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1、【英语】七年级英语上册选词填空专题练习一、七年级英语上册选词填空专项目练习(含答案解析)1用方框里的词填空。have has dont which color(1)Im sorry. I _know her.(2)_one do you like? The red one.(3)What _are their trousers? They are black.(4)Li hua _a big nose and a round face(5)Doe she _small eyes? I dont know.【答案】 (1)dont(2)Which(3)color(4)has(5)have【解析】

2、【分析】(1)句意是:对不起,我不认识她。否定句用助动词do +not 构成,可以缩写为dont。(2)根据答语 The red one.可知是询问“你喜欢哪一个”,故填 Which。(3)根据答语 They are black.可知是询问颜色的,故填 color。(4)主语 Li Hua是第三人称单数,故填动词三单形式 has。句意是:李华有一个大鼻子和一张圆脸。(5)助动词 Does后面跟动词原形,故填 have。句意是:她有小眼睛吗?我不知道。【点评】本题考查选词填空,根据句意从方框中选择合适的单词填空,使句意通顺合理。2选择适当的单词补全对话knock on, play a trick

3、 on, get together, make pumpkin lanterns, know aboutA: What do you _Halloween?B: Its on October 31.A: Yes. But do you know what people do on that day?B: Of course. They _and dress up.A: I hear that children love Halloween best.B: Yes. Because they can play a game called “trick or treat” then.A: How

4、do they do that?B: They paint their faces, _their neighbours doors and shout “trick or treat”. If people dont give them any candy, they usually _them.A: Thats really interesting. Do people have a party on Halloween?B: Yes, usually in the evening. People _and enjoy nice food. 【答案】know about;make pump

5、kin lanterns;knock on;play a trick on;get together 【解析】【分析】文章大意:两个人在讨论万圣节的过法做南瓜灯、捉弄人等。备选项中文:knock on敲门, play a trick on捉弄, get together一起, make pumpkin lanterns做南瓜灯, know about了解(1)句意:对于万圣节你都了解些什么?know about知道,了解,根据答语可知,问句是询问对万圣节的了解情况,故答案为know about。(2)句意:他们做南瓜灯笼和乔装打扮自己。问句是询问万圣节的一些活动,根据常识可知,故答案为make

6、 pumpkin lanterns。(3)句意:他们把脸涂上颜料,敲邻居的门,喊着“不给糖就捣蛋”。因为后面的宾语为their neighbours doors,故选择动词词组,故答案为knock on。(4)句意:他们通常在跟他们开玩笑。play a trick on sb. 作弄某人,开某人的玩笑,结合句意可知,故答案为 play a trick on 。(5)句意:人们聚在一起享受美味的食物。上句提到have a party,因此家人们晚上会聚在一起,共进晚餐,故答案为get together。【点评】考查选词填空。选词填空一直是英语考试中的难点,得分率比较低。解答此类题型的方法一般就是

7、根据句子上下文推断出词义,结合所给单词判断出所缺单词,然后根据该单词在句子中的句子成分,所起作用,进行适当词形变化。3选择适当的单词补全对话。be late for, go to bed, get up, in the evening, go outAndy: Do you like your life in Grade 9, Paul?Paul: Yes, I do. But I must _very early every day. I dont want to _school.Andy: Really? Do you feel tired at school?Paul: No. But

8、I feel tired _. We usually have too much homework.Andy: No students like too much homework. Then when do you _?Paul: At ten oclock.Andy: Ten oclock? Why dont you start to do your homework earlier (更早)?Paul: Well, I_for a walk first after dinner. And then I start to do my homework at 7:00. 【答案】get up

9、;be late for;in the evening;go to bed;go out 【解析】【分析】文章大意:Andy和Paul在讨论Paul上九年级的生活作息。选项中文:be late for迟到, go to bed上床睡觉, get up起床, in the evening在晚上, go out外出(1)句意:但我必须每天很早起床。情态动词must后跟动词原形,学生要早起上学,故答案为get up。(2)句意:我不想上学迟到。want to do sth.想做某事,be late for school上学迟到,早晨早起,就是为了上学不迟到,故答案为be late for。(3)句意

10、:但是在晚上我觉得很累。此句缺少时间状语,故答案为in the evening。(4)句意:你什么时间睡觉?助动词do后跟动词原形,根据答语10点钟判断,是询问晚上睡觉的时间,故答案为go to bed。(5)句意:晚饭后我首先出去散步。go out for a walk出去散步,结合句意可知,先出去散步,后写家庭作业,故答案为go out。【点评】考查选词填空,选词填空一直是英语考试中的难点,得分率比较低。解答此类题型的方法一般就是根据句子上下文推断出词义,结合所给单词判断出所缺单词,然后根据该单词在句子中的句子成分,所起作用,进行适当词形变化。4阅读短文,从方框中选择适当的词并用其正确形式

11、填空,使短文通顺、意思完整。请将答案写在短文中相应题号的横线上。need spend cotton different who money take parent beautiful shop May and Ann are twins (双胞胎). They look the same, but they are _from each other in many ways (在很多方面). One day, May and Ann go _together. In the first shop, they see a pretty T-shirt. Its made of _and feel

12、s very comfortable. But it costs much. Ann says she wants to _one. But May wont. “_doesnt grow on trees. We must _it wisely (明智地),” she says, “300 yuan for a T-shirt? I dont think we _a T-shirt like this. A cheap one can be nice, too.”Ann doesnt listen to May. “We can ask our _for the money. They wa

13、nt us to look _,” she says. “No, I dont think so,” May answers. So, _do you think is right? Would you like to buy the T-shirt if you were Ann? 【答案】different;shopping;cotton;take;Money;spend;need;parents;beautiful;who 【解析】【分析】句意:但她们在很多方面是不一样的,故填different。句意:一天May和Ann一起去购物。go shopping去购物,故填shopping。句意

14、:它是由棉花制成的,感觉很柔软,故填cotton。句意:但是很贵,Ann说她想买一件。故填take。句意:但是May不想要,“钱不是长在树上的,我们必须明智地花。”她说。故填Money。花钱用spend。句意:我认为我们不需要像这样的一件T恤。故填need。句意:Ann没有听May的,:“我们可以向父母要钱,他们想让我们看起来漂亮。”故填parents。look+形容词,看起来,故填beautiful。句意:那么,你认为谁是对的?故填who。【点评】考查单词在语境中的运用,需要根据单词在语境中的词性进行必要的变形,同时熟记固定搭配和基本句型。5用方框中所给词的适当形式填空 wash begin watch lesson break(1)We are tired now. Lets have a _. (2)How many _ do you have in the morning? (3)_ your face and hands after getting up. (4)Its eight oclock. Lets _ our work



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