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1、云南山地历史文化村镇空间形态研究摘 要云南众多山地历史村镇多样并存,然而社会快速发展的建设浪潮使得历史村镇在保护与开发过程中遭受重重危机,空间性质发生变化,文化逐渐褪色。论文试图通过山地历史文化村镇空间形态的分析,为保护更新提供理论支持。以云南山地地历史文文化村镇镇为例,对对云南山山地这个个特殊地地域环境境下的村村镇空间间从空间间形态的的影响因因素,空空间的构构成,空空间形态态特征、空空间形态态延续三三个方面面展开。对空间形态态的影响响因素方方面,通通过自然然环境、社社会人文文、商贸贸交通、建建筑技术术、制度度政策这这五个角角度综合合分析。对对空间的的构成方方面,以以物质、文文化、景景观三个个


3、镇空间所所留下历历史印记记记录下下来,在理解解其空间间实质的的基础上上,一方方面传承承其特色色,另以方面能能够焕发发新的活活力,使其在在未来进进程中,既不丢丢失原有有本质,也也为避免免村镇沦沦陷成为为凝固的的历史。关键词:历历史文化化村镇,山山地,空空间形态态AbstrracttTheree arre sso mmanyy hiistooricc viillaagess annd ttownns bbaseed oon mouuntaain in Yunnnann. HHoweeverr, wwithh thhe rrapiid ddeveeloppmennt oof ssociietyy,

4、tthe hisstorricaal vvilllagees aand towwns suffferred manny ccrisses in thee prroceess of prootecctioon aand devveloopmeent. Thhis papper atttemppts to proovidde ttheooretticaal ssuppportt foor tthe prootecctioon aand rennewaal tthrooughh thhe aanallysiis oof tthe hisstorricaal aand cullturral villl

5、agges andd toownss.Takinng hhisttoriic vvilllagees aand towwns bassed on mouuntaain in Yunnnann ass ann exxampple, Thhis papper disscusssess thhe iinflluennce facctorrs oof tthe spaatiaal sstruuctuure of Yunnnann moounttainn arrea froom tthreee aaspeectss: tthe infflueencee faactoors of spaace forrm

6、, thee sppacee sttruccturre, thee sppacee foorm chaaraccterristtic andd thhe sspacce fformm.In teermss off thhe iinflluennce facctorrs oof tthe spaace forrm, thee paaperr annalyyzess thhe ffivee asspeccts of thee naaturral envviroonmeent, thhe ssociial cullturre, thee coommeerciial traaffiic, thee c

7、oonsttrucctioon ttechhnollogyy annd tthe sysstemm pooliccy. Thee coompoosittionn off sppacee, mmateeriaal, cullturre, lanndsccapee thhreee coore asppectts, to thee poointt off tyypollogyy too cllasssifyy thhe mmounntaiinouus vvilllagees, andd too thheirr reespeectiive cattegooriees bbaseed oon tthe

8、theeoryy off baase bassed inttegrratiion marrkerrs, nodde sspacce ffacttorss, sstreeetss annd bbounndarry ffor thee fiirstt ellemeent, suurfaace eleemennts of thee arrea thrree cattegooriees tto aanallyzee thhe ccompposiitioon.IIn tthe asppectt off sppatiial morrphoologgy, thee ouuterr sppacee iss e

9、xxpanndedd frrom thee iddeollogiicall leevell, aand thee innterrnall sppacee iss exxpanndedd frrom thee cooncrretee buuilddingg, tthe intterffacee annd tthe connnecctioon.TThe spaatiaal fformm off coontiinuiity, too foorm andd chharaacteerissticcs oof aabovve pprobblemms aas tthe staartiing poiint,

10、thhe pprottecttionn annd rreneewall off hiistooricc toownss annd vvilllagees mmounntaiin oof ssugggesttionns aand proospeectss, iin oordeer tto mmakee thhe sshappe aand quaalitty oof hhisttoriic ttownns aand villlagges spaace forrm ccan conntinnue.Stuudy on thee chharaacteerissticcs oof hhisttoriica

11、ll annd ccultturaal vvilllagees iin tthe forrm oof sspacce, theere is a cchoiice of hisstorric towwns spaace willl lleavve aa maark on thee hiistoory reccordd, bbaseed oon uundeersttanddingg thhe eesseencee off sppacee onn thhe oone hannd, thee innherritaancee off chharaacteerissticcs, on thee otthe

12、rr haand cann raadiaate neww viitallityy, sso tthatt inn thhe ffutuure in thee prroceess, neeithher thee looss of thee orrigiinall naaturre, butt allso to avooid a ffalll off sooliddifiied hisstorry vvilllagee.Studyy onn thhe ccharractteriistiics of hisstorricaal aand cullturral villlagges in thee f

13、oorm of spaace, thheree iss a chooicee off hiistooricc toownss sppacee wiill leaave a mmarkk onn thhe hhisttoryy reecorrd, bassed on unddersstanndinng tthe esssencce oof sspacce oon tthe onee haand, thhe iinheerittancce oof ccharractteriistiics, onn thhe ootheer hhandd caan rradiiatee neew vvitaalit

14、ty, so thaat iin tthe futturee inn thhe pproccesss, nneittherr thhe llosss off thhe oorigginaal nnatuure, buut aalsoo too avvoidd a falll oof ssoliidiffiedd hiistoory villlagge.Key WWordds: Hisstorricaal aand cullturral setttleemennts,MMounntaiinouus rregiionss,Sppacee foorm第一章 绪绪论1.1研究究目的和和意义1.1.11



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