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1、2019年郑州市高考一模英语试卷第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的ABCD四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并且在答题卡上将该项涂黑。A A month ago, I broke a nail. My other nails looked amazing, but now one was a mess. Clearly, there was no point in keeping the others, so I look out the nail scissors to cut them all off. “What are you doing, Mom?”my d

2、aughter cried, “ your nails look great! Dont cut them!”“But theyre ruined,”I said, waving the broken one in her face. “Theyre not ruined,”she said .” you still have nine nails left!” I hesitated, with the scissors still in my hand. My nails certainly werent perfect anymore, and the opposite of “perf

3、ect”is “ruined”, right? I mean, this is how I think about most things: its all or nothing. Take my finances for example. I can spend weeks being sensible and buying only essential items, such as food for my family. And then one day, Ill see something expensive that I really like and buy it. Then, I

4、think to myself,“well, I already spent 100dollars on that dress last week,so I may as well spend 50dollars on this lipstick(口红)”and give up saving entirely, Ive thought about why I act this way, but I dont know what causes this behavior. I seem to go from “good”to“complete disaster”in a matter of mo

5、ments. My brain only sees“perfect”or “disaster”,which is extremely unhelpful. We humans are never just good or bad-we are far more complex. We have wins and we have losses and, occasionally, they are hard to tell apart. Some people understand this instinctively(本能地), while others struggle. For most

6、of us, learning not to do the thing were used to requires effort and discomfort. However, we should remind ourselves that we sometimes make mistakes, and that this doesnt mean weve failed. We need to accept that things will sometimes go wrong. Indeed, failure is part of life. We all fall occasionall

7、y, and we normally get straight back up. And so, with my daughters words ringing in my ears, I decided to keep my nine nice nails. I feel annoyed every time I look at my hands , but I m determined to live with my choice. Its a perfect exercise in imperfection. Maybe soon, Ill switch off my computer

8、the next time I feel like I might buy something else I dont need, although I may need my daughter there to guide me again. 21. why did the author want to cut off her nails?A.She got all of them ruined. B.She didnt like long nails at all. C.She didnt want to have imperfect nails D.She wanted to preve

9、nt them being broken.22. what is the authors problem with her life?A. She is rather crazy about shopping B. She looks at life in an extreme wayC. She is too careful with her finances D. She is unwilling to change her mind.23. What does the author think of failure?A. It is just a normal part of life

10、B. It can help people to be stronger C. It can completely destroy our life D. It is something we need to overcomeB My son Sam is 16 and autistic(自闭症). Theres a lot of going on in that beautiful and brilliant mind of his, but even on a good day he can be easily at a loss. Throw in some diagnosed anxi

11、ety, an inability to read social cues(信号) and an unexpected change to his daily routine, and you have the way to deal with a very public meltdown(崩溃)。 It was Sams very first day at high school. Wed set up a plan for how hed get home: Id pick him up outside the shop near his school at 3:30 pm and I b

12、elieved this was a perfect plan. Unknown to me, very bad weather was on its way and I was unable to warm him to take a shelter. With the combination of his dead phone battery and my dead car battery, I was running late and unable to communicate that to him. As a result, he was left alone and extreme

13、ly frightened. He became very upset outside the shop,exactly where Id told him to wait. This was when a beautiful older Vietnamese lady not only went to CHECH ON him, but took him inside her shop, calmed him down, got my phone number form him and called me. Five years later he continued to go into h

14、er shop every afternoon, bought a drink, had a chat and she sent him home with enough bread and rolls to feed a small nation. Sam will graduate this year, and Im increasingly feeling the need to drop by the shop to let this wonderful lady know that she has saved Sam, and that she has saved me. Im no

15、t sure if I can communicate all of this, but at least I will get to thank her. There are people I will not get to thank, though-the many kind strangers who have been there for Sam. And believe me, if youre wondering if this world is a complete mess right now , I m here to say that is not. So I guess

16、 this is a love letter to those of you who have helped a stranger out of the goodness of your heart. Pleased know hyou are appreciated, that your beautiful heart and kindness are appreciated , and that , perhaps unknowingly, you have make a great difference in someones life. 24. what can we learn about Sam from the first paragraph?A. He is rather slow with


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