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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上专题四 完形填空A(2019唐山部分学校质检)In my 40s, as a new solo (独自的) traveller, I spent endless time looking around souvenir shops in tourist areas. It never _1_ me that in shops where merchants werent _2_ big rents, I could save more money. Besides, I didnt give much _3_ for the size of what I was bu

2、ying, nor did I care that I would have to take the _4_ to carry it around for the duration of my holidays.I learned and _5_. But I also found that over time, the objects that were _6_ to me changed too. As my tastes matured, my bags got _7_, and so did the time I spent buying cheap goods.In my 50s I

3、 _8_ boxes from around the world. Not ordinary boxes but ones _9_ made by artists. These were small so they _10_ easily into every place of my backpack. The _11_ was delightfulthe silver from South Korea, the painted camel bone from Egypt and dozens more took up their _12_ in my house.Then a _13_ th

4、ing happened. My interest in the collection _14_ while my grandchildrens interest in it grew, so a wonderful and new _15_ began. Each time a child came to visit, he or she was _16_ to pick a box. My popularity _17_ increased among the children, and pretty soon my collection had been _18_ among the l

5、ittle people in our family. Each gift was _19_ by a mini travel story explaining where the _20_ was found, who had made it and what that country was like.语篇解读本文是一篇记叙文。作者讲述了自己对旅游纪念品的兴趣变化,间接地描述着自己生活的变化。1A.counted onBdawned onCcalled on Dconcentrated on解析:根据第一句话中的“我在旅游地花大量时间逛纪念品店”以及下文中的“for the size of

6、 what I was buying”可知,此处表示“我从没有想过在商家不用一直付大笔租金的店买东西(纪念品),那样会省下更多的钱”。故答案为B。dawn on“使开始明白,使渐渐领悟,使开始理解”,符合语境。count on“依靠,指望”;call on“呼吁,短暂访问”;concentrate on“把注意力集中于”。答案:B2A.lending BinvestingCpurchasing Dpaying解析:参见上题解析。rent表示“租金”,故此处应用paying。pay the rent“支付租金”。lend“借出”;invest“投资”;purchase“购买”。答案:D3A.ad

7、vice BanxietyCconcern Dsupport解析:承接上文中的“It never.money.”以及“Besides,I didnt”可判断此处表示“而且我没有怎么关注所买东西的大小,我也不在乎要在整个旅游期间费力带着所买的东西周游”,故选concern“关切,担心”。advice“建议”;anxiety“焦虑”;support“支持”。答案:C4A.trouble BwayCchance Dlead 解析:参见上题解析。take the trouble to do sth.“费力做某事”。答案:A5A.applied BadjustedCjudged Dchecked解析:根

8、据learned和后一句“But I also found that over time, the objects.changed too.”可知,作者不断学习和适应(adjusted)。答案:B6A.accessible Bappealing Cshiny Ddisappointing解析:根据语境和下文中的“As my tastes matured”可知,此处表示“随着时间的推移,吸引我的东西也变了”。所以答案为appealing“吸引人的,令人感兴趣的”。答案:B7A.smaller BbiggerCheavier Dsmarter解析:根据上文中的“As my tastes matur

9、ed”可知,随着作者兴趣逐渐成熟,作者对纪念品自然就有所选择,所以“我的背包越来越小了,我花在买便宜物品上的时间也越来越少了”。答案:A8A.designed BdiscoveredCcollected Dreceived解析:表示收集盒子应用collect。design“设计”;discover“发现”;receive“收到”。答案:C9A.lovingly BintentionallyCcarelessly Dambitiously解析:本空与ordinary呼应,既然不是普通的,那就应是艺术家精心制作的。lovingly“精心地”符合语境。intentionally“故意地”;carel

10、essly“粗心地”;ambitiously“雄心勃勃地”。答案:A10A.cut BgotCset Dfitted解析:这些盒子小巧玲珑,因此很容易装进背包的任意一个地方。表示大小合适,应用fit。答案:D11A.value BpatternCfashion Dvariety解析:根据破折号后面所列举的例子可知,此处应是说明这些盒子丰富多样、令人高兴。value“价值”;pattern“式样”;fashion“时尚”。答案:D12A.role BpositionCduty Dtime解析:此处表示“还有很多在我的房子里,它们都有各自的一席之地”,故用position。答案:B13A.stra

11、nge BvitalCterrible Dfunny解析:本段描述作者对收藏品的兴趣逐渐消失,而作者的孙辈们对收藏品的兴趣却越来越浓,所以这算是一件有趣的(funny)事。答案:D14A.grew BchangedCfaded Drose解析:根据本段内容以及连词while表转折意义可知,空处应与grew形成对比,应选faded“逐渐消失”。 答案:C15A.routine BhobbyCjourney Dprinciple解析:根据上文提到作者的孙辈们对作者的收藏品越来越感兴趣和下文中的“Each time a child came to visit,he or she was _16_ t

12、o pick a box.”可知,一个美妙的新习惯开始了。routine在这里表示“常规,习惯”。答案:A16A.forbidden BallowedCadvocated Dpromoted解析:每当有孩子来,他或她都被允许选一个盒子。forbid“禁止”;advocate“提倡”;promote“提升”。答案:B17A.normally BcasuallyCfortunately Ddelightfully解析:随着孩子们的到来,作者收藏的盒子日益受欢迎,而作者也越来越受欢迎,这是作者感到开心的一点,故选delightfully“令人愉快地”。normally“正常地”;casually“随

13、便地”;fortunately“幸运地”。答案:D18A.exposed BawardedCdivided Dexchanged解析:很快作者的收藏品就被孩子们分完了,所以选divided“分享,分配”。答案:C19A.accompanied BclarifiedCdescribed Dconfirmed解析:根据语境判断,每一份礼物(即盒子)都伴随着一段旅游小故事,解释了它被发现的地方和制作者以及那个国家的情况。accompany用作及物动词,表示“伴随,陪伴,陪同”,符合语境。clarify“澄清”;describe“描述,描写”;confirm“确认”。答案:A20A.article B

14、storyCbox Dbackpack解析:参见上题解析,应选box。 答案:CB(2019河南豫北名校联考)One can never find his/her potential until he/she has a try. When I retired five years ago, I started running. I was not a natural _1_. I wanted to lose weight and it seemed that running was a _2_ way. At first it was very _3_I was mainly walkin

15、g more than running when I startedbut I didnt _4_.When I started training running, I was just trying to build up stamina (耐力), and just the idea of even going two miles, but even walking was a _5_. In the beginning, I just walked as much as I could and then as time went on, I _6_ began running. Later I


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