累又饿地回到了家。Cold and hungry, she walked in the street.她走在街道上,又冷又饿。、ing形式与-ed形式形容词的辨析ed形容词多形容人的情绪或感受,主语一般是人。ing形容词多形容客观事物体现在外的性质,主语或修饰的词一般是物.【考题链接】Nancy doesnt enjoy her job anymore。 Shes because every d

10、ay she does exactly the same thing。A。 relaxing B. relaxed C。 boring D。 bored答案:D解题思路:-ed形容词的主语一般是人,ing形容词的主语或它所修饰的词一般是物。首先排除A和C;根据前句意思“Nancy不再喜欢她的工作”,可判断是“厌烦了,因此选D。IV. 形容词的特殊用法有些形容词可以和定冠词the连用,表示一类人或事物.这时,它相当于一个名词,可以作主语或宾语.表示一类人时,看作复数;表示一类事物是,看作单数.the young年轻人the aged老人the sick病人the deaf聋哑人the blind

11、盲人the smooth顺利的事the impossible不可能的事Bobin hated the rich and love th poor。The wounded/old are well looked after.We all love the beautiful.即学即练1.Look! How the boys are!Yes。 They won the game this afternoon。A. exciting B。 excitement C。 excite D。 excited 2. Who left the windows ?A. open B。 opening C。 op

12、ened D。 opens3. Mum, Bill is coming to dinner this evening。OK. Lets give him to eat。 A。 something different B。 different anything C. anything different D. different something4。 The sea looks very when the sun is shining on it。A. beautiful B。 more beautiful C. the most beautiful 5。 She told us a stor

13、y。 Her voice sounded .A。 sweet B。 small C。 clearly D。 sadly6。 George was frightened to see a snake in the grass. His face turned .A。 pale B. clean C. sadly D. happily7. Harry Potter is an book for children, but my cousin isnt in it at all. A。 interesting; interesting B。 interested; interestedC。 inte

14、resting; interested D。 interested; interesting8。 I like working here because everyone is (friend).9。 The Greens are (happy) to live in this (noise) street。 They want to move to another place. 10. Susan often goes swimming in summer when its warm and (sun)。副词修饰动词、形容词、其他副词或句子,说明时间、地点、程度、方式等概念的词称为副词。、副词的分类:1. 时间副词(1)表示何时:now, today等 (表现在)then, yesterday, last night, ago, just now, a moment ago等(表过去)tomorrow, next week, tonight等(表将来)这类副词是确定动词时态的标志,是解题的突破口.(2)表示频度:always, usually, often, sometimes, never, every day, hardly, twice a week等。(3)表示其他时间关系:already, early, since, still, at



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