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1、2022年考博英语-西南大学考试内容及全真模拟冲刺卷(附带答案与详解)1. 单选题I had eaten Chinese food often, but I could not have imagined how ( )and extravagant a real Chinese banquet could be.问题1选项A.fabulousB.graciousC.handsomeD.prominent【答案】A【解析】考察形容词词义辨析。fabulous “难以置信的;极好的”;gracious“亲切的;高尚的”;handsome“(男子)英俊的”; prominent“突出的,显著的”。

2、句意:我经常吃中餐,但是我无法想象真正的中式宴会会有多么好,多么奢侈。选项A符合题意。2. 单选题Bruce Stephen gripped ( )the wheel hard as the car bounced up and down.问题1选项A.stirringB.drivingC.steeringD.revolving【答案】C【解析】考查动词词义辨析。stirring “激起”;driving “驾驶”;steering “掌舵”;revolving “旋转”。句意:当汽车上下弹跳时Bruce Stephen 仅仅抓住了方向盘。选项C符合题意。3. 单选题To everyones

3、surprise, the woman candidate from a small party ( )the poll in the first round of voting.问题1选项A.eclipsedB.outshinedC.toppedD.deprived【答案】C【解析】考察动词词义辨析。eclipse “遮住的光”; outshine “使相形见绌”;top “超过”;deprive “剥夺,使丧失”。句意:让每个人惊讶的是,来自一个小政党的女候选人在第一轮投票中领先。选项C符合题意。4. 单选题She is a very original comedian and can (

4、 )laughs out of any audience.问题1选项A.sufferB.wringC.induceD.infect【答案】C【解析】考察动词词义辨析。suffer “遭受”;wring “拧”; induce “诱导;引起”;infect “感染,传染”。句意:她是一位非常有独创性的喜剧演员,能让任何观众大笑。选项C符合题意。5. 翻译题Translate the following passage into English朋友来访,站在我的书橱前流连忘返,见他一副痴迷的样子,我故作豪爽地说:“喜欢看什么说就先拿去吧。”嘴上虽然这么说,其实心里还是很不情愿的,书像是自己的孩子,

5、是生命的另一部分,生生被别人抱去,总是有点舍不得,朋友没有看出我的小算盘,只顾听了我的话,在书橱里挑三拣四地翻出几本书来,竟都是我喜欢的,时不时要拿出来读读的那种。但是泼出来的水是收不回来了,何况因为几本书,也显得太小家子气。【答案】A friend of mine came to see me. He stood before my bookcase looking over the books. At the sight of him lingering before it with rapt attention, I pretended to be generous, “ Take an

6、y as you like.” I said that in spite of myself. Actually I was reluctant, for I regarded my books as my children, part of my life. How could I bear them being torn away from me. My friend took me at my word and began choosing books to his liking. Unfortunately his pick happened to be my favorites, t

7、hose Id like to read and reread now and then. But I couldnt go back on my word, for whats done cant be undone. To regret for lending a few books would make me look narrow-minded.6. 单选题Doing research will be much easier if you have someone to bounce ideas off and to give you( ) in the entire process.

8、问题1选项A.rewardB.insuranceC.interestD.feedback【答案】D【解析】考察名词词义辨析。reward “报酬,奖金”;insurance “保险”;interest “兴趣”;feedback “反馈”。句意:如果你有个人可以拿出主意并且整个过程都给你反馈意见,那么,做研究要容易很多。选项D符合题意。7. 单选题Diamonds have little ( )value and their price depends almost entirely on their scarcity.问题1选项A.subtleB.eternalC.inherentD.int

9、rinsic【答案】D【解析】考察形容词词义辨析。 subtle “微妙的”; eternal “永恒的”;inherent “固有的”; intrinsic “本质的,固有的”。句意:钻石的内在的价值很少,它的价格几乎完全取决于它的稀少。选项D符合题意。8. 单选题The criminal made a(n) ( )for freedom by trying to run away.问题1选项A.resortB.pleaC.appealD.bid【答案】D【解析】考察名词词义辨析。resort “手段”;plea “请求”;appeal “呼吁”;bid “投标”。句意:罪犯试图通过逃跑来争

10、取自由。make a bid for 争取,选项D符合题意。9. 单选题According to Plato, the most important idea is the idea of “good”. Knowledge of good is the object of all inquiry, a goal to which all other things are( ).问题1选项A.approximateB.crucialC.subordinateD.detached【答案】C【解析】考察形容词词义辨析。approximate “近似的,大约”;crucial “决定性的”;subo

11、rdinate “下级的”;detached “不受他人影响的,公正的”。句意:柏拉图最重要的思想是“好”。对于“好”的理解是所有调查的目标,其它所有的事情都属于这个目标。选项C符合题意。10. 单选题I have found that the effect of comic books to be first of all anti-educational. They interfere with education in the larger sense. For children, education is not merely a question of learning, but i

12、s a part of mental health. They do not “learn” only in school; they learn also during play, from entertainment, and in social life with adults and with other children. To take large chunks of time out of a childs lifetime during which he or she is not positively, that is, educationally, occupiedmean

13、s to interfere with healthful mental growth. To make a sharp distinction between entertainment and learning is poor pedagogy, and even worse psychology. A great deal of learning comes in the form of entertainment, and a great deal of entertainment painlessly teaches important things. By no stretch o

14、f critical standards can the text in comics qualify as literature, or the drawings as art. Children spend an enormous amount of time on comic books, but their gain is nil. They do not learn how to read a serious book or magazine. They do not gain a true picture of the West from the “Westerns.” They

15、do not learn about any normal aspects of sex, love, or life. I have known many adults who have treasured throughout their lives some of the books they read as children. I have never come across any adult or adolescent who had outgrown comic book reading who would dream of keeping any of these books for any sentimental or other reason. In other words, children spend a large amount of time a


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