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1、中医十句经典句子翻译姓名:于标班级:10国针学号:10211047指导老师:陈怡学院:针灸骨伤临床学院1、 风胜则动,热胜则肿,燥胜则干,寒胜则浮,湿盛则濡泻。 Predominate Wind causing motion,predominant heat causing swelling,domination of dryness bringing about deficiency of fluid,cold domination inducing edema,wet sheng,or diarrhea.2、 阴在内,阳之守也;阳在外,阴之使也。 Yin, Yang, Yo Nomori;

2、 in the outside, Yin that also. 3、阴阳离绝,精气乃绝。 Eparation of Yin and Yang results in exhausting of essenc. 4、脾为后天之本气血生化之源。 The spleen is the acquired base of life and the source of qi and blood production.5、 有诸内,必行诸于外。 The state of the internal organs must be manifested externally. 6、夫十二经脉者,内属于脏腑,外络于肢节

3、。 The twelve channel is belonged to viscera in the internal and contacted with segments in external.7、木曰曲直,火曰炎上,土爰稼穑,金曰从革,水曰润下。 Wood characterized by bending and straightening ,Fire characterized by flaring up,Earth characterized by sowing and reaping,Metal characterized by clearing and changing ,Wa

4、ter characterized by moistening and descending.8、伤于风者,上先受之。 Wind is apt to attack upper part of the body.9、上焦如雾,中焦如沤,下焦如渎。 The upper energizer functions as a sprayer,the middle energizer functions as a fermentor,the low energizer functions as a drainer.10、邪气正则实,精气夺则虚。 Predominance of pathogenic factors leads to excess while depletion of essence results in deficiency.


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