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1、人教英语必修五单词拼写1.Though _(缺乏) money, his parents managed to send him to university. 2. His report was so exciting that it was _(不断地) interrupted by applause. 3. Dont be so discouraged. You should be _(乐观的) about life. 4. Have you had _(以前的) career experience? 5. What were your first _(印象) of Beijing? 6.

2、 The strikers have reached a _(解决) with the employers. 7. He drove a car across the _(沙漠). 8. He looked at the shop window with _(贪婪的) eyes. 9. He could not _(忍受) the extremes of heat here. 10. You have to answer the question _(立即地). 11. There is no doubt that _(回收利用) helps save our natural resource

3、s. 12. She _(咽下) her anger and carried on. 13. Ive made a few _(调整) to the seating plan. 14. The old man sat there telling stories, _(围绕) by children. 15. She is a _(打字员) good at typing. 16.I am afraid your parents wont _(同意)of your going there. 1.I have an_(约会)with them in the evening. 2.While visi

4、ting xian, he_(给.拍照) many ancient soldier statues. 3.They ll be here soon,_(在此期间)well have some coffee. 4.I felt_after breaking my promise. 5.She is_ (渴望)for success after many years waiting. 6.They _(通知)her of his safe arrival. 7.You mustnt wear that coat until it is_(完全地)dry. 8.She is short-sighte

5、d and cant_(集中精力)on a book very long. 9.Only by warking hard can you_(获得) a good knowledge of law. 10.The police_(控告)him of bribing others. 11.I am rather_(怀疑的)about what he has said. 12.He made an_(评估)of the situation which he was in. 13.We must_(屈服于)ourselves to Gods will. 14.He often_(帮助) her wit

6、h the homework. 15.Wed better book a table for dinner a few days_(提前)of time. 16.I _(防卫)myself against the dog with a stick. 17.He is ten years_(年长的,级别较高的)to me. 18.Even though he has already worked himself,he still_(要求,需求)money of his parents. 19.That he has saved 11 peoples lives alone is_(值得赞扬的)。

7、 1. The chemical companies are _our rivers with industrial waste. 2. The cut on my leg _ a lot when I was hurt yesterday. 3. What is the typical _of the flue? 4. Her foot was very _ after the accident. 5. The doctor is taking my blood _. 6. When is the wedding _? 7. By the time the _ arrived, a crow

8、d of onlookers had gathered. 8. Due to lack of _, some patients rescued from the ruins died soon. 9. The biggest problem I have to face is the language _when I go abroad. 10. His rude behavior is _to his classmates, so he makes few friends in his class. 11. He overcame his foot _and won the Olympic

9、gold medal. 12. We all need _ in our diet. 13. Look! She is _ milk from the bottle to the cup carefully. 14. Oil, milk and water are all _ 15. Theory should be _to practice. 16. My schedule is very _, but I can try to spare some time to see you. 17. Even though it was a _problem, we had to settle it

10、 quickly. 18. She showed great _in the face of danger. Unit 1 1. The doctor is well-known for having _(治愈) some people of the deadly disease. 2. The army was well-trained and well-armed ,and that had little difficulty _(击败) 3. The scientists are doing _(科学) research on the rats. 4. The baby was left

11、 _(暴露)to the sun. 5. He was _(怀疑) of stealing the ring at the party last night, and the police were looking into the matter. 6. Please _(宣布) to the children that there will be no class this afternoon. 7. The bridge you will visit tomorrow is under _.(建设) 8. _(照顾) on well, the girl has recovered from

12、 her injury. 9. The driver,_(责备) for the car accident, was sentenced to life imprisonment. 10. _(吸引) in the humorous stories he was reading, he didnt notice someone come in. 11. Although he was in great need of money, he has _(拒绝) our help. 12. The audience was _(热情) on the opening night of the play

13、. 13. From these facts we can draw different _(结论) about how the pyramids were built. 14. He lay still without any _(移动) as if dead. 15. The river in our hometown is now _(污染). 16. I have been _(命令) to wait here until he lecturer arrives. Unit 2 1. The _(方便) of transportation in this area brings hop

14、e to this mountain village. 2. Our class is _(分成) into two groups during the discussion. 3. There have been some _(矛盾) between them. 4. I have _(完成) a great deal in the last few months. 5. Is the _(收藏品) going to be divided up or sold as a whole. 6. I have _(安排) that one of my staff will meet you at the airport. 7. The West Lake was beautiful beyond _(描述). 8. To our _(高兴),we will have seven days off this month. 9. The whole country_(团结) together and got through the terrible earthquake. 10. He joined the club _(组成) of eight members. 11. Theres a _(可能) that he might


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