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1、小学英语五年级上册第一单元测试题小学英语五年级上册第一单元测试题班级:_ 姓名_ 成绩_听 力部 分(3分)一、张大耳朵,将你听到的那个单词选出来哦。听一遍。(每题分,共0分) ( )1A.yo B.young .yer ( )2.A.t .shi C.shw ( )3.A.uie B.cake C.ome ( ).A.anaa B.ke C.coputer ( ).sm Bsam .smart二、听句子,选出你所听到的那一个。(每题2分,共10分)( )1.A.Tis orsciceteacher.B.Tat is uEnglsh eche. C.W hve nw mth teacher.(

2、 )2.A.ha dohe ike? B.ha douike? C.hats h ke?( )3.A.e is tall and strong. .he iong and knd. C.Hes shotandkind.( )4A.Whosyour glsh acher? B.Wtur teacrli? C.ho s yourmat teaher?( )A.Is he qiet? B.Doeshe ik Englis?C.Is htrt?三、下面你将听到五段话,请将符合对话内容的图片序号写在前面括号内。(每题分,共0分)A. . C D E. ( ) 2( ) 3.( ) 4.( ) 5.( )

3、笔 试部分(70分)一、单词归类。下面每小题有三个单词,你能找出每小题中与众不同的那一个吗?请你把这个“捣乱分子”的序号填在前面的括号里吧。(每题分,共5分)( )1. stric B.ron C.tll ( )2.A.art .Canad .mah ( )3A.ay B.mother .fth ( )4.A.prncipa B.teaer .scenc ( ).A.rice B.lk C.be二、下面图片里的这些人们真有特点啊!请用你学到的英语单词来描绘他们吧。每空一词哦。(每题1分,共5分).2 3. 4 .( )2.( )( )4.( )5( )三、英语单词和汉语单词都在找自己的好朋友。

4、请你写出下列单词的汉语或者英语形式吧。(每题2分,共10分)1prcipa _ 2.聪明的 _ 3.fr _4Cand _ 5.非常 _四、你有一双“火眼金睛”吗?从ABC三个选项中选择合适的答案,把序号填写在题前括号内。(每题2分,共0分)( )1.Our rinipal is vry trct,but hesver _. A old Bknd Cin ( ).os that oun lady? .No,s nt. B.Shs 26. .ShesourEnglsh tahe.( ).WatsM.rt ik? AHs ur picipa. B.Hes our mah teaer C.Hestn

5、 an ht( )4.I sheactive? .Y, he . B.Sh is activ. . Yes, e is( )Wers Miss hang from? A.S is tivebutshe is n. Bhe is from Canada. C.She i our pincpa五、将这些不讲究秩序的单词排列成句。注意横线后的标点哦!(每题2分,共1分)a , se, universiy, is, stuen._2.have, , new, mh,a, teacher._3ha, ay, who,ld, _?4mth, is,ou ,very, teacher, yong._5.ew

6、, o , eahers,hv, u,_?六、 把下列问题相匹配。( 10分)()1 Whos yourrt tecr? A. Its7:00. ( ) 2. Wh o brotelik? B.Yes,e is.( ) 3. s the tier stg? . ra( )4.Is hemar? D. e all and funy.( ) 5.Whatime is it? E. No, i is.七、从CDE中选择合适的句子补全对话,将序号写在横线上。(每题2分,共10分)A.but hs er kid .B.cool! C.Whas e like?.iscas is souhn .E.s h

7、quiet?Li Li:I hve neEglih teacher._1_.John:Really?_2_.i Li:Hesyounand strng.eaunversity stdent.John:_3_.i Lei:o, he nt. He is vey actieJon:s he srict?Le:Yes, h,_ohn:_5.八、阅读理解。读下面的这篇短文,根据短文选择正确的选项。(每题分,共10分)I hae asie. Ss2 ars o.Se i ro Jigen.S s all,but she is not ve tron.She s a nivrsitytet. e like

8、to sin a dance Shever ati.hi very unnynd kid. I ik t ig and dnwithhr.( )1.My ister is _. A. a mn B.a yng C an d ma ( )2.hts y ew sitlike? .Se i talla strong B e iks tosig and dane. h sall , bus i not ery trong.( )3.Wer s h fm? A.e is fromJingmen B.he s from Cand. C.he s ve nny n kid.( ).hatdesshe lke? AShe ikes topay th me. B.e lik singd danc. C. e lketo pla fooball().I he active? AYes, she i o,s is. . Ye, he is, buthe i very quet.


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