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1、英语中考单选题最难试题汇总( )1. _ it stay! A.Wht ie water B. What fne wether C. Hw fine weahr . How fnea water( )2. Whchis the way t the _? A. soefor shoes fctory C. soes fatry D shoes fctory( )There nlihtecher an matheches ithe offie. Aa women;t ma;echer B.woman;to mn;teaces C.wom;to mn;eacers a women;two n;tea

2、ch( ) . This class_ now. MsGao teaces them.Aetudying B.s stding Cb tudying D Studyi( )ur clas theirsrze i 4100 mets rela race(400米接力赛). A.win wns C.is win D.wnng( ) We wll ave a _ holdayfter thexa. A two mnth B o-month C. two onhs D. tomonth( )5. Thereisno nugh _on thecrer to pu the able.A place . r

3、oom C. loo D. roun( ) 6. We e _ble sky if we reate_less pllted ord(苏州) A.a; B.a;th C. he; a D. the; the( )7. Ae ou_Aerian Engh? Englih.We are working n uhu. .a B. C. te D.An( ) Ae yu _Aecar Englshmn? ngish.Wer workingin Wuu. .a B. C. the D. n( ) Yo like paying bsktball, e ie unning, _? A. dont you .

4、 osnte C. do yu D. does he( ) 9. Why t ae_ ubra wt thesgn“ Mde in China”? Itis _ useful mbrela? hat _god adic it is! A. an; n; a a; a; C. a; a; a D. ; an; ( ) 10 - Whn shall w met gan ext week? - _ day is ossible.Itsno problemwit me. A ithr B. Neter . Every D An( )- Wenhallemeetagainnxt onday rTuesd

5、ay? - _ da is possi. Is o oble withme A.ihe eitr C. Eve D. A( ) 11.Robert has gone t _ cty and hl be bak nwek A.othr B. the other C. anther D.ayoter( ) 2. laesmagazie, lease. - Olyneleft. Wl you likto ha_? . i B one C. this D t( ) 1.hic boo wold yu li to orrw? - _ ofthe woooks is OKwt meA.ier . Both

6、 C.Any D. Nn( ) 14.rs.Lee aches_ mtW all ike her.A. we .us C. our ours( )5 ereae atreeson _sideofth stree. ither B.any C all D. Boh( )Theeare manytrees on _ ss of the stret. .eter B. an . al D.Both( ) 16._ is theppulation of the city? A. w man B Wha CHw may eople D.ow uc( ) 17hy dt tea little reak?

7、Didn w justhave _ ?(苏州) Ait B.that Cone D. his( ) 18Th teache sk he boyany qestion,but h only answed ofth. .some B.lo .each D.few( ) Theecer asthe by any questios,be aswred of m. A.sme B.los C.h D.w( ) The tacer skde by many quesins,and henswered o them. .ome B.lo C.each D.few( ) 19.Aut _t f ewaitin

8、g her. They watoee th great sing(河南模拟) A. two tous of B.twthosand C.thusn f .two housnds of( ) Aout _ fans ar ating erTey wnt to se the get siner. . whousand ofB.wo thusand Cthousad of D.tw thousdof( ) 20.How man apps do I have? Y can have _ I antnn of hm A.on B. all C. bot D.ome( ) ow mnapplsd I ve

9、? Youanve _. A. one B.ll bot D.o( ) 21.pan is _ the s ofhina, aiwa i _ the southeat o China. A. in; n B t; in on ;to D.in; ( ) 2Thposan shoted, “ Mr Gren, ere s alter _ yo.” A. to B. from . fr .f( )2.e ant heardro his frien _las month. A sice B. te end of C. fo D. ntl( )H doesn heardfrom is frien _last mnt. since . by th end of .f Unil( )24. -Jimyost hs ky yest


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