05 不定式过去分词动词ing形式之功能比较 思维导图

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《05 不定式过去分词动词ing形式之功能比较 思维导图》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《05 不定式过去分词动词ing形式之功能比较 思维导图(8页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、05 不定式过去分词动词ing形式之功能比较 思维导图舟楫英语课堂 精通句子结构 非谓语动词 不定式 To go to school on foot every day takes me half an hour. Its very nice of you to be so considerate. It is a great honor for us to be present at this rally. 作主语 Its not easy for you to get him to change his mind. 动词ing形式 Learning new words is very im

2、portant. Its dangerous your drinking so much liquor. Its no use arguing about it. 不定式 详细辨析见We agreed to meet here but so far she hasnt turned up yet. I made it a rule to get up early, take a cold bath, and then do some running. 作宾语 动词ing形式 附表 有些动词只能接ing形式作宾语,不能接不定式作宾语 I enjoy working with you. 我喜欢和你

3、共事。 不定式 感官动词 + 宾语 + 不带to的不定式作宾补 义主动,动作的全过程) We heard him cry out. 我们听见他大喊一声。 作 使役动词 + 宾语 + 不定式作宾补 They made me repeat the whole story. 他们非让我把整个事件再说一遍。 补 过去分词 使役动词 + 宾语 + 过去分词作宾补 I want to have my hair cut. 今天下午我要去理发。 Please keep us informed of the latest news. 请向我们通报事态的最 新进展。 The viewers wish the se

4、rial film (to be) continued. 观众希望这部系列片继续下去。 感官动词 + 宾语 + 过去分词作宾补 I found the city greatly changed. 我发现这个城市变化很大。 动,完成) I saw the net 我看见渔网被拉了上来 。 动词ing形式 感官动词 + 宾语 + ing形式作宾补 义主动,正在进行) I found the students studying hard. 我发现那些学生学习很用功。 使役动词 + 宾语 + ing形式作宾补 The joke set them all laughing. 这个笑话让他们都笑了。 Sh

5、e kept me waiting for a long time. 她让我等了很长时间。 不定 不定式 不定式作定语有以后发生之意 When you have got a whole lot, friends will jump in and come to your rescue.当你忙时,朋友会主动帮你。 式 作 、 不定式只能作定语 The problem is of great importance. 下个星期要在会议上讨论的那个问题非常重要。 过去定 过去分词 及物动词的过去分词作定语有被动之意 water 开水 The piano (used at the concert) is

6、 made in France. 音乐会上用的那架钢琴是法国制造分词 语 的。 、 不及物动词的过去分词作定语有完成之意 (fallen ) leaves 落叶 a(retired )teacher 退休教师 an (expired )lease 过期的租约 动词ing动词ing形式 ing形式作定语有正在进行的含义 (boiling) water沸水 The girl (playing the piano at the concert) is Mary. 在音乐会上弹钢琴的那个女孩是玛形式丽 之功ing形式作定语有说明被修饰词的性质 a (speaking) bird会说话的鸟 (freez

7、ing) wind刺骨寒风 (running) water自来水 (sleeping) bag睡袋 能比 不定式 通常是说明主语的内容,这时主语通常是表示目的愿望一类的名词 Our plan is to finish the work in two weeks. To see is to believe. 较 作表语 过去分词 见被动语态 动词ing形式 表示泛指意义的动作 My hobby is growing flowers. 我的爱好是种花。 Seeing is believing. 眼见为实。 不定式 作目的状语They ran over to welcome the delegate

8、s. 他作结果状语He woke up to find everybody gone. 他醒了作原因状语We all rejoiced ridisd 们跑过去欢迎代表们。 过来,结果发现大家都走了 to hear of your success 听说你们成功了我们很高兴。 作 过去分词 作时间状语The table set, they began to have their meal. 作原因状语表示伴随情况状 桌子摆好以后,他们就开始吃饭。 Her heart broken, she locked herself in the room.她非常伤She sat there attentive

9、ly, her chin cupped in her hand. 她语 心,把自己锁在房间里。 手托着下巴,全神贯注的坐在那儿。 一些比较固定的分词独立结构中一般多用过去分词 1) all told 总计 We were twenty all told. / Fifty people came all told. 2) all things considered 考虑了一切因素之后3)this accomplished 完成这项工作之后 4)this explanation given 这样解释之后5). But shes only a child when all is said and d

10、one 不管怎么说,说到底 过去分词表示条件,不可代之以现在分词一般被动式 Certain poisons, used as medicines in small quantities, prove not only innocuous(无毒), but beneficial 动词ing形式 这里强调原因, 故应用现在分词一般被动式 作时间状语 Crossing the road, he was run over by a car. Having done their homework, the students played football. 作结果状语His parents died i

11、n the war, leaving him an orphan. Being written in haste, the composition is full of mistakes. 这篇文章由于仓卒写就,因而错误百出。 作原因状语Not knowing English, he couldnt understand the film. 作让步状语Not being a rich man himself, he helped the poor generously 作条件状语 Working hard, you will do well in the exam. 作伴随状语The chil

12、dren went into the classroom, talking and laughing. 附表: 以下动词即可接ing形式作宾语,也可接不定式作宾语,应注意区别: love like hate prefer dislike begin 喜爱 喜欢 憎恨 更喜欢 厌恶 开始 cant bear propose want need remember forget 不能忍受 建议 想要 需要 记得 忘记 love, like, dislike, prefer, propose,I dread being sick. 我特别害怕生病。 stop + 动词ing形式作 dread, can

13、t bear, 等动词 接ingI dread to think what would happen if there really were a fire here. 宾语 形式表示一般的行为,接不定式我不敢想像假如这儿真的发生火灾会是什么情景。 表示具体的动作。 I prefer playing in defense difens. 我喜欢打防守。 stop +不定式作状语 I prefer not to think about it.我不想考虑此事。 begin, start等动词之后,接ingAfter lunch it began to rain. 午饭后就开始下雨。 conside

14、r(考虑)+动词形式表示有意的动作,接不定式Philip began to cry. 菲利普开始哭了起来。 ing形式作宾语 表示无意的动作。 So I at once began making preparation for a trip home. 因此我立刻着手回家旅途的准备。 consider+宾语She started laughing. 她笑了起来。 +不定式作宾补 Mistakes were starting to creep in. 不知不觉间开始出错了。 try的后面接不定式表示尽力,He tried to answer calmly, without exaggeration 接ing形式表示尝试。 ig.zdrein, truly. 他尽力的做到冷静地、毫不夸张地、如实地回答。 Try knocking at the back door if nobody hears you at the front door. 如果在前门敲门没有人听见,你就试着到后门敲敲看。 go on + ing形式 go on +不定式 go on接ing形式表示start continue intend 开始 继续 打算 try deserve dread dred 试图 ;试做 应得


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