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1、牛津高中资源库之词汇设计单元:Unit 3 Science Versus Nature板块:词汇1. Science is developing so fast that it is beyond our imagination. 科学开展迅速,超乎人的想象。beyond1) 超出的范围,不可能He survived the accident, but his car was damaged beyond repair. 他从事故中幸存了下来,但他的车坏得不能修了。His thoughtlessness is just beyond belief. 他自私得令人难以置信。Im afraid p

2、hysics is totally beyond me (meaning that something is too difficult). 恐怕我根本学不好物理。2在时间、地点之外In the distance, beyond the river, was a small town. 在远处,河对岸,有一个小城。The ban has been extended beyond . 这条禁令已经延长到了后。3其它相关词组beyond ones understanding 超出某人的理解能力,不能理解beyond ones reach=out of ones reach 够不着 2. On th

3、e one hand, some scientists point out that . On the other hand, a real-life Frankensteins monster. 一方面,一些科学家指出,如果你克隆了胚胎,你就可以制造出有价值的组织和器官,挽救人类生命。另一方面,包括一些科学家在内的许多人担忧,如果人类以这样的方式干预自然,也许在不久的将来会制造出正式版的佛兰肯斯坦的魔鬼。1on the one handon the other hand 一方面 另一方面,一方面而,常用来引出两种不同的观点,重点常在后一种观点。On the one hand Id like

4、a job which pays more, but on the other hand I enjoy the work Im doing at the moment. 一方面我希望得到报酬高的工作,但另一方面我又很喜欢手头这件工作。Id like to eat out, but on the other hand I should be trying to save money. 我想出去吃,可另一方面我又该努力省钱。2point out 指出,后接名词或宾语从句He was always very keen to point out my mistakes.他总是迫不及待要指出我的错误。

5、Some economists have pointed out that low inflation is not necessarily a good thing. 一些经济学家指出低通涨不一定就是好事。I feel I should point out how dangerous it is. 我觉得我应该指出情况是多么危险。3fear 害怕,担忧 Police fear that there may be further terrorist attacks. 警方担忧还会有新的恐怖袭击。I fear that theres little more we can do. 恐怕我们无能为力

6、了。I fear so / not. 恐怕如此并非如此4on their way to producing a real-life Frankensteins monster 他们也许接近造出真实版的佛兰肯斯坦怪物了on ones/the way to something 快要,将 (close to doing something)Im well on the way to completing the report. 我就快把报告写好了。More changes are on the way. 更多的变化就要发生了。 3. However, in general the scientist

7、s were praised for their wonderful scientific breakthrough. 但是总的来说科学家们还是因为他们的科学突破而受到赞扬。1in general 一般,总的来说usually,in most situations;总体上considering things as a whole,例如:In general men are taller than women. 一般来说男人比女人高。I dont particularly hate anything. I just have a feeling of dissatisfaction with l

8、ife in general. 我并不特别恨什么。我只是对生活总体上有点不满的感觉。2praise 表扬,赞扬,常和介词for连用The mayor praised the rescue team for their courage. 市长赞扬了救援队的勇气。He was highly praised for his research on cloning. 他因为在克隆方面的研究受到高度赞扬。4. Although he researches cloning, his intention has never been to create copies of humans. 尽管他研究克隆,但

9、从没打算克隆人。Some people consider that cloning human embryos with the intention of destroying them shows no respect for human life. 有些人认为,为了最终摧毁的目的而克隆人体胚胎是对生命的不尊重。1) 上两句都用到名词intention,Intentionintend的名词形式后面常用动词不定式做表语或定语。类似用法的词还有:aim, ambition, duty, hope, idea, intention, mistake, plan, purpose, suggesti

10、on等。例如:His aim is to create new tissues and organs. 他的目的是造出新的人体组织和器官。Your mistake was not to write that letter. 你的错是没有写那封信。2) with the intention of 带着怀着的意图,为了,例如:He decided to find a host family with the intention of improving his English. 他决定找一家寄养家庭住,以提高自己的英语。注意:不可以说with the intention to do somethi

11、ng,同样,也不可以说have the intention to do something.3) show respect for 尊重,也可以说:have respect for,例如:She complained that young people today show / have no respect for law. 她抱怨说现在的年轻人对不尊重法律。The boy showed a complete lack of respect for authority. 这位男孩对权威缺乏最起码的尊重。5. He thinks research efforts should concentr

12、ate on creating new tissues and organs that could eventually be used to cure diseases like cancer. 他认为研究应该专注于制造新的组织和器官,最终用以治疗像癌症那样的疾病。concentrate集中精神、注意、努力等,常与介词on连用I cant concentrate on my work with all that noise. 这么吵,我根本不能专注于工作。The company is concentrating (its resources) on developing new produc

13、ts. 这家公司正集中其资源于开发新产品。6. I am desperate to have a child of my own. 我渴望有自己的孩子。1) desperate 不顾后果的,亡命的,孤注一掷的;严重的;渴望的。本句中是“渴望的意思,后接介词for或动词不定式。例如:He is desperate for a job. (=He is desperate to get a job.) 他渴望获得一份工作。其它意思举例如下:The situation is desperatewe have no food, little water and no medical supplies.

14、 情况是绝望的:我们没有食物,只剩一点点水,也没有药品。绝望They are making a desperate effort to save the child. 他们在为挽救那个小孩尽最后的努力。孤注一掷2of ones own某人自己的ones owna place of my own=my own place 自己的地方家注意比拟:(all) on ones own 单独地,独力地The old man lives on his own. 那老人单独住。7. I dont want to adopt someone elses child. 我不愿意领养别人的孩子。1adopt 除了

15、“领养外,还有“采用的意思。如:I adopted their method of making the machine. 我采用了他们制造机器的方法。The new approach of teaching has been adopted in many schools. 这种新的教学方法已经被许多采用。2someone elses 注意“-s 要加在else上!This is not mine. It must be someone elses.Who elses can it be?8. China has succeeded in producing clones of cows and goats, and continues to research ways in which cloning can benefit mankind. 中国已经成功地克隆了牛和羊,并在继续研究能使克隆造福人类的方法。1) succeed 成功,常与“in连用,名词形式是success,形容词successful。China has succeeded in launching a new positioning satellite. 中国成功发射了一颗新的定位卫星。Su


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