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1、金陵科技学院课 程 论 文 题 目: Romantic Ghost 学生姓名 潘思源 指导教师 夏丽云 二级学院 外国语学院 专 业 英 语 班级 08英语1班 学号 0811110139 课程名称 英文影视赏析 得 分 2010年11月11 日Romantic Ghost When I first saw the name of the film, I thought that it may be a horrible one. We often attach it to the frightening hell, but I was soon seized by the harmoniou

2、s pictures. Ghost is a film published in the 1990s, which hit the screen with its affectionate love. Following the example, China produced the Chinese one, which we know as倩女幽魂.Nowadays the film centered by the theme “Love” is flooding promptly. However, Ghost imprinted on my mind deepest. In the fo

3、llowing, I will first give you a detail introduction and then share my personal understanding and feeling of it.1. Introduction 1.1 Plot of storySam and Molly are loving couple. At work, S discovers errors in some accounts. He advises friend Carl and decides to investigate himself. Soon he is killed

4、. However, S remains on Earth, and he learns the attack was planed.S found Oda can hear him and let her pass his warning to M but M is skeptical. Carl learns of it and convinces M O is a fraud.S learns how to move objects from a ghost and let O impersonating the owner of Cs fake account, withdrawing

5、 the balance and closing the account.S goes to Os house to warn her. Willy runs into street and is hit by a truck and killed. A group of shadows pulled W down to Hell. O and S return to M apartment. O lets S possess her body, allowing him and M to be together one final time.C arrives, prepared to mu

6、rder M and O but they flee. S, weakened after possessing O, is too drained to retaliate. S regains his strength and assists M and O to defeat C, who is killed while escaping. His quest over, S says one final farewell and goes to heaven. 1.2 Background materialBy Desson HoweWashington Post Staff Writ

7、er1990DirectorJerry ZuckerCast:Patrick SwayzeDemi MooreWhoopi GoldbergTony GoldwynOscar: Supporting Access; Original Screenplay The cast is eclectic as the movies moods, with Patrick Swayze, the phantom hunk, teaming up with Whoopi Goldberg, a storefront psychic, to communicate with Demi Moore, his

8、endangered former lover, Three losers of late, the actors succeed quite nicely in unifying the movies multiple personalities, its ricocheting screenplay. Make no mistake about Paramounts “Ghost”. It is formula-packed business as usual. In fact, it is double-packed, triple-packed, more: There is the

9、afterlife love affair between recently deceased Patrick Swayze and earthly girlfriend Demi Moore. There is the beyond-the-grave odd-buddy between Swayze and Whoopi Goldberg. It is also a tearjerker, along the sappy lines of “Field of Dream.” Its a murder thriller. “Ghost” starts off in the kind of c

10、heesy way that Paramount seems so peculiarly proud of, We are subjected to True Love Moments between Swayze and Moore, as she tells him she loves him and he says, wait for it, “Ditto” But as soon as the couple is confronted by a gunman, the thriller elements of the movie kick in and the movie getsin

11、teresting. A lot of plot elements can not be given away, but suffice it to say, when Swayzes spirit comes back from the dead, he finds out Moore is in great danger.Only in the leanest of movie-acting year would S and M ever find themselves clutching Oscars, but they are very component performers, ce

12、rtainly good enough to get through this mysterious plot without getting in your wayThe best screen work comes from Goldberg, who puts spiritual oomph into an otherwise strained tea-reading role. Since her memorable performance in “The Color Purple” she has been mired in macho formula, but this movie

13、, though it is still studio-ready stuff may augur well for her future. Written by Bruce Joel Rubin of “Brainstorm,” the story recalls last years “Always” except it is much more emotionally honest: A man who can not say “I love you” to the woman who makes his heart sing suddenly can not make her hear

14、 or see him, Sam wheat, a well-built investment banker, and his lovely artist girlfriend, Molly Jensen, have just moved into a fabulous TriBeCa loft. They have never been happier, and then Sam is gunned down on New York street and his spirit separates from his body. 2. Personal feelings An old-fashi

15、oned fantasy shot through with sentiment, “Ghost” moves through genres as readily as a phantom castle walls. This heart-shaped thriller, relieved with farce and spectral effects, address the grief of parting and the mourning afteron both sides of the veil.Though there is no too many roughing and impulsive story plot, there is no wonderful and cruel view of fighting, there is no fantastic and eye-catching scene, and there is still no magnificent cast and technical treatment effec


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