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1、Unit2SpaceInvdeI. Vocabulay:I. Exlaitheundrln art inah etece n ou onwods1. ropig; loe; slaned2. t; sou3. already ovrtmuted/estss ocpeope/sns4. unfrienlines; co-shlering5. mmership o a goup or organizatio Fillin the lank neach senencewi a word or ha rom thexini aporite for.1. sild up2. cavout3. attbu

2、e4. sake ca5. trad on6. ld in7. i pprtionalto8. brethig down heir nkII. Fl ihe bak wth the apprriteforms f the given words.1. annoyng2. inttion3. elete4. prlifra5. atab6. epansive7. utie8. srikageI.Coo hwordhtcanelacthe underline rt inea setene withou angingits rigial eanig.1.D 2. 3. B 4. D 5C 6.B 8

3、.B. Giva synnymr an ntony of the wod underlinedinech sennce n the snse s used.1.Antny: ignifcnly,cnidrably, incautiosl2.Synonym: shng, rcding, essenin3 Antonym: private,persol, idividua4. Synnm: ive; peen, n5. Atonym:tightened, ense, igid6. Syn: rentl,currntly7 ony: l-fashind,d, atiqated. Snny:uncmf

4、ortable,nervous, upsetVIExplin t meaningofth undelned part in ach sentence.1. promoion2. ure3. ilingly4. caceled5. th mst imporan ting6. moeratl rGramarI. Fill in theblank n each enence:1.C 2. B 3. B 4. 5. D 6. B 7.D 8 II. Corectistakes:1. n he be given he job permanenty?2. I cn betue.Thee ms beome

5、mistke.3. Crect4. God cannot eissved ihydrochloric acid.5. orect6. May ould av goe of wth somefieds.7. Itot far Je can sa till ten nd I av too t bda ne.8. lug Suehad a dcdent ast yer,shews able t tak part i the hurdlerces.9. I dontage wih ou, u here a b somese in whatyo ay.10. Depite yesterdy swfa;

6、we were l drie home n less a anhu.IRewrte th flloingsenteces:1. He is i por healh. Heculdmay/ mgt/a fall lt any ti.2. Jn lookspl today. He may il.3. Evn erts cnmak mitaes.4. Joh col swi wen he wa fve5. Viitol tak photoo th castle.6. Culd Can/ Migh/Ma borrow yourphone?7. Nobod ko where iHecould/a/mig

7、ht e in th lirayor in telab.8. Jon my have ed the bookon WWII.9. Iloke eveywher butI couldnt find my dtioar.10. Kenca dbeensole, sohe coulnt haeiven ha id.I. Complete hesenecs:1. so2. notso3. does4. so5. on6. so7. o8. didII. Cominevy w senencesto one:1. It is suchasprse tha Ict etove it.2. It w such

8、 horible weatherthat we spnt th hoeday idor.3. Poor san ad sucha ad headahe hat e cod e sle.4. ak wass ot of breath tha heoldntpeak atfirst5. The muic wa so loudthat ou coud her it from mle away.6. The shi beca so stif tht hecoldnt put he on.7. Se ma uha goo mel tt we l ate far too u8. re wsso uch t

9、odotatnbdy eve got bred.Trnslation exrisesI. Tranlatethe followig nteces to hinese1. 在我看来,礼貌就是给别人空间,不冒犯别人,容许别人有隐私。2. 个人空间基本上是一种公众场合的问题;私下里,我们是容许对个人空间进行多种各样的侵犯的。3. 就像我们国家拥有1海里领海权同样,个人空间就是我们的边界,只要有陌生人穿过这个边界,就会使我们感到不安。4. 说究竟,个人空间是个心理上的问题,而不是个物理上的问题;与其说它与我们的外部空间有关,还不如说它与我们的内心空间有关。II. Tnatethe folowingen

10、tences it Enlish,using te wrds r phrasgive inbrakes.1. The pgeonwased inthe fok fa bran an it fe aft a le. . heyentthatthe mris willhav toms roportional to e amoun ofdamghehs doneth ohe perons car.u cannly etr the av by inchingthrug a narrw tnnl n yo stoch.4 he sammerd ome aplog fo erngmyoffi witho

11、knckig she sid toards the doo.5 H oains toeplaint meta wanot eing dismsed caue Ididn do wok well butbecause the cmpay as confronted y finanial troubs.Theenlistment of yougsolirsinfuse new hpeandmorale in thearmy.7 ce te de boys take a cam th lawn, thounger eshad to ve way to tm avoid conflict8Thman

12、folloin her mde hreay and she couldn hel qukeing her tps.I. Taslate tfollowng aseinto inee. 在某些文化中,空间感觉的一种重要方面体现于人们所需要的彼此感觉舒服却又不觉得拥挤的“私人空间”。例如, 北美人彼此感觉舒服所需的空间距离大概是4英尺。而阿拉伯人和拉美人反而是彼此接近才会感觉舒服。因此,不同文化的人也许会无意间侵犯彼此的空间感。正如不同的时间观也许会导致文化冲突,不同的空间观也会引起同样的问题。Eercises for inegrated kills. Dicaono lngue s te unsokn communiton /thatgos n n ery fac-to-face econtr ithnothr huabing. / It tell


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