2011《》高三英语一轮复习 第五单元 同步测试 (外研山西专版)选修7

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《2011《》高三英语一轮复习 第五单元 同步测试 (外研山西专版)选修7》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2011《》高三英语一轮复习 第五单元 同步测试 (外研山西专版)选修7(6页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、2011金版新学案高三英语一轮复习 第五单元 同步测试 (外研山西专版)选修7.单项填空1The population of China _ over 12 million and eighty percent of the population _ peasants.Ais;areBare;isCis;is Dare;are2The funny story _ a loud laugh in the classroom.Agot off Bset offCtook off Dturned out3The normal _ in this company is to send the bill

2、 as soon as the job is done.Apractice BcustomChabit Dtradition4He has already ordered _ for his new house.Aseveral furnituresBseveral pieces of furnituresCseveral pieces of furnitureDseveral furniture pieces5_ we admit that there are still some problems about NMET,we dont mean that it is of no use.A

3、Until BWhileCAs DUnless6Sally is strongly against taking the trip to Hainan._?It was she who suggested the plan.AHow come BWhat aboutCReal DWhy not7I have just been in Australia for a week and Im trying to_the new climate here.Aadjust to Bagree onCfit up Drely on8How did you _ French?My experience h

4、elps a lot,in fact.I had lived in Paris with my aunt for 2 years before I came to England.Apick out Bpick upCset up Dset out9_ more attention,the tree could have grown better.AGiven BTo giveCGiving DHaving given10We tried our best to help them_the help they had done to us.Aon the basis of Bin memory

5、 ofCon condition that Din return for11_ so delicious,the food in the market was sold out soon.ATasting BTastedCHaving been tasted DBeing tasted12The manager was very angry,for he had sent his business partner two thousand machines yesterday,half of _ unqualified.Athem BwhatCwhich Dwhom13Only by_ the

6、 mind with knowledge can we keep up with the times.Abeing decorated BfurnishingCbeing provided Doffering14The work _ ahead of the schedule,they went to the seaside to have some fun.Ahad been finished Bhas finishedChaving been finished Dbeing finished15_ knowledge can be acquired from books,skills mu

7、st be learned through practice.AWhereas BWhenCUnless DAs.句子翻译16委员会是由所有大学的代表组成的。_17山那边是漂亮的彩虹。(倒装)_18我们并不总是能寓工作于娱乐中。(combine)_19他很快使自己适应了这个国家炎热的天气。(adjust)_20Wherever she goes,there are crowds of people waiting to see her._.完形填空All the world asksOn my first day in a college classroom,I felt like an ov

8、ergrown child returning to civilization (文明世界) after having been lost in the forest for thirty years.There I sat,_21_enough to be a father to most of the students in the room,_22_unconfident enough to be their baby brother.We were crowded elbow (肘部) to elbow,listening to a_23_21.A.big BtallCold Dstr

9、ong22A.and BsoCor Dyet23A.professor BteacherClecturer Dinstructorwho looked even younger than the students.I felt uncomfortable and out of place as the professor carefully_24_what she expected us to learn.As I listened,I couldnt help but_25_of my own oldest daughter who was now beginning her first y

10、ear in_26_,just like me.I remembered how hard I had tried to help build selfconfidence in her and my other children.So why did I suddenly feel like a scared_27_myself?When I walked out of that classroom,I had serious_28_about my ability to make it_29_college.Not until late that night did my thinking

11、_30_.It was a longdistance_31_from my daughter,my fellow college freshman (新生),that did the trick.She spoke on the phone about the doubts,worries and anxieties she was_32_.She was certain that shed never_33_at college.How_34_her worries sounded.In my most confident parental_35_,I said,“Doing your be

12、st is all the world_36_”The next day in class,those words still repeated in my head.When the professor raised a_37_for the class,nobody,including me,_38_to answer.When I looked around at the_39_and uncertainty on the young faces in that room,I knew_40_what I had to do:my best.Thats all the world ask

13、s.So raised my hand,and the professor called my name.I spoke.24.A.showed BexplainedCdesigned Doffered25A.think BspeakCtalk Dhear26A.school BofficeCclassroom Dcollege27A.father BparentCchild Dson28A.fears BdoubtsCopinions Dideas29A.over BonCwith Dthrough30A.stop BturnCchange Dcontinue31A.call BtalkCreport Ddisc


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