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1、人教版新目标九年级英语课堂教学设计Unit 8 It must belong to CarlaPeriod 1 Section A (1a2d )(听说课)象州县初级中学九年级英语教师 韦金妹 邮编:545800 电话号码:18776278785 邮箱号码 一、 教学目标:知识目标:会背本节课的单词和短语,能够用情态动词表示推测。能力目标:能够分析和归纳用情态动词表示推测时语气的强弱,并结合实际生活情境理解和运用。能够运用情态动词进行交谈,学会表达自己的观点。情感目标: 学会用自己的生活常识来判断事物。培养自己关爱社会、关爱他人的良好情操。学习策略:归纳情态动词 must, might can

2、t could 表示推测的用法,比较他们的区别。在选它们进行运用时,要多角度、全方位地思考,根据句子语境,明确句子涵义,选择正确的词文化意识: 通过了解中国和英语语言国家对事物分析和判断的不同思维方式,争取准确地推断和得体的表达。二、教学内容:1.复习与学习和生活相关的词汇。2.口头掌握句型:(1)A: whose book is this? B:It must be Marys. J. K. Rowling is her favorite writer. (2)So it might still be in the music hall.(3)So it cant be stolen.三、

3、教学重点和难点:1情态动词 must, might, cant ,could 表示推测的用法。2情态动词 must, might, cant ,could 表示推测时语气的强弱四 、教法与学法: 教师导学,学生小组合作学习五、教学思路:1本单元教师可以采用实物加图片展示、role playing、games等学习策略,学习一些新词汇。2可以通过pair work,group work等口语交际活动使学生对用情态动词表示推测的反应达到“机械化”程度六、教学准备:教师准备本课时教材中所涉及的生活实物、图片或教学幻灯片;课后巩固练习的幻灯片、多媒体等。七、教学过程 :Step 1 Warming u

4、p and lead in 1新课导入:T:用自己的handbag问whose handbag is this?学习新单词whose.教师接着说Its mine./Its your English teachers handbag./It belongs to me./It belongs to your English teacher.用同样的方法,用学生的笔,书,笔盒,杯子等等,问同样的句子,让学生复习并会用Its sbs./It belongs to sb.句型回答。然后老师继续用学生Li Hong的书本自问自答:whose book is this?It must be Li Hong

5、s./It must belong to Li Hong .Because her name is on it.在黑板板上 写 “ It must belong to Li Hong.”主要是考虑到学生本身对身边事物比较感兴趣,有利于激发学生的兴趣。设计意图:导入新课Step 2 New words learning用多媒体展示并学习单词truck ,picnic, rabbit, attend, valuable ,pink, anybody, happening, 展示完成以后,进行本单元词汇的拓展。Step 3 Classify the things.(1a)1让学生看图,work in

6、 pairs.把看到的东西完成1a表格.巩固所学主要单词。2检查并用多媒体展示答案。设计意图:巩固新学的词汇。Step 4 Whose book is this?(1b) 1.Presentation of the grammar.T: Boy and girls, close your eyes, please. (老师收集几个同学的书本,放在一起,让同学们猜:Whose book is this? )T: OK, please open your eyes. Hold up one of the books.T: Whose book is this?S1:Bills?T:It might

7、 be Jims. Lets ask him. Jim ,is this your book?S2:No,it not mine.T:It cant be Jims. Because I didnt take his .It must be Annas(belong to Anna) Because her name is on the book.2.Summary of the grammar.Must 表示推测时,表示说话人对事物的推测把握比较大,意思是肯定,一定。Could ,might, may 也可以表示推测,但把握性比较小,而且用might表示可能性更小。Cant表示说话人几乎可以

8、肯定某事不是真的或不可能发生。疑问句中的猜测用can/could通过以上类似方法学习并巩固情态动词must ,might, could, cant 的用法及区别。用学生现有的物品进行口语操练,通过pair work,group work等口语交际活动使学生对用情态动词表示推测的反应达到“机械化”程度,并通过教学幻灯片做巩固练习习题。3Explain the phrase:belong to 4.Play attention to the words belong to sb. dont say belong to sbs5.Do listening(1b)T: Play the tapes,

9、Students listen to the tapes and match each person with a thing and a reason.6.Check the answers.设计意图:听懂听力内容,理解语言目标。Step 5 Whose book is this?(1c) 1 学生四人一小组合作用实物操练Whose is this? It must/might/could/cant be 看哪个小组能准确用must ,might, could, cant来编对话。2 学生分组表演展示。设计意图:熟练地进行口头表达语言目标。Step 6 Whose schoolbag is

10、this?(2a)1. T:Someone find a schoolbag. There are three things in it .What are they? Listen and write them down. Finish 2a.2. Listen again and finish 2b.3. Check the answers.设计意图:听懂听力内容,理解语言目标。Step 7 Lets find the owner of the schoolbag?(2b)1. Play the tapes, Have students listen to the tapes and fi

11、nish 2b2. Check the answers.3. Answer the question “Whose schoolbag is this?”-Lindas4. 利用各种各样的实物或图片,模仿听力的对话模式让学生进行各种猜测。例如让一个学生拿一个文具盒,根据里面的东西,让学生至少用武之地个猜测的句子来寻找主人,要求学会判断,并得出正确的结论。设计意图:使用语言目标进行听、说、写练习。Step8 Make conversations(2c)1. Let students work in pairs using the instructions in 2c.2. Ask differe

12、nt pairs to act out their conversations to the class.设计意图: 使用语言目标进行口语训练。Step9 Where is my schoolbag?(2d)1. Students read the conversation together in 2d.Then answer the questions.2. Read it in pairs and then act it out.Step10 Summary.让学生总结本节课学习内容Step11 Homework Recite 2d板书设计Unit8 It must belong to Carla. = It must be CarlasSection A (1a-2d)一、情态动词 can, must, might, cant, could 二、词组:1.at the picnic 2. attend a concert 3.pick up 4.belong to sb.=be sbs教学反思


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