沪教牛津版七年级英语上册课文内容语法填空 格式修整完整版

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1、Unit 1(A)Hello everyone. _(欢迎来到) my blog.My name is Anna. Im from_(German). I live _ my family in a house_(靠近)some mountains. My mum is_Art teacher. My dad is a doctor. I have an_(old) sister.Every day, I go to school by school bus. My favorite subjects are Maths, Art and _(科学). I like my school bec

2、ause the teachers are all very _(friend). My dream is _(成为一名工程师).I like many sports. I_(擅长游泳和打篮球).(B) Hi! I saw your blog_(在网上).My school _(远离)our home. I go to school by bus. My favorite subject is Maths. I like my school and I have lots of friends there.I like flying kites in _(空闲时间). I hope _(收到来

3、信)you soon.Unit 2(A)I am_(一名初中生). I love going to school.I always go to school on foot. Classes_(start)at 8 a.m., and I am seldom_(late). My favorite subject is Geography. I enjoy_(了解)different _(place) in the world.When the bell _(ring), I run to the playground with my best friends Tom and Jack. We

4、 often play games. Break _(end) at 10:10 a.m. _short it is!Lunch is from 11:50 a.m. _ 12:30p.m. Afternoon classes end _3:30 p.m. Then Tom, Jack and I _(参加 )the school band practice . (B)My mother _(teach)English. My mother gets up at 6 oclock every day and _(have) breakfast at 6:30 a.m. She always _

5、(arrive) at school at 7:25 a.m. She usually has two _(lesson) in the morning. In the afternoon, she has one lesson. After school, she plays volleyball_ her students.In the evening, she cooks dinner. After dinner, she _(prepare)her lessons. She sometimes helps me _ my homework. She usually goes to be

6、d at 11 p.m.Unit 3(A)_Earth is a beautiful place.There are forests and rivers, mountains and fields Some places are very hot, and some are very cold.There are many different plants. Some are large. Some are small. All plants need _(光和水). There are different animals _Earth too. Some live_(在陆地上). Some

7、 fly in the sky. Some live _(在水下).The Earth_(给我们提供空气,水和食物).Today, there is a lot of _(pollute). We must stop _(do) these things. _(对我们来说保护地球是重要的)for our future.Unit 4(A)In spring, the weather starts to_(变得温暖). The wind _(轻轻地吹). It often _(下雨). Plants start to grow. Everything turns green. It is exci

8、ting to _(旅行)in spring.The weather is hot in summer. The sun_(明亮地照耀). Many people like to go to the beach and swim in the sea. It is nice to _(吃冰淇淋) in the hot weather.In autumn, everything_(变化). Leaves turn brown, red or yellow and start _(从树上落下来). It is nice to go on a picnic_ this time of year be

9、cause the weather is cool and dry.Winter is often cold and _(snow). Children love winter because they love to_(在雪里玩). It is interesting to make _(snowman). People usually spend time _ their relatives during the_(春节).(B)_(在中国的北部), it is very cold and dry in winter. There is sometimes heavy snow. Summ

10、er is different. It is sometimes very hot during the day, but it is often cool in the evening. Spring and autumn are the _(nice)seasons.The weather in the middle and east of China is quite different. It is hot and dry in summer and _(在冬天非常冷和潮湿).In the south of China, winter is usually short and cool

11、. _(有时下雨). In summer, the weather is often hot and wet.The weather_(在中国的西南部)is very special. _(住在那儿很舒服) because summer is cool and winter is warm.Unit 5(A)Im so happy! Tomorrow Ill be one of the first students to_(进入太空). _(飞船将在上午 9时离开地球). Itll take us to the Moon._(我等不及了)!The Moon is around 380,000

12、kilometers from the Earth, so itll_(花费我们大约四天)to get there. Theres no _(重力)in space, so well be able to_(漂浮)around the spaceship. _(我们要把自己绑在我们的床上),so that we wont float away in our sleep! _(没有重力), our bodies may_(变得虚弱), so well have to do _(exercise)every day.When we arrive, _(我将在月球上行走). Ill have to wear a spacesu


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