what's the weather like

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《what's the weather like》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《what's the weather like(8页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、巧用媒体 活化教材新标准学生用书 Book 4 Module 1 Unit 2 设计思路:根据教育部2号文件精神,小学开设英语课的目的是使学生获得基本的英语语言能力,形成积极向上的学习态度、灵活多样的学习策略以及跨文件交际意识和能力,为终身学习奠定基础。在本堂课中,我充分考虑了小学生学习英语的心理、智力和思维特点以及课标精神,结合我校课题“利用现代化教学手段,深化小学英语教学”,充分发挥媒体优势,创设了真实有意义的“天气预报”活动,给学生搭建舞台,使其个性得到张扬。同时,我根据教学的实际需要,创造性的对本单元教学内容进行重编,把它设计成了一个有意义的“环游地球”的故事,使教学在故事活动中得以完

2、成,以“动”促说,以“动”促用,让学生在活动中学会英语,在轻松、愉悦中习得英语。教学设计教学目标:一知识目标:1 单词:rainy, snowy, windy, sunny, cloudy.2 城市名称:Beijing, London, Moscow, Singapore, Sydney.3 句子:Its rainy. Open up your umbrella. Its windy. Hold on to your hat. Its sunny. Put on your sunglasses. Its snowy. Put on your boots. Its cloudy. Take yo

3、ur raincoat. Heres the world weather.二能力目标:1 让学生能够自由、活泼、创造性的使用所学的单词和句子。2 培养学生们在日常生活中能够用这些单词和句子自由表达的能力。三 情感目标:1 培养2 学生仔细听、认真观察、热切模仿、相互协作,友好竞争的态度,以及培养他们的民族自豪感和保护环境的意识。 教学重点:1 能够听、说、认读本课的重点单词:windy, sunny, cloudy, rainy, snowy。2 能够看懂/听懂天气预报并用英文表达天气情况。教学难点:1 形容词及交际语言的学习是本课的重点及难点。2 世界几个重要城市的名称及地理位置也是一个教学

4、难点。教具准备:多媒体课件、单词卡片、录音机教学过程:一 Warm up1. Sing the song: “Thunder”二 PresentationT: Oh, thundering, Its cool today. Lets answer and do. (多媒体呈现四季变化的各种场景及四个天气单词)Please read as quickly as you can.Ss: Its hot.(出现夏天火热的太阳的景象) Its warm.(出现春天鸟语花香的景象) Its cold(出现冬天大雪纷飞的景象)(学生看着出现的景象、单词,边读边做出犹如处于不同景象的动作)三 Teach t

5、he new lesson1. Learn five citys namesT:Look, Its warm today, I will introduce five friends to you. The first one is. (出示张鹏身穿印着“Beijing”的服装的图片)Ss: Zhang Peng.(张鹏)T: Good. He comes from Beijing. Ss: Read the word: Beijing. (把图片贴在黑板上)T: Look, this sportswoman is (出示Sarah的图片,她的衣服上面了写着Moscow) Ss: Sarah.

6、T: Ok, she comes from Moscow. Please read after me.Ss: Moscow(把图片和张鹏贴在一起)根据相同的方式,出示另外三个人物及分别来自的城市,并让学生注意到英语和汉语发音的不同。Amy comes from London. Mike comes from Singapore.John comes from Sydney.2. Learn new words.T: Today, they will have a match of climbing mountain. (拿出写有“登山比赛”的图片,并把它贴在黑板上)T:Look, they a

7、ll have been ready. Now lets say it: one, two, go.Ss: One, two, goT: Oh, they are running towards the mountain. Look, the sun is high in sky. (太阳高挂,天空晴朗,他们在跑道上你追我赶)Its sunny today. Who can guess whats the meaning? Sunny?Ss: 晴朗。T: How clever. I will give you a candy as gift. Read after me. SunnyIts s

8、unny.Ss: SunnyIts sunny.T: Look, they begin to climb. Come on. Lets cheer them on.Ss: Come on(让小朋友们为他们加油)T: Wow, windy! Its windy.(教师做出在吹风的样子)Can you understand?Ss: Yes.T: Read after me, please!Ss: Windy Its windyT:Oh, a cloud is coming. Its cloudy. Read after me: cloudy(一朵乌云被风吹了过来)Ss: CloudyT: It b

9、egan to rain. Its rainy.Ss: RainyT: Its snowy.Ss: Snowy. Its snowy.(在运动员们往山上爬的过程中,由于海拔的变化,出现了五种天气的变化,依次为Sunny, windy, cloudy, rainy, snowy,教师依次教授这五个单词并把单词卡依次贴在黑板上)T: Hooray, Zhang Peng is the winner. The flag is flying at the top of the mountain.(五星红旗在山顶上高高飘扬) Look, he is waving his arms to you.(张鹏兴

10、高采烈的向大家招手) Lets say hello to him.Ss: Hello.T: Look at the blackboard. There are five kinds of weather,and I have five symbols. (拿出五种天气预报中采用的符号)Do you know which one is for sunny, which one is for who can try? Who can come here to do? (依次用符号来表示这五种天气)Ss: Discuss and do.T: Look, there is a map. This is

11、 Beijing(张鹏站在北京的位置上). Its windy. (符号闪烁) How about London?Ss: Its 3. Learn new sentencesT:They all invite Zhang Peng to their countries. So the Zhang Peng begins to travel by balloon.( 张鹏乘热气球开始旅行,在地图上从Beijing慢慢飘到Moscow) T:So he begins to fly. He flies, flies. Then he flies to Moscow.Zhang Peng: Its s

12、nowy. Sarah: Put on your boots. (学生边听对话,师边做动作)T: What did you hear? Can you repeat?Ss: Its snowy. Put on your boots.T: Good. So Zhang Peng begins to fly. He flies, flies. Then he flies to London.Zhang: Its cloudy.Mike: Take your raincoat. (学生边听对话,师边做动作)Ss: Read and do.T: Good. So the Zhang Peng begi

13、ns to fly. He flies, flies. Then he flies to Sydney.Zhang: Its windy.Amy: Hold up to your hat. (学生边听对话,师边做动作)Ss: Read and do. T: Good. So Zhang Peng begins to fly. He flies, flies. Then he flies to Singapore.Zhang: Its sunny.John: Put on your sunglasses. (学生边听对话,师边做动作)Ss: Read and do.T: Good. So Zha

14、ng Peng begins to fly. He flies, flies. Then he flies back to Beijing.Zhang: Its rainy. Open up your umbrella. (学生边听对话,师边做动作) Ss: Read and do.T: In each group, everyone says one sentence. The others do it. Then you can change.(组内练习五个句子)Ss: T: Lets read and do together. Ss: (听磁带,熟悉Chant) 四. Consolida

15、tion屏幕上出现整个故事:S1:I begin to fly. I fly, fly, fly to Moscow. Its snowy.S2:Put on your boots. S1: Thank you.S1: I begin to fly. I fly, fly, fly to. Its S2: S1: Thank you.T: How clever you are! Lets say this story again. Ss: (Say it together) (再次和教师一起回顾故事)五. ExtensionT: Now, I will give you five minutes to prepare to act, and you can create it by yourselves. (利用已学知识,自己对故事进行再创造)Ss: (Act)Ss: Show


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