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1、考研考博-考博英语-南京师范大学模拟考试题含答案1. 写作题Directions: From June 1, 2008, China will ban shops from offering free plastic bag and has called on consumers to use baskets and cloth sacks instead to reduce environmental pollution. What do you think about this policy? Please write a composition of approximately 200

2、words on the following topic:Should We Ban Free Plastic Bags From Shops?In the first part, you should stale clearly your viewpoint on this issue. In the second part, you should support your viewpoint wilh appropriate details. In I he last part, you should bring what you have written Io a natural con

3、clusion.Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriateness. Failure to follow these instructions may result in the loss of marks.Write your composition on the ANSWER SHEET. 【答案】略2. 单选题As is known to all, the rail service now operates without a sum of money granted by the go

4、vernment for assistance.问题1选项A.bonusB.yieldC.pensionD.subsidy【答案】D【解析】考查名词辨析。bonus奖金;yield 收益:pension养老金;subsidy补贴,津贴,补助金。句意:众所周知,铁路服务并没有获得政府提供的一笔援助金。故D项正确。3. 填空题Since he was a child, Don Cameron has been interested in anything which flies. He grew up on the outskirts of Glasgow and, as a student at

5、 Glasgow University, joined the University Air Squadron. 1.( )His grandfather was an engineer, who turned his hand to making model steam engines and boats.Don Camerons first job was at Bristol Aircraft, where he worked as an engineer. He then had jobs in the steel works at Lanwem and for Rio-Tinto Z

6、ine in Bristol, working with computers. In the mid-sixties, news of American experiments with hot air balloons crossed the Atlantic, and he and a couple of friends decided to build their own balloon. Probably the first hot air balloon in western Europe, they called it The Bristol Belle 2.( ).At 40 h

7、e has already been halfway round the world by balloon 3.( )He has crossed the Channel by balloon and even flown in the Arctic Circle in one. Before you fly there,he remembers, “you are told how to build igloos and survive in the snow. Its a lovely place to fly”.In the early days”, he recalls. “I use

8、d to work night and day.” He looks down at his schedule for the next few days. It includes a drive to France to make a delivery, plus reading proofs of a ballooning handbook he has written. “I still dont take it very easy.” he says. He started the business in the basement of the large Victorian hous

9、e, where he lives with his wife Kin and two children. 4.( ). They include specially designed balloons for advertising purposes. The firm exports all over the world and is setting up a factory in America, where balloons will be made for them under license. 5.( ).【答案】1.D2.E3.B4.C5.A【解析】1.D项提到了family t

10、radidion 家庭传统,与空格后面的内容即对爷爷的介绍对应。2.由空格前的内容“he and a couple of friends decided to build their own balloon. Probably the first hot air balloon in western Europe, they called it The Bristol Belle. 他和几个朋友决定自己造一个气球。可能是西欧的第一个热气球,他们叫它布里斯托尔贝尔。”可知卡梅伦与他的朋友决定自己造气球,并且创造了西欧第一个热气球。E项讲述的是他们公司的成就,现在本国就有300个热气球。有三分之二

11、的热气球是由卡梅伦的公司制作的。能与下文自然衔接。3.At 40 he has already been halfway round the world by balloon 40岁时,他已经乘气球环游了半个世界。这句为本段的中心句,接下来应该会提到他乘坐热气球去过的地方。故B项正确。4.此空前面He started the business in the basement of the large Victorian house, where he lives with his wife Kin and two children. 他在一幢维多利亚时代的大房子的地下室里开始了他的生意,他和他

12、的妻子及两个孩子住在那里。此空与过去进行对比,讲述仙子它的公司很有前途。由空格后的They include specially designed balloons for advertising purposes. 其中包括为广告目的而特别设计的气球,也可知they是指代热气球。故C项正确。5.文章最后讲述了卡梅伦公司的成就,A项用具体的数字能让人更清楚地知道这家公司的成功。故A项正确。4. 单选题As journalism becomes more and more competitive, all of us - whether in broadcast news or in print

13、(some may want to argue that this is true more of broadcast news, and I perhaps wouldnt want to debate that) - are falling back on the tried and true local news formulas. We have, by and large accepted the proposition that people dont care about foreign news, dont really care much about hard news-at

14、 all - that feel-good news, entertainment, “info-tainment”,features, and gossip sell better than anything serious and certainly sell better than anything too disturbing.I believe that kind of talk is wrong. I believe that kind of talk is dangerous. And 1 know that kind of talk has nothing to do with

15、 leadership and public service. Using public opinion polls, focus groups, and other market research techniques in a limited role as informational tools is one thing: using them as an excuse to duck our responsibility to the public trust is quite another. And for journalists to become slaves to marke

16、t research - like the politicians before us - is, I submit, most dangerous of all. Where are the publishers, editors, and reporters of grit, gumption, and guts? Where are the ones who will follow their conscience or even their “nose for news” instead of the public opinion polls? Harry Truman once said that, if Moses bad taken a public opinion poll, he would neve


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