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1、2022年考博英语-暨南大学考前拔高综合测试题(含答案带详解)1. 单选题A week later, ( )actions were taken to control the inflation, which caused riots all over the country.问题1选项A.desperateB.ambivalentC.ambiguousD.deliberate【答案】D【解析】考查形容词辨析。A选项desperate“拼命的,绝望的”;B选项ambivalent“矛盾的”;C选项ambiguous“模棱两可的”;D选项deliberate“故意的,深思熟虑的”。句意:一周后,

2、政府采取了深思熟虑的措施来控制造成全国混乱的通货膨胀。此处填入空格的形容词修饰actions(措施,行动)。由句意可知一周之后才采取措施,那肯定是经过深思熟虑的,D选项“深思熟虑的措施”符合题意,其他选项都不准确。因此D选项正确。2. 单选题The discussion was so prolonged and exhausting that( )we had to stop for refreshments.问题1选项A.at largeB.at easeC.at randomD.at intervals【答案】D【解析】考查词组辨析。at large“详尽的;整个的”;at ease“安逸

3、”;at random“任意的”;at intervals“不时”,根据句子意思可知此处应该选一个词组来形容我们停下来提神的频率,四个选项中只有at intervals符合,故正确答案为选项D。句意:这场讨论无比冗长又使人疲累,以至于我们必须的停下来提神。因此选项D符合题意。3. 单选题The famous artist, when asked on the news release for his recent works, his success to diligence and intelligence( ).问题1选项A.contributedB.attributedC.devoted

4、D.dedicated【答案】B【解析】考查动词辨析。A选项contributed“有助于,贡献”;B选项attributed“把归因于,归结”;C选项devoted“献身于,致力于”;D选项dedicated“把奉献给”。句意:这位著名的艺术家在新闻发布会上被问到他最近的作品时,他把他的成功都归功于勤奋和聪明。由空格前diligence and intelligence(勤奋和聪明)以及success(成功)的逻辑关系可知是成功归因于勤奋和聪明,所以B选项意思正确。因此B选项符合题意。4. 不定项选择题“I just couldnt do it. I dont know what it is

5、. Its not embarrassment. No thats not it. You see, youre putting your head in a noose; thats what it seems to me.” Derek, an armed robber with a long record of jobs, was talking about hoisting (shop-lifting). “No I just couldnt do it. I mean just going in there.” He paused to try to fund a more exac

6、t way of fixing; his antipathy. “I tell you what. Its too blatant for my liking.”It seemed a fanny way to put it. Pushing a couple of ties in your pocket at a shop was hardly the last word in extroversion, and even a bit on the discreet side when compared to all that firing of shotguns and vaulting

7、over counters which made up the typical bank raid.But my ideas of shop-lifting were still bound up with teenage memories of nicking packets of chewing gum from the local newsagents. A lot of guilt and not much loot. After a few conversations with professional holsters, I realized that “blatant” was

8、just about right.Nobody took a couple of ties they took the whole rack. The fast member of the gang would walk in nice and purposefully. Their job was to set up the goods: perhaps put an elastic bawd round the ends of a few dozen silk scarves; move the valuable pieces of jewellery nearer the edge of

9、 the counter; slide the ties on the rack into a compact bunch. Then, wine somebody else diverts the assistant or provides some fort of masking, the third member lifts the lot.If the walk to the door is a little long, then there may be someone else to take over for the last stretch. No one is in poss

10、ession for more than a few seconds, and there are always a couple of spare bodies to obstruct anyone who seems to be getting too near the carrier.Store detectives who move forward with well-founded suspicions may still find themselves clutching empty air. Store detectives watch for three main give-s

11、ways: any sort of loitering which looks different from the usual hanging around and dithering that characterizes the real customer; any covert contact between individuals shown no other sign of knowing each other; any over-friendliness towards sales staff which might be acting as a distraction. “The

12、res one other little angle” said one detective. “I often pop round the back stairs; thats where youll occasionally find one of them; trying to relax and get themselves in the right mood before starting the next job.”1. The bank robber wouldnt consider shop-lifting because( ).2. The writers experienc

13、e led to think that most shop-lifters( ).3. The role of the first member of the gang is to( ).4. Professional shop-lifters avoid being caught in the act by( ).5. Potential shop-lifters may be identified when they( ).问题1选项A.it was beneath his dignityB.the penalties were too highC.it wasnt challenging

14、 enoughD.the risks were too great问题2选项A.were at their teensB.stole modest amountsC.used violent methodsD.stole for excitement问题3选项A.convince the staff hes a serious shopperB.remove die goods from the shelvesC.establish the easiest goods to stealD.smooth the path for his accomplice问题4选项A.passing good

15、s from one to anotherB.hiding behind ordinary shoppersC.racing for the nearest exitD.concealing goods in ordinary bath问题5选项A.seem unable to decide what to buyB.openly signal to apparent strangersC.are unusually chatty to assistantsD.set off towards emergency exits【答案】第1题:A第2题:B第3题:D第4题:A第5题:C【解析】第1题:推理判断题。银行劫匪不会考虑去做商店小偷,因为,选项A“这有失尊严”;选项B“惩罚太重了”;选项C“不够挑战性”;选项D“太冒险了”,根据文章第一段中银行劫匪拒绝商店偷窃时所说的话“I tell you what. Its too blatant for my liking. 我告诉你,这个太厚颜无耻了”,所以由此可以推断出银行劫匪不愿意去商店偷窃的原因是他觉得这


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