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2、五、现场布置PART 1.外围气氛布置【用途/目的】:营造喜庆的氛围,吸引途经人群的注意力,告知路经人群澳苑酒店开业的信息【负责方】:昊翰广告有限公司【内 容】:1)空飘 2)彩旗 3)拱门 4)开业祝贺巨幅 5)祝贺花篮6)停车指引牌PART 2.庆典区布置【用途/目的】:举办喜庆而隆重的剪彩仪式【负责方】:昊翰广告有限公司【内 容】:1)签到处:签到背景、签到台、签到台花、签到本、签到笔、礼品、资料、名片、襟花 2)剪彩区:地毡、音响、麦克风、钛金柱及花球、礼仪小姐、醒狮、剪刀、托盘、手动礼炮 3)其 他:主持人1人、摄影人员1人(酒店自行负责)PART 3.自助酒会区【用途/目的】:为更

3、好地接待领导来宾,提供一个交流的平台,促进各方的沟通联谊【负责方】:澳苑酒店【内 容】:1)点心区:食物、点心、酒水、饮料、水果 2)休息区:桌、椅 3)服务配套:服务人员、清洁人员、自助酒会欢迎指引牌、洗手间指引牌等 六、活动流程时 间项 目内 容备 注8:30全场就位会场全部布置完毕各工作人员就位,负责人检查各个环节10:00-10:30暖 场现场播放暖场音乐,MC幕后音播放活动信息醒狮迎宾,活跃全场气氛签到处工作人员收回嘉宾邀请函,发送礼品、资料、卡片;礼仪小姐请嘉宾签名,并为其佩戴襟花礼仪小姐引导嘉宾到自助酒会处稍作休息等候10:25-10:30开业剪彩仪式即将开始服务生请各位领导嘉宾

4、到剪彩区参加剪彩仪式请新闻单位摄影、摄像人员就位10:30-10:33剪彩仪式主持宣布澳苑酒店开业剪彩仪式正式开始主持介绍到场领导嘉宾10:33-10:48领导/嘉宾致辞主持邀请相关领导嘉宾讲话(_位) (名单待定)10:4811:00剪彩仪式PART 1.【剪彩】主持邀请众领导嘉宾上台一齐进行开业剪彩仪式众领导、嘉宾同时剪彩醒狮助兴、礼炮盛放,全场顿时成为一片热烈、缤纷的花海,弥漫七彩花絮,一片欢腾媒体记者采访、摄影主持宣布澳苑酒店正式开业PART 2.【醒狮采青】狮队出场,醒狮点睛、采青,领导、接青11:00开业剪彩结束,来宾自由参观主持宣布澳苑酒店开业庆典剪彩仪式圆满结束,感谢各界领导和

5、嘉宾的参加主持邀请在场领导嘉宾到自助酒会区试食、用餐七、活动物料筹备及费用序号名 称用料尺寸数 量单 价金 额备注1空飘直径2.5米8个600元/个4800.004天2拱门跨度18米1条1000元/条1000.003天3彩旗0.5米1.5米面5元/面4巨幅待定23元/平方尺寸待定5庆典区地毯新红色地毯约10012元/平方1200.00以实际尺寸计算6音响/1项2000元2000.007手动礼炮/6枚90元/枚540.008签到本/笔/2套130元/套260.009“请赐卡片”牌&盘/1项送0.0010主持/1人自备0.0011礼仪小姐身高1.7米6人120元/人720.0012醒狮金狮2头80

6、0元/头1600.0013签到台花/1盘150元/盘150.0014签到背景板(4米*3米)米1265元/780.0015襟花/20朵8元/朵160.0016金剪&托盘/( )人20元/套数量待定17咪花/1朵15元/朵15.0018花篮/( )个90元/个数量待定19停车指引牌(1.50.55)米(双面)( )个100元/个数量待定20签到台及台布1.8米长2张30元/张60.0021剪彩钛金柱( )条120元/条数量待定22自助酒会指引牌1.6米*0.6米,x架( )个100元/个数量待定小 计 佛山市昊翰广告有限公司 2007-04-24g an employment tribunal

7、claiEmployment tribunals sort out disagreements between employers and employees. You may need to make a claim to an employment tribunal if: you dont agree with the disciplinary action your employer has taken against you your employer dismisses you and you think that you have been dismissed unfairly.

8、For more informu, take advice from one of the organisations listed underFurther help.Employment tribunals are less formal than some other courts, but it is still a legal process and you will need to give evidence under an oath or affirmation. Most people find making a claim to an employment tribunal

9、 challenging. If you are thinking about making a claim to an employment tribunal, you should get help straight away from one of the organisations listed underFurther help. ation about dismissal and unfair dismissal, seeDismissal.You can make a claim to an employment tribunal, even if you haventappea

10、ledagainst the disciplinary action your employer has taken against you. However, if you win your case, the tribunal may reduce any compensation awarded to you as a result of your failure to appeal.Remember that in most cases you must make an application to an employment tribunal within three months

11、of the date when the event you are complaining about happened. If your application is received after this time limit, the tribunal will not usually accept i.If you are worried about how the time limits apply to yoIf you are being represented by a solicitor at the tribunal, they may ask you to sign a

12、n agreement where you pay their fee out of your compensation if you win the case. This is known as adamages-based agreement. In England and Wales, your solicitor cant charge you more than 35% of your compensation if you win the case.If you are thinking about signing up for a damages-based agreement,

13、 you should make sure youre clear about the terms of the agreement. It might be best to get advice from an experienced adviser, for example, at a Citizens Advice Bureau. To find your nearest CAB, including those that give advice by e-mail, click onnearest CAB.For more information about making a claim to an employment tribunal, seeEmployment tribunals.The (lack of) air up there Watch mCayman Islands-based Webb, the head of Fifas anti-racism taskforce, is in London for the Football Associations 150th anniversary celebrations and will attend Citys Premier League match at Chelsea on


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